The 10th increase of oil prices during the year, and Hengyang citizens will target the electric vehicle market

Author:Hengyang News website in China Time:2022.06.16

Hengyang News Network News reporter Zhu Min reported that domestic oil prices will usher in the tenth increase during the year at 24:00 on June 14, and No. 95 gasoline in many domestic places will enter the "10 yuan era".

According to the official website of the National Development and Reform Commission, according to the recent changes in oil prices in the international market, in accordance with the current mechanism for oil prices of refined oil products, from 24:00 on June 14, 2022, domestic auto and diesel prices (standard products, the same below) have increased each ton. 390 yuan and 375 yuan. On average: 92 gasoline No. 92 is 0.31 yuan per liter; 95 gasoline is raised 0.32 yuan per liter. According to the capacity of 50L of the general car fuel tank, it will spend 15.5 yuan more for a box 92 gasoline.

Since the beginning of this year, the domestic oil retail price limit has been reached by ten price adjustment windows, showing the "nine rises and one fall". After the rise and fall, the cumulative domestic auto and diesel prices have increased by 2,330 yuan and 2,245 yuan, respectively. The rise in oil prices has caused many Hengyang citizens to seriously consider changing the current way of driving. The reporter visited and found that the Hengyang Electric Bicycle Market has ushered in a wave of hot sales since March this year.

"You can buy a bicycle with a box of oil, and you can buy an electric bicycle with 4 boxes of oil!" This time the oil price rose, prompting the electric bicycle to usher in the sales boom. Director Liu, the flagship store of an electric bicycle in Shigu District, Hengyang, said: "With the rise in oil prices in March, the sales of electric bicycles in stores have increased significantly."

In recent times, the number of citizens who purchased electric bicycles in Hengyang have increased significantly. "The rise in fuel has led many car owners to transfer their attention to the electric two -wheel car market. Compared with the cost of fuel vehicles, electric bicycles at 2000 to 5,000 yuan are the first choice for citizens." Said Liu.

On the other hand, as the development technology of new energy electric vehicles becomes more and more mature, people's acceptance of electric vehicles has gradually increased, and electric vehicles with green cards on the street can be seen everywhere.

Consumers are paying attention to the information of new energy vehicles in a car sales store in Steamed Hunan. They said that the recent rise in oil prices has made electric vehicles more attractive. Sales staff told reporters that among the daily contact customers, many of them have changed their intentions recently, from fuel vehicles to electric vehicles, plus purchase tax subsidies, they do sell well.

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