AB side of station B Paid Video: Commercial Council and User Experience difficult to balance

Author:China Commercial Network Time:2022.06.24

China Business Daily (Reporter Zhao Yiru) Recently, station B has launched the UP main paid video function to accelerate the pace of business monetization. But at the same time, the contradiction between commercial monetization and user experience has once again appeared. How can we balance the pressure of losses and the controversy of "leeks"?

UP main paid video online

Recently, station B officially launched the function of paying the main video content of UP.

B station UP owner "Hook Hand Hands Duncan" uploaded a series of video collection of the "Top Ten Uncontroll Mysters in the World" and opened the paid viewing function. The 10 episodes need to pay 30 yuan.

In fact, Station B's function of paid video has been tried. In October 2019, Station B launched the "Classroom" channel to open the internal test of paid courses. After the content of the knowledge zone broke out in 2020, Station B and Luo Xiang and other Famous teachers launch paid courses. But this time the paid function is an attempt to make the main content of the UP.

China Business Daily reporters asked the reason for the function of the launch of station B and whether they were worried that it would affect the user's willingness to pay, but asked Station B, but as of press time, it has not been responded.

However, the UP owner said in the comments of the paid video: "This is a brand new attempt. For so long, I have always wanted to get more energy to make more boutique content. If you can have the opportunity to increase our team to increase the team, add the team to increase our team to increase the team. Some income, maybe we can expand production capacity and do something more interesting. "

As of press time, the paid video playback has exceeded 24,000 times. At the same time, the main fan of the UP was 1.167 million, which was slightly decreased compared to nearly 1.18 million fans when paid videos were launched.

"It has been available before the paid video of station B, but it is mostly some copyright parties and more complete knowledge courses. UP's personal entertainment paid video is the first time." An industry insider told China Business Daily reporter "The main income of the main income of the UP station B is the creative incentives brought by the volume, likes, coins, and collecting numbers, fans charging fundraising, and advertising. The income of a channel is considerable. However, it is more like a targeted harvest and loyalty test for fans. "

Accelerate the realization of "get rid of difficulties"

From the perspective of financial reports, Station B is still deeply trapped in the predicament of increasing income. In the first quarter of this year, Station B revenue was 50.54 billion yuan, an increase of 30%year -on -year; net loss reached 2.284 billion yuan, an increase of more than 152%year -on -year. The losses of Station B from 2017 to 2021 were 183.8 million yuan, 565 million yuan, 1.303.6 billion yuan, 3.1 billion yuan, and 6.8 billion yuan, respectively.

It is worth noting that the revenue from the number of users and the value -added service income related to users still maintain growth. In the first quarter of this year, the average monthly active user of Station B reached 294 million, an increase of 31%year -on -year; the average daily active users reached 79.4 million, a year -on -year increase of 32%; the average monthly paid users reached 27.2 million, a year -on -year increase of 33%; the value -added service camp It was closed to 2.052 billion yuan, an increase of 37%year -on -year, mainly due to strengthening the capacity of commercialization, and the number of paid users including large members, live broadcast services and other value -added services increased.

Chen Rui, chairman and CEO of Station B, said: "The quality of user growth is actually higher than the past. The growth rate of DAU (daily active users) exceeds MAU (monthly active users). The growth rate of users exceeds the growth rate of DAU, and the user payment rate reached a new high, reaching 9.3%. This fully shows that not only the user growth is faster than in the past, but also better in quality than in the past. "

In this case, why is station B still anxious to turn on the UP main paid video function?

"There will be the upper limit of user growth, so Station B has been looking for the channels for open source realization in recent years." In the distance, the big membership, the exclusive membership of the big member, and the big members paid half the price, and now it is a paid video, all of which are realized. But at present, it is still losing money every quarter, so it is not surprising that there is any payment afterwards. "

"This new attempt is an inevitable choice for its business model exploration direction for the platform. Free is a stage for the platform to train users. Once this stage enters the next stage of development, payment is an inevitable trend. After the scale, as its investment in content creation subsidies decreases, the platform needs more commercial channels to meet the realization requirements of the content creator. Therefore, the UP main video payment is one of the trend of future development. " China Business Daily reporter.

Chen Rui bluntly stated in the performance telephone: "In 2022, under the premise of maintaining healthy user growth, the company's strategic focus will focus on accelerating the process of commercialization and further reduction of costs and efficiency." At the same time, Chen Rui said that the goals of the 2024 profit and loss balancing in the past will not change.

Fan Xin, the chief financial officer of station B, said that for the company, the profit target and expanding revenue are equally important. In the future, the company will continue to increase the process of commercialization, increase user payment rates, increase the advertising market share, and increase the gross profit margin of each business line by increasing income.

How to balance the realization and experience

The opening of new paid functions has increased the channels for commercial monetization, but it has also caused some controversy.

A user who opened the big member of the B -stop Bags, Ms. Li bluntly said to the China Business Daily reporter: "It can be understood that Station B wants to make a profit as soon as possible, but at the same time, it also feels that the content of the content of station B is not as good as before. It is young and more and more advertisements. I even consider stopping renewal after membership expires this year. "Long video platforms are often controversial on the road to commercial monetization. Earlier, some users have sued Tencent Video, iQiyi and other platforms because of members' payment, and the "unlocking the plot in order" by Tencent Video was also questioned "bundled sales".

How to balance the contradiction between business monetization and user experience?

"At present, the platform is trying to do some open source and throwing actions, and explore more based on content payment and commercial monetization." Ma Shicong, a senior analyst of the marketing channel industry, told China Business Daily, "The platform wants to operate long -term operations, users want to operate, users, users, users, users, users, users, users, users, users Experience will definitely focus on consideration, but the excitation of user needs is also possible. From the survey data, users have a strong demand for high -quality content, and there are many related cases about paying high -quality content, but in the user experience It still needs to be improved. Therefore, the key to platform business monetization is how to choose high -quality content, how to meet user needs, and how to better operate user needs. "

"In fact, most netizens opposed to charges the lack of original content and no nutritional videos, and there are still unreasonable places for the current video charging mechanism. There are also problems with the charging method unclear. "Zhang Guilin said," If the paid video must exist in the future, I hope that the long video platform can consider the content review, division, and charging method to provide users and UP owners a reasonable solution ","

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