"Special Launched" "Bayi Beibei Drifting Chronicle" series of topics.

Author:Today's art collection Time:2022.07.31


Bayi Qiu, his real name Hong Dongbing, was born in Taizhou, Jiangsu in 1947. Famous painters, calligraphers, and writers, are now a special professor of Rongbaozhai Painting Academy, the honorary curator of Xiamen Baqiu Art Museum, the honorary curator of the Taizhou Baqiu Art Museum, and a special calligrapher of the Jiangsu Institute of Calligraphy Research in Jiangsu Province. The paintings have been exhibited many times at home and abroad, and have been collected by many institutions and collectors. Picture today. Chinese painting famous file Bayi Qiu. Volume "" Creation of Emotional Love -Pakistani Chinese Painting Collection ", personal prose collection" Drum Halberd Chronicle ", and the novel collection" Water Drumpy is Mirror ".

Bayi Qiu's works "Homo Water Village Stranging Series"

Report in Beijing for the first time

In the spring of 2005, when I retired to the second line, no one was looking for me. I couldn't bear it anymore, so I took the initiative to go to the relevant leaders of the Organization Department and asked for departure to study in Beijing. I found it a few times in a row, and the leader was a bit strange: how can you be so anxious? Someone who was familiar with me said: Lao Hong, he has his own one acre and three -pointers.

Indeed, the reason why I was eager to enter Beijing was not a moment of hard work. Although I liked to paint since I was a child, I was middle -aged when I was in a pen. In the winter of 1997, I held a personal landscape painting exhibition at the Jiangsu Art Museum. It was this exhibition that made me soberly realize that my level of painting is not very good. It is just a bold to enter the province. Afterwards, I thought that because of the work, and maintained the spare time.学习 If you have a chance, you must improve your painting skills by learning.

Bayi Qiu's "Boy's Water Village Stranging Series" 2

As soon as the leadership was approved, I hurriedly registered through the Internet and was approved to study landscape painting in Beijing Rongbaozhai Academy. The painter of Jin Rongbao Zhaizhai has a threshold, but it is not particularly difficult to enter. I am a member of the Provincial Aesthetic Association and held a exhibition at the Provincial Art Museum. This is probably enough.

One afternoon in May in early May, I went to Beijing to report, my wife sent me.

At that time, Taizhou had no train. After a meal, we invited a driver to send us to Yangzhou Railway Station. After entering the station, my wife helped me carry the luggage and books of three boxes into the car. The first time I entered Beijing, I had no experience and brought three major boxes of clothing and books. We were small and weak, and it took a lot of effort to get into the carriage and stuffed the box under the bed, which took great effort. During the process, his wife's feet were touched, and his teeth were so painful. She was sitting on the bed and rubbing her feet, and she ordered this to take care of the one, and she was endless. The trainer urged her to get off, and she didn't seem to hear it. It wasn't until the bus door closed that she was in a hurry to get off. But it's too late. The car was slowly driving. She was anxious, saying that the window at home was not closed, and the clothes were dried outside and confiscated. At this point, she had to scream across the window, eagerly playing gestures, and let the driver who sent us go back first.

The train clerk brought the train captain to discuss it. If you go to Beijing, you will be exempt from tickets, but you have to get a ticket tomorrow, but we can take care of it and help you get the ticket for tomorrow. My wife sighed: I had to do that.

Bayi Qiu's "Boy's Water Village Stranging Series" II

The next morning, the car arrived in Beijing. The opening ceremony ceremony was almost over, but the lively atmosphere was still strong. Together with the leaders, teachers and trainees of the Academy of Painting, we took pictures of them happily, and met each other's situation.

In the afternoon, I sent my wife to the station and returned to my hometown.

In the past ten years, I have traveled between Beijing and my hometown many times. Every time my wife sent me to the car, I urged her to get out of the car in advance and don't commit the same stupid things.

However, the silly thing at the station still happened.

At that time, after I got into the bus with my wife, I still had a bit of time to leave the car. I said that I smoked cigarettes outside the carriage and relieved my nervous mood just now. I smoked and saw the female trainer at the door of the car holding my weird smile. I looked at myself and laughed: The two shoes I wore on my feet are different! I returned to the car to blame my wife, and my wife said who made you not pay attention. I said that the two shoes are similar in the hurry, who cares about.

My wife quickly hit her mobile phone to Beijing's son: prepare a pair of shoes for your dad.

- END -

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