Shouguang City Hualong Town: preaching the spirit of the grassroots level

Author:Shouguang Yun 丨 Fresh Shouguan Time:2022.08.03

In order to promote the excellent traditional culture of China and inherit the national spirit, recently, Shouguang City Huanlong Town invited experts to carry out grass -roots theoretical preaching activities in Weifang Shihua Chemical Building Materials Co., Ltd. and Mazhuang Village, Hualong Town.

Promote the level of family culture and improve the level of family education

"In this land where the child grows up, in the heart of the child, plant the" seeds "of towering trees and maintain it diligently. The family is harmonious and accompanied by children. In this way, the towering trees naturally grow very positive and lush. "

In Weifang Shihua Chemical Building Materials Co., Ltd., the lecturer sets the theme of the "Employee ordering me for cooking" in accordance with the way of "I order me", and preach the theme of marriage and family, parent -child education. The relationship between education and traditional psychology allows enterprise employees to understand the importance of learning traditional culture, psychology and focusing on family education, guide enterprise employees to draw spiritual food from excellent traditional culture, bring good family style into life, life, and life, and At work, based on his own post, strive to be a model of entrepreneurship, and practice corporate social responsibility.

承 The great spirit of continuing red blood

In Mazhuang Village, Hualong Town, the lecturer through historical perspective, vivid language, and true early Shouguang revolutionary examples, to relive the red story with teenagers, explore the road of national rise, and find the spirit and strength hidden in the blood of the nation. By reviewing the style and responsibility of the early Shouguang Communists, the power of the majority of young people is stimulated by the power of the example, and the sense of responsibility, responsibility, and mission of the majority of young people will inspire and drive young people to establish patriotism, the wishes of the country, and the aspirations to serve the country.

In the next step, Hualong Town will innovate learning in the form of "online+offline" to let learning get hot, let the mission alive, and make the effect solid. At the same time, give full play to the advantages of the Civilization Practice (Station) in the new era, let the masses feel the charm of Chinese excellent traditional culture and national spirit in civilized practice activities, spread the new fashion of civilization through the power of volunteers, and actively advocate the virtue of virtues in the new era of tree. Healthy lifestyle.

Shouguang Rong Media Center reporter Ma Yuqi correspondent Xiao Qing

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