Torrential rain will strike in the future, please be cautious for these 39 Yishui sections!

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.27

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client November 25 (Reporter Wei Na Correspondent Jiao Xuan) On the 27th, the emergency department issued early warning: on the night of the 27th to the morning of the 28th, the city will have heavy rain, accompanied by thunderstorms and heavy winds and winds. For short -term precipitation and strong stream, the maximum gust of gust is 8 to 11. Wuhan Traffic Police issued a warning of travel, and suggested that citizens' friends try to avoid going out during the heavy rainfall period, arrange the itinerary reasonably, and pay attention to traffic safety.

In the evening, the heavy precipitation weather was in the evening. Wuhan Traffic Police suggested that the following preparations are made: the car is parked at a high level, go home as soon as possible after get off work, do not stay in the low -lying terrain, avoid taking the tunnel, and closing the doors and windows.

The central urban area focuses on cross -river bridges and rings viaducts. The suburbs and new urban areas are focusing on highways, entry and exit channels, and national highway. Vehicle vision blocking or out of control, the level of safety risks is high.

Rainy day of driving tips

Driving for heavy rainfall, the driver's sight is easy to be blocked. Drive cautiously when driving on rainy days. At the same time, turn on the wiper and fog lights, near -light lights and outline lights to reduce the speed of the vehicle, and pay attention to the operation of braking, lighting and tires.

Due to the slippery road of the rainy days, the braking of the car is worse, and it is easy to produce side slippery. The driver should hold the steering wheel with both hands to keep the line and low -speed driving. When turning, you should slowly step on the brakes to prevent the vehicle slipping from the tire to death.

Drive the speed as much as possible in the rain. Pay attention to the distance between the vehicles and your own car at any time, and make various emergency measures in advance. If you need to park, reduce the brakes about 100 meters in advance as much as possible, so that the rear vehicle has sufficient preparation time.

When driving, please pay attention to pedestrians and non -motorized vehicles at any time, and try to stay away from its driving. When you encounter pedestrians and non -motorized vehicles crossing the road, you should slow down and go slowly.

Pay attention to the road status information released by the radio station and the traffic management department in a timely manner, and reasonably plan travel lines and time. Do not risk the wading. If you have to wading, try to drive along the front car to keep the low gear speed through.

Dark rainy weather to avoid tunnels, culverts and other channels

The public security traffic management department reminds that traffic accidents such as wet roads, limited vision, and vehicle rear -end traffic accidents are prone to occurring and more. Strong rainfall affects some roads such as tunnels, culverts, passage channels, and construction sections. Please be alert to driving friends on rainy days. The public security traffic management department will use all -media channels such as broadcasting, television, and online platforms to issue traffic safety warning tips, and timely release road traffic information, temporary management and control measures, and bypass lines to guide citizens to travel reasonably and fully ensure the security and orderly road traffic.

If the vehicle fails or fails to move, it is necessary to continue to turn on the lights and the danger alarm flash, and the warning sign is placed more than 150 meters behind the car. If the visibility is low, the distance can be further extended to 200 meters, so that the rear car can be avoided as soon as possible. The personnel in the car should evacuate to the safe area in time and wait for the police to wait.

At present, Wuhan Traffic Police United Insurance Company continues to launch a severe weather car damage accident through traffic, simplify the claims procedures, and the accident responsibility and no controversial "people are not injured, the vehicle can move" and touch the small accident (less than 10,000 car damage) There is no need to go to the scene to issue an accident identification book without traffic police. The parties can directly contact the insurance company to go through the car repair and pay procedures to prevent road congestion caused by traffic accidents and avoid secondary traffic accidents.

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