Global multinational enterprises: unpredictable with China

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.08.14

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 14th (International Observation) Global multinational enterprises: unreasonable with China

Xinhua News Agency reporter

Recently, the person in charge of an industry organization in the UK claimed that "British companies are cutting off a large -scale economic connection with China." However, a survey of the British Chamber of Commerce clearly show that British companies generally have an optimistic attitude towards the Chinese market. The British "Daily Telegraph" commentator Jerry Walner warned that it would pay a heavy price with China.

Globally, many multinational companies generally believe that the potential of the Chinese market is huge, the supply chain advantages are significant, and the pace of openness is firm. It is an indispensable part of economic globalization, which is unreasonable with China.

Close to the Chinese market is the general trend

Many European multinational companies recently released their first half of their financial reports. European car manufacturers such as Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes-Benz have good performance in China. British Fast Corporation, Liechi, German chemical giant BASF, and French beauty giant L'Oreal also performed well.

Under the influence of the world economy due to the repetition of the new crown epidemic, the obstruction of the supply chain, and the rise in energy prices, the sales of multinational companies in China have strong sales, the investment is steadily promoted, and the business has expanded rapidly.

As the world's largest cargo trading country and the second largest consumer market, imported goods and services each year are about 2.5 trillion US dollars, which is the fertile soil of many multinational companies. Close to the Chinese market is the main line of their business strategies.

Taking the automotive industry as an example, with the continuous upgrading of the Chinese automobile market, more and more international automotive brands regard China as the world's most important market. The new energy, intelligence, and networking of new energy, intelligence, and networking in the future development direction of the automotive industry have developed rapidly in China, attracting international automotive industry giants to increase innovation and research and development. China is becoming a global automotive industry innovation center.

"If you are not in China, if you can't keep up with the speed of China, I wonder if you can become a leading car manufacturer in the next 5 to 10 years." Feng Sihan, a former CEO of Volkswagen Group (China) China is "the source of the driving force for the development trend of the next generation of automobiles."

Jeffrey Sax, a world -renowned economist, believes that China is full of vitality and the concept of "decoupling with China" is "sad" and "misleading", which will only be more and more isolated in the world.

Gitta Goganat, the first vice president of the International Monetary Fund, believes that some "decoupling" trends will make a huge price of global growth. She pointed out that China is an important engine of the world economy, and an open China is of great significance to the prospects of global trade and the growth prospects of the world.

Deep cultivation in Chinese industries is the people's hearts

The toughness and vitality of the Chinese economy have attracted worldwide attention. With the help of new technologies such as digital technology, new energy, artificial intelligence, biomedicine, and big data, China is becoming a polymerization place for new technologies, new products, and new models. Its industrial advantages attract world attention.

Lu Yaoqun, director of the Institute of Governance and Sustainable Development of the State University of Singapore, pointed out that China is a key node for global supply chains and innovative networks, and cooperation with China is the direction of the world economy.

On the basis of inherent advantages such as complete industrial categories and improvement of infrastructure, China has continued to deepen the degree of global industrial chain. More and more Chinese and foreign enterprises have in -depth cooperation, competitions on the same stage, and production factors gather and collaborative advantages.

Ford Motors has established a global strategic cooperation relationship with Ningde Times, and cooperates with power battery supply in China, Europe and North America. In the first half of the year, the construction of the soil broke; the biopharmaceutical company, Astraco, the global research and development of the China Center, settled in Jing'an District, Shanghai, and will deeply participate in the global new drug research and development ... These multinational enterprises have increased their investment in China, and China takes China as a strategic focus. Chain advantages to enhance the global competitiveness of enterprises.

"In the planning stage of international car companies, we hope that we will intervene. The two parties jointly plan the products, and the efficiency of technological integration will be greatly improved." Wu Kai, chief scientist in Ningde Times, said that Chinese companies and international car companies through cooperation and mutual learning are conducive to technological innovation, which is conducive to technological innovation Product iterations to jointly promote the electrification of the automotive industry.

Sharing China dividends is an opportunity for global dividends

In the era of economic globalization, opening up and integration is an unstoppable historical trend. Build a high -standard market system, deepen the market -oriented reform of factors, continue to relax foreign investment, continuously optimize the business environment, strengthen intellectual property protection ... As the main trading partners in more than 120 countries and regions in the world, China opens her arms to embrace the world, constantly constantly Release the open dividends to promote the communication between Chinese and foreign markets and the integration of industries.

Through the establishment of the National Exhibition platforms such as the Expo and the Expo, the vitality of the Chinese market can be fully displayed, which has effectively promoted domestic and foreign products and services to provide rare opportunities for Chinese and foreign enterprises.

In the first half of this year, multinational companies continued to be optimistic about China's economic prospects, and the news of investing in China continued. Audi FAW New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd. holds a foundation ceremony. Volkswagen Anhui MEB plant is basically ready. Pre -production vehicles will be offline in the second half of the year. The recent reports of the American Chamber of Commerce in China and the German Chamber of Commerce in China show that over 60 % of US -funded enterprises and over 70 % of German -funded enterprises plans to increase investment in China.

The Norhua Group (China) president of the world's top 500 companies praised the openness, potential and business opportunities of the Chinese market, saying that China is one of the most strategic markets in the world in the world.

A large emerging market country full of opportunities, an innovative country with a surging momentum of momentum, and an open -minded country that is open to the world. It brings infinite opportunities to countries around the world.[Editor in charge: Xu Haizhi]

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