The eyes of photographers

Author:Benevole Time:2022.07.24

The eyes of photographers

2022-07-24 08: 00 · Guangying Vision

The world in the eyes of a photographer is different from the world in the eyes of others. Why can a photographer capture plane images and turn them into art? The photographer's eyes saw light, details, shadows, highlights, shapes, and interactions between them.

The picture was taken by Jamie Street; ISO 800, F / 5.4, 1 /80.

If you look at the world with two eyes instead of only one eye, the world looks different. Close your eyes and look at an object. do you understand me? Then, if you close your eyes before taking pictures, you can know what you can get from your photos.

Photographers explore light and texture. Light may be their most important tool. Photographers are interested in how the nature of light affects people's views. The intensity, direction and light type provides the possibility of visual exploration for photographers. The photographer has mastered how to use the rules of composition to know when to break these rules. Photography is a process.

The photo was taken by Motten Scorgli, ISO 32, F /2.2, and the exposure time was 1/3200 seconds.

The working principle of our eyes is similar to the camera. There are some facts here, you may feel very interesting: our eyes have about 560 million pixel resolution. They can distinguish about 10 million colors. The ISO of the eyes is not very large; it can be measured around 800, under the weak light, our eyes cannot see the color. With the focal length of 20 mm, the equivalent value of the aperture is f /3.5. The great thing about our eyes is that they have automatic white balance, automatic ISO, and a very high dynamic range.

Some photographers are born with eyes, but most of us have developed after practicing and training. It may take a few years to start not paying attention to different things.

Photographers do not need expensive devices to take good photos. The best camera equipment in the world will not help photographers see or realize his or her surrounding environment. All this is about the art of watching. With the vision of photographers, what you see is something else that others can't see. This different way of viewing will be impressed by those who watch your image.

The photo was taken by Rob Weihe; ISO 200, F / 5.6, and the exposure time was 1/320 seconds.

The photographer thinks in the concept of photography and looks at it from the perspective of photography. If you like to take pictures, your attitude will be shown in the final photo.

Everything is likely to be captured. All this is imagined in your mind and let it happen. The more you do, the better you do.

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