1020 parking spaces in Rizhao Economic Development Zone shared time -time sharing

Author:Rizhao News Network Time:2022.07.07

In order to effectively alleviate the problem of "difficulty in parking", to maximize the people and the people and benefit the people, and improve the quality of the urban function. The Rizhao Economic and Technological Development Zone arranges 12 office places and provides 1020 shared parking spaces to the outside world.

Among them, office buildings of the Government Service Center, Beijing Road Street Office Building, Kui Shan Street Office Building and other office spaces provide all parking spaces to the citizens for a limited time, with a proportion of 100%. About 80%of the parking spaces of the institutions and institutions of the district agencies and the state -owned enterprises are shared with citizens for a limited time.

Parking facilities for enterprises and institutions of the district agencies shall be shared for a limited time for parking for seven and below non -operating small motor vehicles. Military vehicles, police cars, urban management law enforcement vehicles and implementation tasks of fire, rescue, disaster relief, rescue, school bus and other vehicles can be parked temporarily. Vehicles other than the above regulations shall not park. 12 parking lots have a uniform time -limited sharing logo sign, which is convenient for citizens to identify when parking.

Limited time sharing method

Limited time. The time sharing of the parking facilities of the Rizhao Economic Development Zone and the state -owned enterprise parking facilities is: May 1st to September 30th, the shared parking period is from 18:30 to 8:00 the next day; On April 30th, the shared parking period is from 18:00 that day to 8:00 the next day; double holidays and legal holidays sharing throughout the day.

After parking, in principle, the parking lot (except for special circumstances) from 22:00 to 5:00 the next day (except for special circumstances). If the parking space of the institution and institutions of the time -limited shared sharing needs to be temporarily canceled and shared, the management unit will inform them in advance.

shared. Rizhao Economic Development Zone's institutions and institutions and state -owned enterprise parking facilities are shared in a limited time, which are divided into two forms: "fixed vehicle sharing" and "non -fixed vehicle sharing".

"Fixed Vehicle Sharing" parking process: Citizens signed a shared parking agreement with the parking lot management unit to clarify the parking time and requirements; the license plate number is entered into the automatic identification channel system, and it is parking and departing in an orderly manner in order to leave according to the prescribed time and prescribed location.

"Non -fixed vehicle sharing" parking process: vehicles with parking demand, driving to the entrance of the shared parking space, real -name registration on the spot; obeying staff command and orderly parking; when the shared parking space is full, the shared parking is stopped.

Parking requirement

Drivers shall, in accordance with the requirements of the management unit, are parking in an orderly manner within the designated area and prescribed time. Public facilities and environmental sanitation shall not damage public facilities in the parking lot. The vehicle should park and lock it to keep the personal belongings.

Strictly shared parking management shall be reminded in time for violating parking lot management regulations; without special circumstances, if you violate the management regulations of more than twice, the eligibility of sharing parking is canceled. For long -term parking vehicles, it is handled in accordance with relevant regulations.

Strictly implement the prevention and control measures of the epidemic, check the health code, itinerary, and place code, and the requirements of the city within 7 days, 48 ​​hours of foreign provinces and cities, and the requirements for preventing and controlling the epidemic prevention and control of the body temperature. Personnel and vehicles of the epidemic prevention and control requirements enter.

The development of this work is conducive to continuously promoting the efficient use of parking resources, and further alleviating the people's livelihood blocking points of "difficulty in parking". It is also an important measure to improve people's livelihood, regulate the urban environment, and enhance the quality of the city.

In the next step, the Rizhao Economic Development Zone will gradually expand the scope of the parking space sharing. While the state organs, public welfare institutions, and state -owned enterprises parking lots (berths) in the region implement a limited time for free parking, encourage the parking lot of second -class public welfare institutions (Plazal) Provide the public with free parking for a limited time to continue to expand shared parking resources.

At the same time, establish a sound feedback mechanism, rely on the public opinion collection function of the 12345 government service hotline, and collect good opinions and suggestions in a timely manner. Spend. Actively establish a shared parking optimization mechanism, and focus on the problems and deficiencies encountered in the implementation process, check the loopholes and management of the system, and continuously improve the service process and improve the effectiveness of operation and maintenance. (Rizhao Newspaper All Media Reporter Liu Yanmei compiled)

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