Why take a long time for new energy vehicles?

Author:China Transportation Network Time:2022.07.06

Recently, some netizens feedback to reporters that a new energy vehicle they purchased by themselves cannot be delivered for 15 months.

For this reason, the reporter interviewed some consumers who were concerned about new energy. Mr. Wang from Beijing said: "Traditional fuel vehicles are placed in the store and waited for me to buy. Even if you need to wait, most of them wait for the previous month The left and right time. In contrast, new energy vehicles, some brands have not yet been built by vehicles, they start to allow consumers to pay the deposit, but it takes a long time to wait for the car time, and it takes more than a year to wait. "

As a result, the difference between the way to buy a car purchase between new energy brands and traditional fuel vehicle brands has been highlighted again.

So why do new energy vehicles wait for such a long time? With this problem, the reporter interviewed Mr. Zhang Hong, Secretary -General of the China Automobile Distribution Association's New Energy Automobile Branch.

Secretary -General Zhang Hong said that there are two major sales models in the automotive market. One is the traditional 4S store sales model, and the other is the direct sales model of car companies. New power car manufacturing companies often choose the direct sales model of car companies. The biggest reason is that investors have not paid the cost of creating a 4S store network. Therefore, the new forces car manufacturing companies basically adopt a model of only one city experience delivery center, which greatly reduces sales costs. The biggest difference between a direct sales store and 4S store in the car company is that the automobile company direct sales stores are sold for sale, that is, no production is not arranged without orders. The 4S shop has its own warehouse and keeps a certain amount of inventory. Customers can buy car pickups at any time.

In normal circumstances, direct selling stores in car companies will generally allow customers to wait for 1-3 months to pick up cars, but there are uncontrollable factors such as epidemics, components, battery raw materials, and chips. The cycle is generally stretched. The 4S shop will keep some inventory cars, and the impact of special circumstances will be much smaller.

Secretary -General Zhang Hong also said that at this stage, the new energy vehicle brand generally faces a severe test of subsidies, which will cause a sharp shrinkage of the profitability of various new energy vehicle brands. In addition, new energy vehicle brands have invested large investment in intelligent networking, after -sales service, and capacity expansion. The filling and improvement of cash flow are not optimistic. This has also led to a significant reduction in the cost of the entire industrial chain including marketing, zero inventory and sales of production are the most effective means to reduce costs. This may have a certain impact on the delivery cycle.

With the extension of the delivery cycle, how can we retain customers who have paid the deposit? Secretary -General Zhang Hong believes that the only way is to "make benefits". The benefits mentioned here do not necessarily refer to price reductions and money alone, but also include timely updates and transparency of information, comprehensive improvement of service quality, significantly increased added value of car purchase, and so on. Let customers see the difficult and hard work of car companies to make up for the lack of integrity.

In addition, the reporter also interviewed Mr. Sun, a 4S store in Beijing, who had many years of experience in the industry. He believed that the problem of the new energy vehicle company had a long car. This problem was caused by the direct sales sales model.

Mr. Sun also said that traditional car companies have completed the accumulation of original capital in the early days. 4S stores can also help car companies to share some inventory costs, so traditional car companies can press sales tasks to 4S stores. Although the direct -operated model adopted by new energy vehicle companies has missing the "intermediate business earning difference", at the same time, the inventory pressure also needs to bear itself. The long -term car lifting time for consumers is the most direct manifestation of the inventory pressure of new energy vehicle companies. It is difficult to get rid of this situation in a short time.

Source: Yangguang.com

Edit: Fan Zhirui Gaorui

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