Jia Yueting, a "magic" man, he melted to money again

Author:Connected dog Time:2022.08.04

Jia Yueting, who returned to China next week, was laughed at by netizens that Jia Yueting, who had only PPT, had a "loneliness" Jia Yueting, who had built a car so far. I have to say that Lao Jia's ability to engage in money is not compared with ordinary people. Moreover, Lao Jia is in the United States and has a rich man who flickered. It is really "eye -catching."

It melted to 4 billion again, but I didn’t see the rear of the car

According to the news, on August 2nd, FF Top Holding LLC, a major shareholder of Faraday Future (FF Company), signed a letter of intent for investment of $ 600 million. This means that Jia Yueting has melted to $ 600 million (equivalent to about RMB 4 billion). One said that when I heard the news, the author felt a little "pull", and at the same time felt "I have to admire" the old Jia. Thinking about that year, Lao Jia ran to the United States to build a car in 2014. It has been died in 8 years, and even the shadow of a car did not see it.

In contrast, Xiaomi announced the car building in 2021, and it was planned to mass production in 2024. It only took three years to close the total. And the same in 2014, Weilai and Xiaopeng, the cars, have exceeded 200,000 cars. Lao Jia is still "goose eggs". This is like a hundred meters racing. Others have run 80 meters, and Lao Jia is still warm -up. To be honest, when the old Jia's car comes out, I am afraid that others will prepare for the next game, and then the daylily will be cold.

Lao Jia Qianshi

Even if he didn't even see the tail of the car in eight years, some people were willing to believe in Lao Jia, and Lao Jia really continued to integrate money. I still remember that the earliest time, Lao Jia said that Faraday will start mass production in 2018. Now four years have passed, the car has not been seen, and the money has not been broken.

At that time, Lao Jia said that it was 500 million US dollars, which could only be extended. Later, he continued to commit promises and constantly happened. This process is a bit like a debt. Good brothers say that next month, next month will become next month, and then next year ... have been promised countless times, anyway, it is still not paid now. In July last year, Faraday listed, Lao Jia got a billion US dollars, and then it was almost a year.

Faraday's latest promise was delivered in July this year, but everyone saw that July has passed and has nothing. In this regard, Lao Jia said that he almost had money, about $ 300 million, and then the major shareholders voted another $ 600 million. I don't know if this time is coming. Anyway, the new ruthless words are put down, and it will definitely be delivered in the third quarter.

It is true to be able to make money, but it is not necessarily true to make money

Old Jia can always get money. We can't deny this, and we have to say "Niu ×". But the problem in front of Lao Jia is not just to get the car. This is just the first step. Whether it can make money later is the most critical.

It is reported that the first model delivered by Faraday in the future is FF91, which is positioned with luxury new energy vehicles priced at $ 100,000 or more. What Faraday imagined is that in the future, it can win a 3% share of the luxury car market and achieve profitability in 2025. In other words, Lao Jia has to lose at least three years. Of course, this is just a plan to lose three years. According to the habit of Lao Jia, it is not a matter to drag in the future for three or five years. Maybe we can see Faraday to make money in 2030.

In the past three years, Faraday lost $ 142 million, $ 147 million, and $ 517 million, respectively. This year, he lost harder, and lost $ 153 million in the first quarter. According to the current speed of money, the US $ 600 million in the flickering of Lao Jia will not be able to maintain it for a long time. At that time, I was afraid that Lao Jia would say that he would be short of money, so the car could not be made.

But it doesn't matter, Lao Jia always has a way to get money.

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