"Mei Wen Meitu" Tanabata | The romance in poems, I hope you have the best love

Author:Read good poems Time:2022.08.03

A good period of the year to send a long love for the bridge

The most romantic festival of the year

--Qixi Festival

It was called Qiqiao Festival in ancient times

According to legend, the night of July 7th every year

Women begged the weaver actress in the courtyard

Sister Seven, pray for a wish, begging for ingenuity

Sitting to see the glory weaving actresses, praying for marriage

The "Xijing Miscellaneous Ji" in the Eastern Jin Gehong:

"Hancai women often wear seven -hole needles on the placket on July 7th, everyone is practiced."

And because of the moving legend of the cowherd and weaver girl's bridge

Valentine's Day now known as China


If the two feelings are long and long, how can it be in the dharma of the dynasty?

May the heavens and the world, the entertainment is entertaining, tonight

Jinfeng Yulu met with each other, but there were countless people in the world

May me be like Xingjun like the moon, and the light of the night is bright

... ...


Countless poets have left many popular poems

Increased the romantic atmosphere of the solar terms


There is the dedication of "in the heavenly wish to be a wing bird, the place is willing to be the branches"

Jun is a rock, and the concubine is made of Puwei

Double flying in Tianbiyi, the same branches in the ground


There is the affection of "Jinfeng Yulu meets, but there are countless people in the world."

Mountains without edges, the heavens and the earth combined

The autumn wind is not cold, only to meet each other to win the world

Tanabata, early autumn,

The night is cool as water, the stars are shining

The most romantic day of the year

I want to travel with you, cross time and space, and follow the ancients

Stay a romantic and unforgettable Tanabata Night

A few loves and hate

Every night

Tanabata watched Bixiao tonight

Morning Morning Workers Crossing the Heavenly Bridge

Is there a bridge?

New Year's Eve Xing'e

This night star Fanhe Zhengbai

People who pass the weaving woman

Who has no clutch in the clouds

See the actress

From the age of one year

Why not only dusk in the sky

Galaxy Dongda Qiao West

When weaving a cowboy meeting

Hometown children are here

Xiang Yiming

The entertainment party is here

Who is the omissions?

Who is more likely to change personnel

Watch the double stars under the city of Puzhou

Only double stars are still good

Juanjuan autumn water is endless

Xinqiu Niu Girl Club

When the red powder opens the jade 开

Tanabata, Xinghe Yan

Tenderness is like water, the good period is like a dream

May you meet a good person, romantic, and spend the rest of your life

- END -

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