Chinese motorcycle is popular in Mexico market

Author:Focus on Latin Time:2022.08.19

In order to buy a cost -effective motorcycle, Mexican Louis Ayala repeatedly compared between multiple brands. Finally, a Chinese -made motorcycle was selected. Essence

"Mexicans are generally good for Chinese motorcycles. Chinese motorcycles provide a lot of styles, good design, performance and after -sales service is also guaranteed." Ayala told Xinhua News Agency that travel is no longer separated from this motorcycle.

I have the same feelings as Ayala, and the Mexican businessman Hasiel Rodriguez, who has worked in China for 14 years

At the end of 2007, Rodriguez went to work in Mexico, which sells Chinese motorcycles. One year later, he was sent to Linhai City, Zhejiang to manage the maritime inspection of supplier products. The company provided him with a Chinese -made motorcycle.

Rodriguez still clearly remembers the feeling of the first riding Chinese motorcycle: "The quality exceeds imagination, and the long -distance riding experience is good." He said that he wanted to introduce Chinese motorcycles to more customers and more customers and friend.

Rodriguez currently serves as the logistics manager of Etlica's office in Chongqing. Today, Etlika's share in the Mexican motorcycle market is about 70%, which is the country's largest motorcycle company.

Chongqing is known as the "capital of steam and motorcycles", which is why Eutareca decided to develop a motorcycle business in Chongqing.

"If you want to develop a motorcycle business, you cannot bypass China." Rodriguez said, "Over the years, China -Mexico has strengthened product control cooperation, technology has continued to improve, and the quality of Chinese motorcycles is getting better and better. keep appearing."

China's motorcycles are beautiful in quality, diverse styles, fashionable design, and increasingly won the favor of the Mexican market and consumers, and sales have continued to increase.

Rodriguez introduced: "When we first came to China in 2008, we transported back to Mexico's 800 container motorcycles. In 2021, we transported more than 10,000 containers."

According to data from the General Administration of Customs, in 2021, the export of Chinese internal combustion engine motorcycles was about 11.93 million units, with an export value of about 7 billion US dollars. At that time, China exported about 1.421 million fuel motorcycles to Mexico, with an export value of about 734 million US dollars.

With the increase in market demand, more and more Chinese motorcycle brands have successively "went to sea" in Mexico.

"China's motorcycles have high technology content and trustworthy." Hugan Garcia, a marketing manager of Shengshi Motorcycle Mexico, said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency in Mexico that as many Mexicans are willing to try to buy with the deepening of the brand's understanding of the brand, many Mexicans are willing to try to buy Essence After the new crown epidemic was outbreak, local consumers chose online shopping even without seeing physical cars, and sales exceeded expectations.

In addition to deep cultivation of the Mexican market, Chinese motorcycles, which are many brands, are also sold in Latin American countries such as Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Dominica.

In order to adapt to the development of the new energy vehicle industry, China's electric motorcycle has also accelerated its footsteps to enter overseas markets. Hessus Padia, who runs an electric motorcycle company in Mexico, said that in Mexico we see more and more Chinese motorcycle brands, especially the number of electric motorcycles, increased rapidly.

In Padia's view, motorcycle electrification is a vivid example of "Made in China" constantly updating and optimizing. "Over the years, the demand for high -quality products in the Mexican market has become higher and higher, and the manufacturing industry has continued to transform and upgrade. The quality of‘ Made in China ’is exactly matched with the demand of the ink market." He said.

In February this year, the Chongqing Branch of the Mexican Chamber of Commerce in China was officially established, and Rodriguez served as vice president. He said that he hopes to find more cooperation opportunities between ink in the future to help more Mexican companies land in China, and at the same time bring more high -quality "Made in China" like motorcycles to Mexico.

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