Come to see the \"Paraz\" traditional handicraft exhibition

Author:Weili County Rong Media Center Time:2022.06.08

Winding, weaving ... The colorful wool line passes through a process, and the colorful \"Paraz\" is presented in front of the audience. Recently, in the weaving Yayuan Textile Cooperative in Yingbag Village, Aku Supu Township, Akusp, a \"Paraz\" work exhibition has attracted many audiences. This exhibition is invited by the county women's federation to invite the \"Paraz\" enthusiasts of the brothers and towns to compete for talents, communicate and learn, and inherit and promote traditional textile skills.

The activity is divided into publicity, selection and work display link. At the event site, the weaiyuan textile cooperative explained to the audience in detail the historical culture and production process carried by the \"Paraz\" works. The colorful wool wires were rotated and subsequently sewn and embellished by the textile machine, and they changed their body to become exquisite carpets, tapestry, pillows, horse dumplings, flower hats ... Diversified works, which made the audience clamor. The historical and cultural heritage showed by ancient skills.

\"Paraz\" is a textile fabric made of colored wool and cotton line textiles. The production tool is a very simple weaving machine. Now it has become the channel for the \"older women\" home revenue of Aku Supu Township. one. \"The colorful woolen wool is woven and the‘ Paraz ’finished product is exquisite and admires their superb skills.” Said the villagers from Dunkan Township Early.

\"Many people in the countryside will be textile\" Paraz \", work in cooperatives for cooperatives We are very suitable for us. Clearance can be clever, effortless, labor is the happiest thing. Seeing our work is affirmed, I am very happy. \"Weaoyuan Textile Cooperative members bought Limu Yimu Abullara Larara. Say.

In August 2021, the party branch led the weaiyuan textile cooperative, and the villagers of Yingbag Village Ruoxiaoli Asi Mu took the lead in managing it to absorb the local area A total of 12 people who produced handicrafts and women who could not go out to work in cooperatives with \"Paraz\" textile experiences went to cooperatives to lead the masses to increase their income and get rich. She said: \"In the cooperative, we use 'Paraz\" to express the happy life of national unity and family, promote the spirit of Aksp, who is hard work, and self -reliance. , Protect and innovate our 'Paraz'. \"

\" It is better to grant people to fish for fishing. \"Akspu Township combines traditional cultural elements with rural revitalization, and through the idea of\" party branch+cooperative+industry \", the establishment of the weaiyuan textile cooperative can be established to make traditional skills better get better While inheritance, help more and more bigEmployment channels for women who have widen their employment channels have embarked on the way to get rich.

Source of information: Akspu Township/Tang Xueqin Picture/Bu Aian Kimu Niako

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