"Guide to the Plan for the Selfic Volunteers of Safety and Toughness Community" release

Author:Beijing Institute of Science a Time:2022.07.18

In order to coordinate the various businesses of the epidemic prevention and control and security, and implement the work deployment of the Beijing Institute of Science and Technology on Safety Production and Epidemic Prevention, the morning of July 15th, Liu Ziliang, the leader of the hospital, led the team. Wu Nuan, the inspection team composed of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the Zhongguancun Management Committee, the relevant offices of the institute, the Cheng'an Institute, and the Institute of Smart Pension went to the Institute of Science and Technology Intelligence to carry out the special work of safety risks and epidemic prevention and control investigation. And hold a special work meeting.

Reporting site of science and technology intelligence

At the meeting, the inspection team first listened to the deployment and implementation of the epidemic prevention and control, production safety, internal security, and network security in the first half of the year of the Science and Technology Intelligence Institute. The importance of the Institute of Science and Technology Intelligence work in detail from the aspects of political security, ideology, information security, and technical iteration of science and technology intelligence, and explained it with actual cases.

Secondly, the inspection team carried out comprehensive and systematically on -site inspections and guidance on the prevention and control of science and technology intelligence, security work, office environment, security management system, and information network implementation, and checked the corresponding work ledger.

After the on -site inspection, the two parties conducted further communication. The inspection team reminded the next step to improve the rectification. First, the quality work of the network should be strengthened. All systems should have equal qualifications to ensure safety; Informatization work has achieved results as soon as possible. OA OA strives for the unification of the whole hospital in August. The Science and Technology Intelligence Institute must do a good job of service guarantee to ensure that the information needs of our hospital and science and technology intelligence. Third, all electrical appliances must be deployed in place. Essence In the communication session, Zhang Shiyun also proposed difficulties in the use of air -conditioning, construction of academic salons, and refueling of bus on weekends. Wu Nuan explained one by one and expressed its efforts to solve it.

Speaking of the hospital leader Liu Ziliang

In the end, Liu Ziliang fully affirmed the security and stability of the Science and Technology Intelligence Institute in the first half of the year. First, the leaders attached great importance to the safety risk and epidemic prevention and control work, and the implementation of superior deployment and policies was firm and thorough. The rectification issues have been rectified in place; third, when there are many personnel and heavy business of science and technology intelligence, the safety of the epidemic prevention and control has fully proved the effectiveness of the policy implementation and deployment; the fourth is that the science and technology intelligence is done well While production safety and epidemic prevention and control, there was no delay in scientific research and consulting, and submitted a number of information to the municipal party committee and municipal government, which contributed to the development of Beijing's science and technology.

Liu Ziliang further pointed out that when the "20th National Congress" is about to be held, we must do three aspects of work. First, safety risk prevention training and education are currently in the period of frequent occurrence of accidents in summer. To ensure that there is everything in the field of safety; the second is to consolidate the normalization of the epidemic prevention and control, resolutely implement the Beijing policy, and ensure the prevention and control of the epidemic. Some advanced technologies should be used, and web security management is effectively strengthened.

(Yang Meng Meng/Wenkang Zhenguo/Photo)

Public account name: Beijing Institute of Science and Technology, Beijing Science and Technology Research Institute


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