Singing the spirit to show the new style of Zhoukou Mass Chorus Contest enthusiastically

Author:Zhoukou Daily Time:2022.08.01

Performance site

Zhoukou Daily · Zhou Dao Client Seeing Surverance Reporter Tian Yananwen/Picture

Welcome to the 20th National Congress and get in the world. On the evening of July 29th, the "Singing Age Singing Era · Rhythm Zhoukou" Zhoukou Mass Chorus Competition and "Singing a New Era" Henan Province, hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Zhoukou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Cultural Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau of the Communist Party of China. The Chorus Contest Zhoukou Tournament was held in the Municipal People's Hall, and 10 chorus teams from counties and districts in the city performed wonderful performances.

"There is no New China without the Communist Party", "The Power of Revival", "Ten Sending Red Army", "Song of the Motherland", "Pilot", "Towards the Revitalization", etc., such as the songs of the times, singing the songs of the times, singing the people to the party and the party and the party and the party and The infinite love of the motherland sings the sound of Zhoukou, which welcomes the 20th National Congress, and expresses the confidence and pride of the new era of building a new era and a new journey. The players showed their best state. With the sound quality, accurate rhythm, and full enthusiasm of the songs, the song perfectly interpreted the songs, showing the characteristics and level of Zhoukou mass culture.

"I am very happy to participate in this event today. My sisters and I have rehearsed for a long time." Dong Hua from the Red Song Choir from the Xihua County Cultural Museum is a retired employee of a film company. He usually likes music and dance. Art Troupe, singing, dancing, spreading red culture with sisters, promoting positive energy. "Although our group has just been established, there are already a few shows that are rehearsing. Next, we will conduct a tour to show the style of our retired employees."

It is understood that this event uses a 10 -point system, which will be scored together from the first three performance teams, and then conduct in turn. Each participating team performed 2 works, with the highest score reserved score and participated in the final evaluation.

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