Guangzhou intends to build the second library in Baiyun

Author:Guangzhou Baiyun released Time:2022.08.08

Recently, the Guangzhou Culture, Radio, Television Tourism Bureau issued the Five -Year Action Plan for the Construction of the Library of Guangzhou (2022-2026).


Guangzhou will build more book venues

Formation of multiple museums in the urban area

Among them

Actively promote in Baiyun District

Construction of Guangzhou Second Library

Construction of Guangzhou Second Children's Library

And encourage the new library of each district after the completion

Priority to the original house

Converted into district -level children's library

The newly -built hall is tilted towards urban and rural junction and distant counties

The plan pointed out that on the basis of soliciting public opinions and scientific considers urban space layout, the newly -built house will be appropriately tilted towards urban -rural junction and distant counties to make up for the shortcomings of public cultural facilities in weak areas. At the same time, the central library and the regional general museum are coordinated, and based on the transformation of the grass -roots library and the participation of social forces as the main ways, rely on the library city and logistics system to achieve the unified editing and unified deployment of books. The grass -roots library builds and upgrades in accordance with the standard of "Huacheng Citizen Citizen Cultural Space", integrates into the village living scene, and enhances the convenience, experience, and aesthetics of cultural services, making it a "sticky space for personal, family, communities, and cities. "".

Create "Huacheng Citizen Cultural Space" outside the venue

The plan proposes that Guangzhou implements the "library+" project. Traditional public cultural facilities will transform to new public cultural space. Outside the venue, Guangzhou will combine population distribution, regional characteristics and mass needs to purchase services, commissioned operations, social cooperation and co -construction, etc., in urban business districts, industrial parks, tourist attractions, characteristic neighborhoods, riverside banks, transportation hubs, transportation hubs In other areas, innovate and create a group of composite functions such as public reading, art exhibitions, cultural salons, light food, and creative design. New cultural services with multi -business formats.

Social diversified participation in library cooperation will further deepen

In terms of management and operation, fully summarize the experience and model of the pilot of social management and operation, orderly guiding social forces to participate in the supply of public library services in order to participate in the service efficiency and quality of public library service efficiency and quality. At the same time, in conjunction with the "double reduction" policy and the construction of Shuxiang campus construction, the cooperation of the library and school will further deepen. Guangzhou formulates the implementation plan of "Guangzhou in Guangzhou and the" Library Cooperation "of Public Library and Primary and Middle School Library (Room) (2022 —— 2024) ", clarify the elements of personnel equipment, space construction, business standards, and management platform. By 2024, the city's middle and primary school libraries and public libraries are connected and interactive, community library organic integration position.

Plan also proposes

Will build a digital resource co -construction and shared platform

It is expected to go through five years of development

Guangzhou will be fully completed

"City of Library" and "City of Smart Library"

And "City of Reading"

By 2026, the city will be completed

Public library (branch) and 3000 service points

In 2026, the city's thousand per capita building area reached 47.5 square meters. Paper information resources per capita owned amount of 300 volumes per person and social forces 300 campus branches (service points) 800 people arrived at 3.3 registered readers. Strive to achieve 100%of the 40%town and street -level library to build a smart library

Long press and scan the code to watch the video. Watch the live broadcast to watch the "Guangzhou Baiyun Release" video number Recommended in the past: Guangzhou Baiyun released, praise 46 << Flying "Baiyun" Baiyun: Rural Park >> The previous recommendation progress bar is updated to 40%! Guangzhou Baiyun Station is expected to be completed next year@所有 广 广 广, in 2023 Baiyun District's ten people's livelihoods, you come to talk → start from the weekend ~ The grapes here are familiar, and the sweetness is too sweet! Source: Guangzhou Culture, Radio, Film and Television Tourism Bureau South+ Editor: Chen Ruoran review: Wang Ling review: Lin Meifang issued: produced by Liu Haiyu Baiyun District Rong Media Center

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