Total investment 83.8 billion yuan!25 major projects settled in Chengdu concentrated

Author:Chengdu Daily Jinguan Time:2022.07.07

On July 7, Chengdu held a centralized signing ceremony (second season) for the major project construction of strong chain investment promotion projects. 25 major projects settled in Chengdu with a total amount of 83.8 billion yuan. Shi Xiaolin, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the signing ceremony.

In this centralized signing project, there are 15 main investment projects of the chain enterprise and 10 chain enterprises' investment projects; 21 advanced manufacturing projects and a total amount of the agreement of 69.87 billion yuan, including Jiangsu Best Crystal Crystal Semiconductor Chip grinding and cutting and back metal on the back metal The production base of Huahua's pharmaceuticals and high -end preparation R & D and production bases, Beijing Ripple headquarters and semiconductor material R & D and manufacturing bases.

The manufacturing industry is the foundation of Licheng and Xingshi. At present, Chengdu is firmly implementing the strategy of strong manufacturing cities, promoting the high -end, intelligent, and green transformation of the manufacturing industry, and building a demonstration zone of the high -quality development of the national manufacturing industry. The implementation of these projects will further fill the gap in the relevant key industry chain in Chengdu, extend the industrial chain, promote the overall level of the scale of the industrial chain, and help Chengdu to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system with outstanding competitive advantages.

On the same day, Chengdu also signed a cooperation agreement with a number of main companies such as TCL and Dell. Among them, the TCL Group will build a smart manufacturing base in the West and Eurasian supply chain in Rong, and strive to create an intelligent terminal product Eurasian export smart manufacturing base, precision circuit board export manufacturing center, pan -European Pan -Asian smart collection center, smart terminal product export export Processing Industrial Park and Eurasian Export Product R & D Center, helping Chengdu's new display and smart terminal industry building a strong chain. Dell will promote the transformation and upgrading of Dell Chengdu's production base, and to accelerate the establishment of an efficient industrial ecosystem and industrial chain with Chengdu, and help Chengdu's strong chain of the establishment of the electronic information industry.

City leaders Cao Junjie and Xian Rongsheng, Chen Lizhang, director of the Sichuan Tianfu New District Management Committee, and Yu Hui, director of the Management Committee of Chengdu High -tech Zone, attended.

Chengdu Daily Jinguan Journalist Zhang Jiahua Editor He Qixie Editor Liu Yonghao

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