Huang Bin: Live virtual persons will also "collapse houses" must pay attention to complian

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.06.14

Zhongxin Jingwei June 14th. Question: Live virtual human beings also "collapse" must pay attention to compliance issues

Author Huang Bin, Beijing Dehe Heng Law Institute, Director of the Cosmic Technology and Legal Research Center, "Internet Legal Review" special expert

The new crown epidemic that lasted for nearly three years has made people get used to long -term "online work and study", and at the same time promote the concentration of virtual people to meet people's "online work and entertainment". Virtual human beings are an important role in connecting reality and opening the Yuan universe, and have become an important interactive track in the Yuan universe. At the same time, the virtual human live broadcast of merchants appeared on major platforms like mushrooms. The live broadcast of "virtual human+story scene" subverted the traditional live broadcast mode, refreshing the user's understanding of the platform and brand, and building a new marketing marketing Ecology. In order to achieve sustainable operation, platforms and live virtual merchants need to pay great attention to the operation and compliance risks.

Live virtual human development overview

The virtual person originated in the 1980s. In recent years, with the development of modeling, AI, motion, and rendering technology, it has entered a period of rapid growth. On October 20, 2021, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television released the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" Science and Technology Development Plan for Radio, Television, and Internet Audiovisual, and proposed that "exploring short video anchors, digital Internet celebrities, live broadcasts and other virtual images such as" The application in the link increases personalization and fun ", and for the first time, it clearly encourages and supports the development of virtual human beings. "Now that I have entered a time point, I don't need to educate customers. I told him why to push you virtual person. Many brands directly ask what virtual people can cooperate with them. The purpose is very strong. This is also mature with the market. The degree is related, "said Ding Yan, the founder of the motion universe.

On June 8, 2022, AnyColor was listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. This is the world's first listed company in virtual human -owned business. Its Rainbow Club and Live Broadcasting Division. Today, some brands of virtual human -human -deep customization and companies that provide virtual human IP operation services have begun to customize the brand's virtual human human beings, or cooperate with the company that provides virtual human IP operation services to try to use virtual human image IP value output opens the influence in the Z era and expands new consumer groups.

Live virtual human beings will also "collapse"

The industry generally believes that there is a risk of collapse in live anchors, and there is no risk of live broadcast virtual human beings. But in fact, the virtual people will also collapse. Artificial intelligence virtual human -related data is used to conduct machine learning through a large amount of preset personality -related data, then automated decision -making through algorithms, and interacting with users. Artificial intelligence virtual personality shaping may implement the commercial purpose of platforms and merchants. The purpose of this business may cause people to collapse due to some discrimination and prejudice. The inherent prejudice and discrimination of algorithm designers may also cause people to collapse. For example, a brand smart speaker is recommended to commit suicide when responding to the issue of user heartbeat cycle. A certain artificial intelligence software recognizes black people into long animals.

"The top flow virtual idol A-Soul collapsed overnight, the five girls behind were really tools? "One article also pointed out: But whether it is AI live broadcast or the designs designed by the script, it is not what the fans really want. Capital may think that fans love leather cases, but for many fans, the emotional value provided by virtual idols is more important than cold leather cases. The leather case and the soul are complementary. Fans must be attracted by the leather case at first glance, but the interesting soul is the key to maintaining popularity.

Live -driven virtual human and artificial intelligence virtual humans are facing compliance issues

Although virtual idols are technical products, they still have to rely on people to drive. Intelligent virtual person refers to the use of artificial intelligence technology, through the operation results of multi -mode technology and deep learning models, real -time or offline drive virtual human voice expression, facial expressions, and specific actions. Human settings, and give live virtual "souls".

The use of artificial intelligence should comply with the principles of understanding and fairness. Artificial intelligence should be able to understand the existing morality of human society; the operation of artificial intelligence should maintain transparent and visible principles, so as not to allow specific individuals or minority groups Disclosure; artificial intelligence should respect personality dignity and personal privacy, and ensure the right to know the right to know artificial intelligence participants. Finally, the development of artificial intelligence should be controllable. Human beings should not belong to artificial intelligence, nor should they be coerced by artificial intelligence. To ensure the role of humans in artificial intelligence, when artificial intelligence is out of control, there should be destruction devices. For the live broadcast operations of intelligent virtual human beings, the risks that platforms and businesses need to pay attention to are as follows:

For a platform that brings together a large number of virtual human -human -human -friendly, the good managers of the platform are related to the positive economic benefits directly obtained from the virtual human live broadcast (for example, the division of the reward obtained by the live virtual person), and the economy obtained The greater the benefit, the greater the obligation to take care of it. The legal responsibility and attention obligations that should be assumed are basically the same as the real -life -driven virtual human -human.

When producing and operating live virtual human -human, merchants should adhere to scientific ethics first. Ethics refers to the principles and guidelines that should be followed when dealing with the relationship between people, people, and society. It refers to a series of concepts of guiding behavior. It is a philosophical thinking from the perspective of conceptual perspective. It not only includes the behavioral norms of the relationship between people, people and society, and nature, but also contains the profound principles of standardizing behavior in accordance with certain principles. The biggest weakness of artificial intelligence is that the lack of direct feelings and weaknesses in value judgment, and the concepts of value concepts such as benefiting human beings, avoiding harm, fairness, and justice advocated by artificial intelligence standards are provided for the development and application of artificial intelligence technology. Value judgment standards.

The artificial intelligence technology represented by machine learning requires a lot of data. Data is the foundation of machine learning, the authenticity, integrity of the data, and the scale and quality of the data are the key to analyzing and modeling artificial intelligence. The core foundation of artificial intelligence and fairness is data. The unfair data is mainly reflected in: the proportion of different groups in the data is uneven, the inherent discrimination of data, the inherent prejudice of data, the inadequate inclusiveness of the data, the universality and the data of the data and the universality of the data The accuracy of data, etc. Data has inherent discrimination and prejudice because some values ​​with discrimination and prejudice are mapped on data. Without debugging and verification of the above data, this unfairness will be fed back to the artificial intelligence algorithm model and eventually maps to the fairness of artificial intelligence.

Algorithms are a "data processing activity", including collecting and processing data, tap data value, and covering the entire process of data generation, collection, storage, conversion, processing, and output. Intelligent live virtual persons need to achieve automated decision -making through algorithms to achieve strong interaction with users. The appearance and use of the algorithm is to perform large -scale duplicate tasks and calculations, to achieve commercial efficient and fast transactions, to achieve public power with breadth, depth and efficiency. With the increasingly wide application of algorithms, algorithms have become a tool for promoting politics, economy, culture, and social development. They should follow the common values ​​of human beings and abide by the ethics of the country or region; the algorithm should respect the status of the human body, give users the right to choose and decision -making power ; The algorithm should suppress the ubiquitous discrimination and prejudice of human society; the algorithm should protect the user's personal rights and property rights. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

This article was selected by the Sino -Singapore Jingwei Research Institute. The copy of the work produced by the selected work, the copyright of the work, is not authorized by any unit or individual. The views involved in the selected content only represent the original author and do not represent the view of the Sino -Singapore Jingwei.

Editor in charge: Sun Qingyang intern Li Jiawen

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