Domestic No. 92 gasoline entered the "9 yuan era"

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.06.15

Driven by the strong rally of international crude oil prices, the retail price of domestic refined oil products has not unexpectedly ushered in the "tenth rise" during the year.

On June 14, the National Development and Reform Commission released news that starting from 24:00 on June 14, 2022, domestic auto and diesel prices (standard products, the same below) increased by 390 yuan and 375 yuan per ton, respectively. The folding price 92 gasoline, No. 95 gasoline, and No. 0 diesel raised 0.31 yuan, 0.32 yuan, and 0.32 yuan, respectively.

At this point, after the growth of the 11 -wheeled price windows during the year, the reinforcement price of the refined oil product was overwhelming, the cumulative increase in gasoline and diesel prices increased by 2720 yuan/ton, 2620 yuan/ton, and the folding price 92 gasoline, 95 gasoline, No. 0 diesel, No. 0 diesel, No. 0 diesel, No. 0 diesel. Raising 2.14 yuan, 2.26 yuan, and 2.23 yuan, respectively.

In an interview with the reporter of the Securities Daily, Yang Xia, an analyst of Zhuochuang Information, said that the market supply prospects were still uncertain during this round of pricing cycle. Especially with the peak period of summer demand, gasoline inventory has declined, causing the market to worry about the shortage of supply. Therefore, the overall international crude oil prices have shown a trend of fluctuation. Affected by this, the domestic reference crude oil change rate of domestic reference during this cycle is on the interval, and the retail price of domestic refined oil products ushered in the "four consecutive rises".

Data from the Flush Show show that as of 17:00 on June 14, the WTI crude oil 2207 contract was reported at $ 121.85/barrel, and the Brent crude oil 2208 contract was reported at $ 123.17/barrel. Both stand on the $ 120/barrel mark.

"During this round of pricing cycle, although the trend of international crude oil fell slightly, the change rate of crude oil in this round of crude oil continued to extend positively." Ma Jiancai, an analyst of Golden Lianchuang Oil Oil, said that according to the calculation of Jin Lianchuang, as of June 14 On the tenth working day of the day, the average price of reference to crude oil was $ 119.68/barrel, and the change rate was 5.97%. In fact, due to the high fluctuations of international crude oil prices, after entering a new round of valuation cycle, the rate of change of crude oil still began at a positive value. Affected by factors such as the supply and demand structure of crude oil, the trend of international crude oil prices will still be supported in the short term. It is expected that the probability of the new round of refined oil retail price is still existing.

From the perspective of social oil costs, consumers' travel costs continue to increase slightly after the implementation of the policy. Ma Jiancai said that in terms of gasoline, according to a small car with a fuel tank capacity of 50L, it will spend 15.5 yuan more for gasoline No. 92; in terms of diesel, calculate according to the large truck with a fuel tank capacity of 160L. Essence

In addition, from the perspective of the retail market, after the retail price is expected to be fulfilled, domestic 92 gasoline has entered the "9 yuan era". In particular, more than ten areas including Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning, they officially bid farewell to the "8 yuan era".

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