Zhoukou City 2022 Science and Technology Activity Week was launched in Huaiyang

Author:Zhoukou Daily Time:2022.06.30

Zhoukou Daily · Zhou Dao client reporter Hou Junyu text/picture

On June 28, the launching ceremony of the Science and Technology Activity Week in Zhoukou City in 2022 was held in Huaiyang Middle School.

The theme of this current Science and Technology Activity Week is "Entering the Science and Technology You and Me".There are three major events of the theme activities of the event week: first, the publicity of scientific laws and regulations and scientific and technological policies; the other is the display of scientific and technological innovation achievements; the third is to carry out a series of activities for the civil service of science and technology.Through the activity week, promote the scientific spirit in the whole society, spread scientific ideas and scientific methods, and enhance the public's understanding, mastery and use of science and technology.

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