10 am!Longhua's first batch of cultural tourism consumer coupons issued

Author:Longhua News Time:2022.08.05

Want to "over" Longhua during this holiday? Want to stay in a star hotel with the maximum discount? Good news is here! Longhua District will issue 8 million yuan of cultural tourism consumer coupons. On August 4th, the reporter learned from the Longhua District Culture, Radio, Television Tourism and Sports Bureau that in order to further boost consumption confidence and stimulate residents' consumption potential, the bureau and the Shenzhen Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China were issued in four batches of 8 million in four batches from August to October. Yuanwen Travel Consumer Course, let you eat, drink, play, and experience consumer fun in one stop.

The cultural tourism consumer coupons issued this time include 1.5 million yuan of tourism consumer coupons, 1.5 million yuan of cultural consumer coupons, and general consumer coupons of 2 million yuan, and merchants subsidize 3 million yuan in red envelopes. The first batch of launch time was 10 am on August 5th, with a amount of 2 million yuan, and the denomination was 50 yuan, 100 yuan, and 600 yuan. Among them, tourist consumption vouchers can receive up to 600 yuan. As long as the resident population in Shenzhen and the conditions such as working in Longhua, and tourism personnel can be applied for consumer vouchers.

How to use the Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer? The reporter learned that this event participated in 51 merchants, including cinemas, star hotels and restaurants, attractions, travel agencies, bookstores, KTV, Internet cafes and other cultural tourism companies. After the consumer coupon is successful, you can spend on the offline (physical store) of the participating activities. The consumer coupon will be valid for 15 days since the issuance is issued. Consumer vouchers can be used in preferential discounts with merchants; when an order that uses consumer vouchers within the validity period, the consumer coupon can be used again, and the refund consumer coupon is valid to the validity period; if it exceeds the validity period or during the validity period Consumer vouchers cannot be used again.

How can such a good benefit be missed? Hurry up and pay attention to the WeChat public account "Longhua Literature Cloud", find the event page, fill in the relevant information registration and choose one of them to apply for "Tourism Consumer Vouc", "Cultural Consumption Voucher" and "General Consumer Course", and then fight Luck and hand speed. Warm reminder, the winner can open the "Digital Renminbi APP -Service -Red Envelope -Handed" after receiving the bank SMS notice. Each user has only one chance to grab a coupon during each active cycle.

Coupon Guide

1. Pay attention to the WeChat public account "Longhua Wen Sports Cloud";

2. Find the activity page, fill in the relevant information registration and choose to apply for "Tourism Consumer Coupon", "Cultural Consumption Voucher", "General Consumer Consumption";

3. Open it after opening channels.

Longhua News All -Media Reporter Yuan Chunyan Correspondent Lin Jiaman Zeng Jianbo

Edit Wang Wencheng

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