Baskets sitting baby, pedal station baby?These dangerous acts are the most "pit baby"

Author:Leping Public Security Time:2022.08.17

Recently, the danger of emergence from time to time has sounded the alarm of children's traffic safety. Parents should pay attention to, effectively fulfill their responsibility for guardianship, and jointly protect their children's summer safety.

Three types of transportation methods are easy to cause accidents

Keywords motorcycles

You can't ride electric bicycles on the road under the age of 16

"One car with two dolls", "pedal station dolls", "car baskets sitting baby", "a family of three rides a car" ... In the past few days, some parents in the central urban area of ​​Guangzhou have many dangerous behaviors when driving electric bicycles and bicycles Parents and minors have not worn their helmets in accordance with regulations.

"When a motorcycle, an electric bicycle accident or an accident falls to the ground, the head injury is more common, which is one of the main reasons for the death of the Electrical Electricity accident." The traffic police introduced.

According to relevant regulations, electric bicycles shall not carry people on urban urban roads, but those with fixed safety seats can be equipped with children with a height of below 1.2 meters. "One electric bicycle is equipped with two children's super -driving, and there may be phenomena such as poor braking and body imbalances. In the case of emergency, it is easy to cause traffic accidents in time." In particular The child stands on the car pedal. Once an emergency is encountered, the body is inclined, and the children standing on the pedal can easily fall to the ground, causing accidents.

"It is important to note that parents should remind their children at home that they cannot ride electric bicycles on the road under the age of 16!" The traffic police said that there are great hidden dangers of traffic safety such as "car baskets". Penalty.

Keywords motorcycle

You can apply for a motorcycle driver's license at the age of 18

Recently, a traffic accident occurred in Guangdong, and a motorcycle hit a trolley in front. Due to the fast speed, under the influence of inertia, the three people on the motorcycle fell to the ground with the motorcycle, which caused the motorcycle driver and the two passengers he carried by the accident. Fortunately, the three people have recovered.

After verification, the motorcycle driver was only 17 years old this year. On the day of the incident, the motorcycle at home was stolen, and the other two minors had accidents when they went out to play. The three did not wear a safety helmet. Because the motorcycle driver did not obtain a motor vehicle driving license and drove the number without a number of motorcycles, the number of manned more than the approved person, the non -maintained speed, and the driver and passenger personnel who did not wear a safety helmet in accordance with regulations, they needed the main responsibility of the accident.

Why can't minors drive motorcycles? "Driving motor vehicles need to obtain a motor vehicle driving license for the corresponding quasi -driving model. Motorcycles are also a type of motor vehicle. According to relevant laws and regulations, motorcycle driver's licenses are the same as cars. Because minors driving motor vehicles, unaware of systematic training, ignoring traffic regulations during driving motor vehicles, interfering with red lights, overshoot, overspeed, retrograde, can easily cause traffic accidents, and the consequences are unimaginable.

Keyword walking

Pedestrians must not use skateboarding, roller ice shoes and other taxiing tools on the road

Summer is a period of high incidence of students and early childhood traffic accidents. Among them, in the traffic accidents of children and elementary school students involved in academic age, the transportation method is not low.

"Children's body is relatively short, especially when playing and lying posture, which is not easy to attract motor vehicle drivers. In addition, children often run across the road, so that motor vehicle drivers cannot take measures in time to avoid. This trigger an accident. "The traffic police said that pedestrians must not use skateboarding tools such as skateboarding and dry ice shoes on the road. There are two steps to cross the road on the side of the road on the side of the vehicle: first observe whether the vehicle stopped on the roadside is about to start. After determining that the vehicle is still, it is necessary to ensure that it is safe to pass safe when not coming to the vehicle.

It is particularly needed to remind that when playing or staying in the community roads, parking lots and other areas, pay attention to the blind area of ​​the vehicle, especially when the child is squatting on the ground, the driver is not easy to see and danger. In addition, try to stay away from large trucks, maintain a safe horizontal distance, and avoid long -term parallel.

safety warning


1. Cross the road to take the zebra crossing or cross the street bridge. It is forbidden to make trouble, play and chase on the road. Do not do the "low -headed family".

2. Driving bicycles must be at least 12 years old, and driving electric bicycles must be 16 years old. Cycling should drive on a non -motorized lane or by the right side of the road, not retrograde, and ride on the shoulders.

3. Pedestrians must not use skateboarding and ice shoes such as skateboarding on the road.

4. When playing or staying in the community roads, parking lots and other areas, pay attention to the blind area of ​​the vehicle. In addition, try to stay away from the big truck.

5. The front row of motor vehicles shall not take minors under the age of twelve years old.


1. Do not leave your child alone in the car. Leave the child alone in the car. Due to the rise in temperature, the vehicle space is small and closed, it is easy to cause damage to the child.

2. Parents must consciously abide by traffic regulations, drive civilized driving, so as not to speed, do not exceed, do not drink, and get on the car to take a good seat belt, take the lead in the child, and remind the rear passengers to fasten their seat belts in accordance with regulations.

3. When riding an electric bicycle, wear a helmet correctly and remind your child to wear a helmet.

4. If the rear of the motor vehicle is equipped with preschool children, safety seats are used in accordance with regulations.

Source: Fujian Political and Legal Committee Clear Sky

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