Dialogue 丨 How does smart transportation business evolve on the cloud?

Author:Traffic release Time:2022.07.07

The real integration of technology and business can produce model innovation. Adhering to the concept of co -creation and integration, the spark of wisdom and new technologies in traditional transportation infrastructure and new technologies. Recently, the media interviewed Xiao Lu, general manager of Alibaba Cloud's intelligent transportation and logistics industry to explain the methodology and differentiated capabilities of Alibaba Cloud in the field of transportation.

Q since joining Alibaba Cloud, you have been working in the transportation industry. What changes do you feel at the level of team building and business?

Xiao Lu

There is a saying in Ali called "embrace changes" -I joined Ali Cloud in 2018. In a few years, I have experienced many changes. These changes are also the process of our self -growth. 1 Team develops rapidly. From internal incubation, it has gradually grown into a team with industry and digital ability in practice and learning. Until now, there are professional talents in many segments such as highways, cities, aviation, water transportation, and logistics. 2 The breadth and depth of the service. Since the release of the city's brain in 2016, we have been exploring in -depth cooperation based on cloud computing, big data, Internet capabilities, and in -depth cooperation in the transportation industry. In 2018, we chose the "two one" market track: to be a deeper industry, highway; do a model, Southern Airlines. On the one hand, because civil aviation itself is very international, heavy service experience, and marketization, it has high acceptance and dependence on informatization. On the other hand, Alibaba Cloud has very strong cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence technology capabilities. Alibaba Group's Gaode Map, Financial Payment, Cainiao, etc., can produce chemical reactions through industrial integration. 3 The endless and rapid iteration of ideas and practice. In the first year, at the stage of self -proof and verification, we found the opportunity to let customers know that Alibaba Cloud had cut into the transportation industry. After that, we gradually understood the needs of the industry and explored step by step: In 2019, we began to try to precipitate the "transportation industry products"; in 2020, we cut into the highway field and received many customers support, especially the digital system that broke through the highway to highways. Construction; in 2021, based on the precipitation of product technology, we began to brew the application of universal solutions in the fields of highways, waterway, civil aviation, urban transportation, etc., and initially formed the methodology and concepts of digital transformation of industry with independent insights. This change is progressive and rolled forward, not the order of linear. Markets, products and strategic planning are constantly optimizing and adjusting almost every quarter.

Q when I first entered the transportation field, what accumulated Alibaba Cloud? What are the practical conditions of the transportation industry, and why Alibaba Yun thinks there is a suitable entry point?

Xiao Lu

Relatively speaking, the transportation industry is a basic, first -guided and service industry. In the past 40 years, its development focus has been in infrastructure construction, meets the basic transportation needs of the national economy, and solves the problem of "walking", but it is not sufficient to be unbalanced in informationization. It should be said that the country's investment in road construction is very huge, but when infrastructure construction has reached a certain stage, the digitalization of infrastructure will be considered. At the same time, in terms of passenger and freight travel, it pays more attention to "walking well" and "walking safely" and "green", which requires informationization methods to improve and transform. As an Internet company, Alibaba is actually similar to the transportation industry. It is a network industry, involving a large number of C -terminal customers and a large amount of data analysis and application. But how to further integrate transportation and the Internet? First of all, traffic serving people's clothing, food, housing and transportation is a high -frequency industry. If the traffic big data is used well, it will generate greater value, which has a common demand with the Internet. Second, Alibaba itself is very rich Traffic elements, such as Gaode, Flying Pig, Chihiro, etc., have very strong traffic attributes. It was just that the resources were scattered at the time and did not aggregate together. Third, with the rapid development of Alibaba Cloud, cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence technology could solve some problems that could not be solved by traditional informationization methods. The dividend of technological development. For example, to alleviate traffic issues, massive data processing, real -time calculation, and oversized simulation are required. Traditional IT suppliers and professional companies may not have such a strong computing power support. Coupled with Alibaba Cloud's technical capabilities of the urban brain in 2016, the combination of internal and external can give Alibaba Cloud's opportunity to expand and use it in the entire transportation system with the help of urban traffic management.

Q2016 The brain of Alibaba Cloud City has been released. Why did not continue to focus on the city's brain in the future?

Xiao Lu

There are many technical capabilities of urban brain precipitation, including data models and algorithms, data and business in the transportation industry, and the ability of the central Taiwan to be reused in the practice of smart high -speed and smart ports. However, the urban brain is more focused on the refined management of urban transportation, and urban transportation is only a part of the transportation system. Others include highways, aviation, Hong Kong and Airlines, logistics and other fields. In the cooperation with the transportation industry, we found that the digitalization of transportation needs to be systematized systematically around the “regulation, construction, management, maintenance, transportation, and service”, not just management. If you only talk about the city's brain, people in the industry will question. This prompts us to rethink the market strategy: precipitation is suitable for the entire scene and link of the transportation and logistics industry, which can solve the integration solutions of industry pain points and supply and demand, and at the same time derived from the precipitation of urban brain capacity precipitation. Q How did you choose the industry at the time?

Xiao Lu

In the first year, we cooperated with Southern Airlines, and it was also a model for digital transformation of state -owned enterprises. In the process, we found that from the perspective of generating high -frequency data, the number of passengers of Chinese airlines is relatively stable every day, and the business will not explode for the time being. We hope to find more scenarios that generate data, so that Alibaba Cloud's technology can help the national economy and people's livelihood. Railway and highways are the two areas with the largest demand for infrastructure upgrades in national and local governments. Among them, the railway is a relatively closed system. However, the highway field is different. The highway market is large enough, the connection methods are large enough, and the service population is wide. At the same time, the highway has urgent demand for digitalization of infrastructure, intelligent operation control, and quality of travel services. It has a strong dependence on the behavior and status data of traffic participants. It has reached the stage of urgent digital transformation. China's highway network is very developed, and it has reached 160,000 kilometers at the end of 2020, but there is a significant difference in the development of the East and West Highways: the eastern region has gradually entered the "post -construction" era, focusing on expansion and transformation and network efficiency improvement. , To improve the user experience; the development of highways in the western region, but the level of informationization is backward compared to the East. Customers care about construction costs while hoping to use the external force "curve overtaking" instead of being built in a backward way. At the same time, the west also needs technology to solve the security problems caused by geographical factors such as alpine and tunnels. Therefore, the traditional way cannot support the future construction of the east and west roads, and it is necessary to solve business problems through integration and innovation. At that time, we analyzed that roads can be used as a deep -digging track, but the market scope of the highway field is too large, including highways, national provincial trunk lines, rural roads, urban roads, and so on. As a result, we once again focused on the highway and moderate attention to the national province's trunk roads. After all, the state has high requirements for the informatization construction of highways, and the digital demand is relatively strong. Later, we expanded to airports, logistics, Hong Kong and other tracks, forming a territory of Alibaba Cloud Traffic Logistics today.

Q in the early days, what was the most challenging by customers?

Xiao Lu

At that time, we took a year to find customers who could accept our ideas and abilities. This is difficult, because the road repair bridge itself is a very traditional field. In the first year, we visited a lot of customers, and everyone's enthusiasm for cooperation was also very high, but the customer would ask: "Can you reduce the safety risk when you go to Alibaba Cloud, can you solve the congestion?" The conclusion is: "Your Dharma courtyard is very strong, the Internet is strong, and new retail is strong, but what does this have to do with traffic? You don't understand traffic." We spent at least half a year, and we visited not less than 20. The highway construction party, the owner, and the regulators hope to find the customers who have a common concept and agree with us. Later, we changed our mind: we should not think of customers with our logic, but we must create and practice with customers, to explore and practice together. Fortunately, we have found such customers who are willing to think with us how to integrate the business of traditional road repair and technology, think about the new concept of leading digital traffic, and tell us the future of their imagination of smart transportation, and we You can also try your own thoughts from a scene and gradually deepen. With the in -depth co -creation with customers, in -depth research on the scene, we quickly discovered that we can use the capabilities of Gaode, Ding Ding, and Data to provide customers with a series of scenarios, including full -coverage, including full -coverage, and many ways Efficient collaboration, accurate and timely accompanying services, etc., to achieve precise perception, accurate analysis, fine control, and careful services of highway control. To this day, we have provided intelligent solutions for more than 50 highway sections across the country to serve the construction and operators of more than 20 provinces across the country.

Q How does people in different fields form consensus? This experience may be very valuable to all practitioners.

Xiao Lu

Aside from the skills, I think the key is the final consciousness of "ending the end", set a very clear business goal, and study the real business pain points. For example, the problem raised by Ningbo Zhoushan Port is to improve the overall efficiency of the port container scheduling by digitalization by digitalization by digitalization. This seems to be a very simple single digital indicator. It is difficult to increase the digitalization of the whole process, which is difficult. In the process, it is necessary to judge which can be changed and which ones that need to be reached with customers. In the end, bringing real business value is the key to impressing customers.

Q should be in many cases, you do n’t understand the customer ’s thoughts, and your thoughts do n’t understand. Looking back now, which are really not understanding the business and which are the gap between technical cognition? What is the proportion of two situations?

Xiao Lu

We must have no customer understanding business. Customers may not have us to understand cloud, big data and artificial intelligence. This is a fact. Except for some traditional IT fields, as long as it involves customer business, 80%of the points are not right. For example, before the project, customers often ask us: "Why do you want to make a system to support high concurrency?" "If the system migrates to the cloud, how do I do?" Bridge, they can not only understand customer demands, but also combine Alibaba Cloud's capabilities with customer business. Moreover, the end of the project is not really over. We also need to do project precipitation with customers, and let the team continue to explore in the actual combat scene to form a solution for digital integration industry capabilities. Finally, a mechanism is formed: there are corresponding professional talents, actual combat scenes, continuously improving professional capabilities, and forming a closed loop of the integration of digital technology and industry scenes -this is also valuable for customers to accumulate. We often talk about "delivery of a project, Create a team. "

Q Can you give it an example to talk about several typical customers of Alibaba Cloud services?

Xiao Lu

Customers have been accompanied by and supporting the growth of Alibaba Cloud at all stages. In the process of cooperating with the Shu Dao Group, the "smart eyes" was built at the high speed of Chengdu around the Chengdu, which realized the intelligence of perception; when the Chengdu Second Expressway Test, the trial of car road collaboration and smart high -speed attempts were started. In the cooperation of Han high -speed, it is hoped to achieve digitalization of bridge tunnels. In the digital transformation of the port, we and the Ningbo Zhoushan Port Group create a smart port; in the digital construction of the logistics backbone network transportation system, we also help the logistics transportation enterprise that focuses on autonomous driving. The efficiency of research and development; in the practice of digital airlines, we and China Southern Airlines have realized the full -business digital transformation based on Shuangzhongtai, and the digital marketing model innovation with China United Airlines has achieved the digital marketing model.

Q Port, Airlines, highway, highway and other fields are digital construction in the fields of highways?

Xiao Lu

Now everyone is talking about digitalization and knows more digitalization. Four years ago, customers had doubts about the safety and necessity of Shangyun. Now the National Development and Reform Commission has clearly written cloud computing into the scope of "new infrastructure". The government advocates digital reform, and state -owned enterprises are also actively promoting digital transformation. Related policies of the Ministry of Transport have mentioned many times that "the application of big data, cloud computing, and data centers in the field of transportation, and promoting the construction of a new generation of traffic control networks." Although under the commonality, the pain points of each subdivision track are different, after four years of iteration, Alibaba Cloud uses technical advantages such as cloud computing, big data, digital twins, edge computing, which can create a general transportation industry Solution can also focus on different scenarios to provide differentiated solutions.

Q In the construction of digital ports, what innovative local experience and practice is there?

Xiao Lu

In the past, China Port Study in the international ports such as Rotterdam and Singapore, but today, China Port has developed unique advantages. Especially in terms of throughput and digital ability, it has a certain leading in global scope. The construction of China's ports should consider local reality. After the reform of the "Central Land Coordinating and Local -based" reform in the 1990s, my country's port was once "the state -owned and private entities have all kinds of subjects in Qishang, and the construction of the shore line of the port area was out of control". The situation. At present, the large ports are integrated in port resources in accordance with the new pattern of "one province and one port of the coast", which is intended to reduce invalid competition. But so far, the operation of about 80%of the country or key terminals still face the problem of low efficiency and waste of resources. In the past few years, the construction of the fully automated terminal of Shanghai Yangshan Port and Qingdao Port is a leading benchmark in the world. However, the problem is that only when the construction of Xingang is constructed, it will use fully automated technology, and it will cost billions of yuan; small port groups and traditional docks need intelligent solutions when the benefits are not so good. That is, in the case of limited investment, a technical advanced digital system can also be built to ensure the improvement of operating efficiency and efficiency. Of course, this is difficult. Our practice in Zhoushan Port, Ningbo is a cost -effective exploration of reference significance.

Q in the field of large transportation is part of logistics. Alibaba has great advantages in the logistics industry, but I haven't mentioned it before. Why?

Xiao Lu

The logistics industry is mainly improved in operation and service efficiency. In addition to leading companies, there are many small and medium -sized enterprises, and the scenes are also very diverse. Alibaba has certain advantages. On the one hand, it can be trapped as a upstream enterprise, and on the other hand, it can build a better system on the public cloud. In the past four years, we have been firmly implementing the "cloud logistics" strategy. Starting from the "three links and one Da Da", they have occupied a large part of the market share, and the core business has basically achieved a comprehensive cloud; in addition, China Post is also a large customer of Alibaba Cloud's mixed clouds. Therefore, the backbone network of logistics and about 90 % of the core systems of large core nodes are on the Alibaba Cloud, which can achieve more efficient linkage of various transportation methods. Today we talk about logistics, we need to look at another height. The improvement of logistics efficiency is a systematic thing, not only express delivery, but also includes intercity transportation, freight, container transportation, backbone network transportation, etc. It is a supply chain system. Activate the upstream and downstream of the logistics industry chain, and open up the logistics hub parks, urban roads, high -speed, ports, and airports, so that the logistics can exert greater value and truly reflect the systemic advantages of improving the efficiency of three -dimensional transportation. Q What is the future challenges and outlook?

Xiao Lu

The biggest challenge is that the improvement of our capabilities must keep up with the development of the industry. Talents will always be the biggest challenges. I hope that there will be excellent talents to join in. At the same time, I also hope that more people will realize that Alibaba Cloud's investment in the field today is not only to do business with customers, but also exploring the integration of cutting -edge technology and traditional infrastructure. This is conducive to the comprehensive improvement of people's livelihood services in terms of regulators, owners, builders, and builders, and the integration of ordinary consumers, new infrastructure and traditional infrastructure, and high -quality development of the economy.

Source 丨 Yunqi Strategic Reference Editor 丨 Shan Jiawen Liao Yan Review 丨 Administrative System 丨 Sun Yingli submitted mailbox: [email protected] Business: 010-65293624

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