How can we go to the world to go to the world to go to the sea to lay the layout of the world?

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.06.29

With the maturity of the environmental environment, more and more Chinese consumer brands have invested their vision to overseas markets.

In the field of tide, the bubble Mate, which is out of the circle of "blind boxes", is continuing to expand overseas markets. On June 20, Bubble Mart issued a statement in his overseas social account that the first Korean flagship store in Bubble Mate was about to be officially opened.

In the field of beauty, many domestic brand brands also chose to go to the sea to find the sea of ​​stars. According to Tmall's data, from January to November 2021, the export amount of Chinese beauty cosmetics and washing products was US $ 4.3631 billion, an increase of 12.8%year -on -year.

Taking the "Oriental Makeup, Flower Makeup" as the brand's dominant domestic makeup brand Hua Nishiko as an example. Since last year, the brand has settled in many cross -border e -commerce platforms such as Amazon and Shopee. Opening services with regions, in many countries that trigger oriental aesthetics, mature beauty markets such as the United States and Japan have become the main force of overseas sales.

Under the tide of sea, consumer brands are pushing China's intellectual manufacturing to the world, and pioneers have even built a world -renowned world.

At the end of the 20th century, Huawei began to go abroad. In 2005, overseas contract sales exceeded domestic contract sales for the first time. As of the moment, Huawei has approximately 195,000 employees, and its business has spread to more than 170 countries and regions, serving more than 3 billion people worldwide. Huawei has become one of the representatives of the company through globalization.

However, as Huawei has also been in the process of opening up the country overseas, it has also been a blue strand. Chinese consumer brands in different industries are inevitably facing challenges from all aspects of organizational structure, talent, supply chain, and adapting to local policies.

For these Chinese consumer brands that go abroad, going global is just the first step. How to overcome challenges from various aspects is the key to determine whether they can take the wind and waves in the global market. The field of consumer brands is still looking forward to more global companies like Huawei to create real global competitiveness.

When domestic goods go out to the sea, gold rush is going on

Many years ago, Made in China had been labeled with "flat replacement" and "cottage". Over the years, with the continued overseas of Chinese consumer brands and achieved outstanding achievements, "Made in China" has been "rectified."

Taking Huawei as an example, in 2008, Huawei has been rated as the top ten most influential companies in the world by Commercial Weekly. According to Informa's consultation report, Huawei ranks third in the world in the field of mobile device markets.

By 2021, as far as the communication industry is concerned, Huawei is already a world -leading leading company. According to official website information, more than 700 cities and 267 worldwide companies in the world choose Huawei as a partner of digital transformation.

Huawei's successful experience in globalization is worth repeatedly studied. Huawei's rotating CEO Hu Houkun once concluded: "Today, the two pasts that have been separated from the two pasts that have been separated in the past," Global Corporation 'and' Localization Company ', which are highly developed. The more unified. Huawei's business practice should combine the two, integrate global excellent resources, create a global value chain, and help local creations to exert global value. "

The sages are in front, and the successor is endless.

Shein makes full use of the comparative advantages of the Chinese clothing industry and the digital economy, and has become the world's leading fast fashion brand in just a few years. Bubble Mart is based on China as the base, extended from online sales to overseas offline sales. On June 18 this year, Bubble Mart landed in the first pop -up shop in the United States. Earlier, in January and April, Bubble Mart opened its first local retail stores in London and Auckland, New Zealand. Wang Ning, the founder of Bubble Mart, said at the performance communication meeting that the proportion of business in the sea will reach 50%in the future.

In the field of beauty in international brands that have long occupied an advantageous position, Chinese brand Huaxizi has not only occupied a mountain and mountains in the makeup industry in just a few years, but also goes overseas. In March 2021, Hua Xizi officially settled in Amazon Japan and started the first battle of Hua Nizi to go to sea. On the first day of the settlement, Tongxin Locked Corporal Ranking in the top three of Amazon's red sales volume, once out of stock. In January 2022, the American top beauty blogger Jeffree Star spontaneously evaluated Hua Xizi, which instantly detonated the brand's global influence.

It is worth mentioning that young brands have a distinctive way to go to sea. In early 2022, Forbes had published a new trend of Chinese brands in 2022. In the case of analyzing the successful case of Huoxi Zi, the use of brand strategy to achieve localization, which is in line with the cultural habits of target consumers, will be the key to the success of the brand to go to sea.

How to go to the next level?

Sun Wei, a well -known top -level design expert and senior brand marketing consultant of Tsinghua University, believes that China's excellent consumer brands already have cost -effective quality advantages in the supply chain capacity, but in terms of the cultural background of globalization, there is still the disadvantage of inconsistent with the local market. The main reason behind this is the lack of understanding of the cultures of various countries and lack of localized brand operations.

Lu Xizi's chief product official Lu Zeng said that at the beginning, Huoxiko had three colors of liquid foundation in overseas markets. In order to better meet the needs of overseas markets, we would do further localized development. "The culture of global users, the way of using products, and their skin quality and climate are different. When we make a global layout, we will also adjust the corresponding formula." Sun Wei believes that China consumption To go out, the brand needs to start from three places in the top -level design: the first supply chain Sinicizer, the internationalization of the second talent, and the globalization of the third market channel. Give full play to the advantages of Chinese manufacturing, use the global localized talents, and serve the localization of various countries.

Jiang Han, a senior researcher at Pangu Think Tank, believes that in addition to its own product strength and scientific research, Chinese companies also need higher and stronger global resource integration capabilities. High demand. "Build a diversified organizational structure that is more suitable for the global development of Chinese enterprises, or it can provide more momentum for the brand to go to sea."

The person in charge of Huaxizi Overseas Operations said that after opening the link of cross -border sales, Huoxi Zi will further promote the globalized organizational structure, gradually create localized operating capabilities, integrate global resources, and become truly born in China. Brands and enterprises with global influence.

Fortunately, although there are still difficulties and challenges, the trend of Chinese brands to go to sea continues to improve. The "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" plan clearly mentioned that Chinese products, services, technology, brands, and standards are going global. Support enterprises to integrate into the global industrial chain supply chain, and improve transnational operating capabilities and levels.

Under various favorable factors, Chinese consumer brands have moved to the world and even become consensus from all over the industry. If Huawei did not go abroad with a lonely courage, there would be no Huawei today. Only when you go global, build organizations, absorb talents, integrate resources, and compete with the most powerful opponents, can we temper the global brand with core competitiveness. Text/Chen Ziyang

Daily Economic News

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