Chinese good poems • Breaking up music | Two or two light flying paintings, competing to win the championship

Author:Sleeping poems Time:2022.08.06

Breaking the music, the original Tang Dynasty music dance and teaching workshop, later used as the word name name. According to "Song History · Lezhi", it belongs to the "Palace"; Liu Yong's "Movement Collection" note "Lin Zhongshang". There are two formats, both of which are long tone, double adjustment of 133 words, fourteen sentences in the first paragraph, five rhymes, and sixteen sentences in the second paragraph. His representative works include Liu Yong's "Broken Formation · Delosa Reflection" and so on.

Broken Formation · Delosa Revival

Liu Yong [Song Dynasty]

Delosa reflection, smoke dipped in blue, and the swamp waves are warm. Jinliu shakes the wind tree, is a lottery dragon boat. Thousands of steps Hongqiao, geese teeth, straight towards the water hall. Ring around the golden embankment, Manyan fish dragon drama, clustering Chun Luoqi, noisy silk tube. The color is glory, and it seems to see it, and Penglai is shallow.

See you. Feng Yan swims, drinks and drinks, Lin Cuishui, and a pick -up banquet. Two or two lightly flying paintings, competing to win the championship. Entertainment, bustle algae, wandering Wanwan. Do n’t have a profit -making daughter, the pearls of each committee, fighting for Cuiyu, and returning from each other. Gradually, the sea of ​​clouds is heavy, and the caves are day and night.

Broken Formation (Qiantang · Lin Zhongshang)

Zhang Xian [Song Dynasty]

Four Halls are mutually reflected, double doors and Li, Longge Kaifu. The county is the first in the southeast of the county.泉, Liuquan Lane Mo, Wu Ge. Near the dusk, it is better to get better night, clusters of starlight candles, long and long stubs like day, colorful Shaoguang, a few pink noodles, flying Zhuhu households.

Child. The geese bridge is red, the waist is green, Yunji Temple, Linxia Road. The drinker was drunk, but he felt full of mountain flute drums. Tour. With the folk music, Fang Fei has the Lord. Since then, the mud, go to the sandy embankment, the south of the water, the west lake wind moon, it is easy to ride the spring, and the drawing is written.

Break up

Ge Shuhan [Tang Dynasty]

Xi Rong is the most graceful, and dogs and sheep violate their hearts. The gods were driven out of the troops and arrested by the sea.

Shibaoyan is tall, carved with Xiaqianqian. When you drink it all the Tang Dynasty, you will know how to meet the heart.

Break up

Li Biheng [Qing Dynasty]

The artillery cart was burned in the sky, and the tiger tiger's voice was stunned. The arrival of Tianwei was daring, and the frosty blade broke the enemy. The dust is long and the wind rises. The continuous drum, Ma Yi couldn't stop. Poor Kou fell, and giant hugged saddle died.

The emperor said hee, Wu could not be investigated. Sin is not available, dare to dare. General Danri came, and the shogunate was written. The Emei battle is higher than the mountain, and the amount of animal valley is unknown. The emperor was opened by He Junmen, and the sound of the mountain was like a thunder.

Pay attention to sleeping, poetic habitat

Facing the sea, looking for light with black eyes. On November 16, 2015, the Poetry Society of Sleeping Poetry Club, the Poetry Club took the mission of "speaking for grassroots poets" and the purpose of promoting the "spirit of poetry", that is, the pursuit of the truth, kindness and beauty of poetry, the artistic innovation of poetry, and the spirit of poetry. Poetry friends have been published in the collection of poems "The Spring Blossoms of Sleeping Poems" and "The Grass Ying Ying Flying on Sleeping Poems".

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