Lile and Music Shandong | Tai'an: Daiyue District "Yixin to the Party • Yi Run Yueyue" calligraphy and painting into the community to help Qixinghe Meimei community creation

Author:Shandong Public Culture Cloud Time:2022.07.23

In order to inherit and promote the excellent traditional culture of China, enrich the amateur cultural life of residents, and promote the establishment of the "Seven Stars" and the American community, on July 22, the Cultural and Art Center of Daiyue District organized the "Taishan Eight Friends" calligraphy and painting volunteers to enter the streets of the porridge shop. The Xiaoyan Di Community launched a volunteer service activity of "Yixin to the Party • Yi Run Yueyue" into the community.

"Taishan Eight Friends" painters first visited the Porridge Street Comprehensive Cultural Station. It is understood that recently, more than 400,000 yuan in high standards of porridge streets have been upgraded and upgraded to the integrated cultural station of the street. The standard has created the Taishan Bayou Painting and Calligraphy Studio, providing a communication and interactive platform for cultural activities such as painters and community residents.

At the end of the visit, everyone came to the Xiaoyan embankment community again. Here, the painters and painters splashed ink and painted on the spot. With a clear and elegant calligraphy and painting works, they depicts the good wishes of the motherland and expressed their beautiful life for a better life. Expectation. Painting and painters showed calligraphy and painting skills on the spot, and conducted on -site teaching to guide calligraphy and painting enthusiasts' calligraphy and painting skills, attracting the enthusiastic participation of community residents, and allowing community residents to experience the charm of traditional culture at close range. The atmosphere was very enthusiastic.

This activity not only active and enriched the spiritual and cultural life of residents in the jurisdiction, created a strong community art atmosphere, but also injecting new vitality into the creation of Qixing and Meimei Community. In the next step, the Cultural and Art Center of Daiyue District will strengthen contact with the comprehensive cultural station of Zhenjie, use calligraphy and painting as a medium, comprehensive cultural station as a platform, enter the community, approach the masses, and attract more residents to participate in cultural life through calligraphy and painting. Community cultural symbols promote community cultural integration.

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