"Daze and help the world", what is the inspiration of Cantonese business?

Author:Changjiang Business School Time:2022.08.09

The following article comes from MBA of Changjiang Business School

Guangdong, located in the southern Lingnan region of my country, has been the place where immigrants gather and culturally blended since ancient times.

During the Emperor Hanwu, Guangdong moved into many exiles as exiles, and later many Central Plains were relocated south to avoid the war. After the Three Kingdoms, Guangzhou became an important window for foreign trade ports and Chinese and Western exchanges.

After two thousand years of evolution, Guangdong integrates Central Plains culture, marine culture and western culture, and absorbs different cultural elements. Under this cultural background, Guangdong merchants have formed a unique business spirit such as dare to be the first, pragmatic and innovative, and open compatibility.

"Da Ze and the World" is one of the business creeds of traditional Cantonese businessmen. Affected by the modern charitable model of the West, the charity of Cantonese merchants has also begun to gradually systematically and scientific based on traditional Chinese charity, and has made a significant contribution to the development of modern charities in China.

In the Yangtze River, social innovation has always been one of the themes we are concerned about. What innovative attempts did Cantonese merchants conducted by righteousness and daring to create? How did the positive feedback continue to develop? What are the inspiration to modern enterprises?

Today, I will share with you Professor Zhu Rui, Professor Fan Xinyu, and researcher Li Mengjun's "Looking for Business to Good and Social Innovation" series of "Cantonese Charity" in China. I hope to bring today's corporate development and charity practice Reference and inspiration.

Author | Zhu Rui Fan Xinyu Li Mengjun

Source | Caixin.com

01 half -official and half -business Guangzhou businessman

As a pioneer of foreign trade, the history can be traced back to the Qin and Han dynasties.

When Emperor Hanwu, a merchant ship bypass the Malacca Strait to Guangzhou to trade. Then the Roman Empire sent an ambassador to the Han Dynasty and began the trade between the two countries. China also launched overseas trade with Rome through Tianzhu (now India).

During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, there were already a prosperous scene of "tens of thousands of tens of thousands of people outside the city" and "wearing the wearing the world of Guangzhou".

The rise of Guangdong merchants was in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The Guangzhou Thirteen Council in the Qing Dynasty was a typical representative of Guangdong merchants.

In 1757, the Qing government established a business position in Guangzhou, stipulating that foreign trade and domestic trade can only be limited to Guangdong Customs in Guangzhou to engage in transactions. Subsequently, the thirteenth line became the only monopoly institution in the country's "semi -official and half business" to trade foreign trade.

A business policy has made Guangzhou Thirteen Bank the center of the real Chinese and Western economic and cultural exchanges. The goods from the port of 13th line can reach any place in the world.

China Port Museum Guangzhou Thirteen Cross Scenes

In order to maximize the benefit, the 13th Bank also established a public organization in 1760. As a fair and strict business organization, the public is constrained by unified rules that are not allowed to pricing, malicious competition, and illegal operations. The purpose is to compete with the monopoly East India Corporation of the United Kingdom and the Dutch East India Company. Through the public public system, the Qing government can also achieve absolute control of merchants, and then grasp foreign trade.

Before the Opium War, more than 200 overseas business ships arrived in Guangzhou each year, and tax banks exceeded 1.8 million. In the past century, the tax paid by the thirteenth bank accounted for 40%of the total taxes of the Qing Dynasty.

After a century of development, Guangzhou Thirteen Business has established a prominent position in the world trading system and established a comprehensive foreign trade mechanism. Its impact on China and the world has continued to this day.

After the Opium War, the Qing government opened a number of commercial ports under the coercion of the powers, and the end of the business was at the end of the business. But in any case, Guangdong merchants are the most familiar with Chinese business gangs in modern Western business and the most familiar with overseas trade.

02 Technical communication and social innovation

The 13th line of Guangzhou during the heyday was a garden of the world, and it was also the only surviving junction point in China and the world.

Their associated with the world is not limited to trade, but also in all aspects of politics, economy, culture, religion, science and technology, medical, language, art, law and other fields.

In addition to actively participating in traditional charity as other Chinese businessmen, Cantonese merchants also regard the introduction of advanced western cultural and technological as their responsibility. This is also the most pioneering historical contribution compared to other business gangs.

In terms of the introduction of Western technology, the most successful and most talked about the most successful and most popular among the 13th Bank of China is to promote the acne in vaccination technology of smallpox in Guangdong and the country.

According to historical records such as "Nanhai County Chronicle" and "Macau News Paper", the ten years of Jiaqing (1805), British businessman Dolinwen first brought the acne vaccine to Guangdong, and was taught by British doctor Pilson.

At that time, Zheng Chongqian, a thirteenth business merchant, used the translation and publishing of the "Pooth Pooth Book" written by Pilson as a textbook, and summoned the businessmen and guys of the 13th line to learn. The originator, was written into the history of modern medicine.

Because the people in Guangdong lacked modern medical knowledge at that time, it was difficult to accept the "acne method" from the Western Ocean, so it was not popular. The following year, the ceiling epidemic broke out in Guangdong. At first, Pilson and others were spared to inoculate the children who had been inoculated during the professor and internship.

However, the success of the acne planting method is due to a series of social innovation practices in the subsequent promotion process.

In 1810, a foreign businessman brought acne vaccine since childhood Luzon (now Manila). Business Wu Bingjian, Pan Youdu, Lu Guanheng, etc. immediately invested thousands of yuan to open a clinic at the Western Association (also known as the "Poin Acne Bureau"). Local children are inocated with acne.

Also encourage children and parents who are unwilling to take over with money. This good movement has allowed countless children to avoid the infringement of ceilings and grow healthy. In the eight years of Daoguang (1828), the Pan clan from Pan Shicheng went to Beijing to set up a "acne bureau" with the Nanhai Guild Hall outside Xuanwu Gate, and invited Beijing doctors to observe and learn.

This method of "opening key customers" in modern marketing is very effective. Since then, the medical technology of acne to prevent ceilings has gradually spread to all parts of the country.

Thirteen businessmen systematically promoted the spread of acne method in China. Qiu Yan, a Cantonese of Macau merchants, not only invested in translation -related medical books, but also introduced the concept of traditional Chinese medicine acupoints into acne method. The aspects all put forward their own unique insights, and further increased the degree of acceptance of the public through the combination of China and the West.

At the same time, Qiu Yan once again opened the key nodes of key social networks through the way of book theory, providing services to political elites, and systematic training of acne masters, and promoted the spread of acne.

The success of the acne method in China has made the Thirteen Bank of business more confident and enthusiastic about the introduction of Western medical technology.

In October 1834, the merchants supported American medical missionary Bo drove to open the "Ophthalmology Bureau", which is the earliest ophthalmological hospital in China. Bo drove here for the first cataract surgery.

Due to the exquisite medical skills and receiving poor patients for free, Wu Bingjian immediately lent a building he had to establish a branch for free to establish a branch. China's first Western Medicine Hospital.

Here, Bo drove performed the first bladder granting surgery in China. For the first time, the ether anesthesia method was used in China. There were countless patients in cure, and many pioneering results have been achieved in the medical field.

In the process of spreading the acne method and the opening of the Eye Medicine Bureau, we see that a successful technology promotion rely on the advanced technology itself, but also highly rely on the promotion method of incentives.

And a successful social innovation can often form positive feedback, stimulate more innovative attempts, and benefit more people.

03 Shanhui Shan Tang and social enterprises

In the previous article, we mentioned that the commercial development of the Jiangnan area during the Ming and Qing dynasties was developed, and there were many good associations and nursery halls. In fact, Shan Tang Shan will be another set of relief solutions independent of the national relief system. It is an effective supplement to the national relief system. This system has a great impact on future generations.

There were various relief facilities in China before the Ming Dynasty. For loneliness, the country had the obligation to relieve relief, and was written into the law as early as the Han Dynasty.

However, there are many corruption behaviors and disadvantages under the feudal bureaucratic system under the feudal bureaucratic system. Coupled with the limited national relief of the year, the national relief is limited, and it has produced a good organization formed by the people.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, the local Shanntang in Guangzhou was mainly based on the Shanhui Hall founded by businessmen. At that time, there were nine of the most strong funds.

The west of the city is convenient for hospitals, the body of good society, Ai Yucang, and Mingshan Shantang.

These Shan Tang is located in the developed place of industry and commerce, and is chaired by wealthy businessmen.

The good hall with the purpose of "holding all kinds of good deeds", the scope of good deeds is very extensive, covering social persuasion such as explaining good books, as well as social relief in all aspects, such as giving medicine for medical treatment, porridge clothing, coffin funeral, staying in doctors to take birth students Wait.

Through the development of good deeds, Shan Tang not only played a role in rescue the local disadvantaged people, but also achieved the role of Chunhua's folk customs, reducing local contradictions and conflicts, and stabilizing local social order.

Compared with the traditional Shanxiangtang in the Jiangnan region, Guangdong's Shanhui Shan Tang has the prototype of modern social enterprises in terms of funding sources, organizational forms, and operating philosophy.

Taking the first modern Shanntang in Guangdong established in 1871, Aiyu Shantang as an example, Aiyu Shantang is designed in Shanghai Pu Yutang, but it is different in the choice and operation of the relief content. Essence

Shanghai Puyu Tang is mainly reluctant to relieve the old and weak and disabled, and also set up a Xi Yi office to keep the children who can return home, while Aiyu Shantang mainly uses the process of handling righteousness and medical treatment. Human physical fitness and knowledge levels make better conditions to develop.

At the same time, Shan Tang takes businessmen in various industries as the main body. Many merchants have "shareholders" (equivalent to the current council). They not only donate money to Shan Tang each year, but also give play to their business talents and get Shantang asset investment and financial management.

Pay more attention to democracy in management, and also set up a rotation system to enhance the enthusiasm of merchants to participate in charity, while achieving sustainable development of talents and funds.

Compared with Pu Yutang, Aiyu Shantang has more modern charitable properties. The righteous science opened by Aiyutangtang reached 27 at the highest peak, and it was also distributed reasonably according to the density of the population, so that the children out of school were educated [1].

During the heyday, Aiyutangtang had nearly 200 stores and more than 2,500 acres of Sha Tin. In just one year, more than 20,000 silver was rented in stores and fields.

From the perspective of modern social corporate philosophy, the fundamentals of the organization's sustainable operation lies in the sustainability of operating expenses. None of the nine major Hall of Guangzhou in Guangzhou only raised funds and walked with "one leg".

They can buy land and buy shops, and then rent on the market; or put them in the pawnshand to collect relatively high interest. Pay the principal with rent and interest to pay for the various expenses of Shan Tang.

In terms of line, the former is called "soil care industry", and the latter is called "the biography of the hairline". Renai Shantang, located in Guangzhou and hosted by the official, also has a unique way to raise funds. In addition to donations from the political and business circles, Renai Shan Tang also raised funds through the method of organizing the expo.

The hall considers ancient and modern items for public exhibitions, in order to promote traditional culture and advocate art, and use the benefits to charge the income and expenditure funds.

At the same time, the major Shan Tang has also formulated a series of relevant regulations to strengthen the supervision and management of institutions, such as establishing a board system and improving the management of fiscal revenue and expenditure.

Under the leadership of the board of directors, Shan Tang will formulate specific detailed rules, which involves almost all aspects of the affairs in the hall, so that the internal staff of the staff are clear and responsible. Improve and the smooth development of relief activities.

There are also mostly, the Board of Directors and Directors in the local Shanntang Shanhui are responsible for supervising and urging daily operations, and set up specific affairs of different departments based on their own operating characteristics:

For example, Renai Shantang has a political team and the Ministry of Xuanhua for political propaganda and people's education;

Chaoshan Shantang, relying on the faith of the folk sect, has a dedicated legal shares to promote the Dharma;

They also brought these models to Thailand and Singapore.

Whether it is operating specifications, talent training, management systems, or capital raising investment, the Shanxiangshan of Guangdong merchants will undoubtedly have a prototype of modern social enterprises.

As a local business group, they know more about the needs of the people, and they are more familiar with how to mobilize social resources to join the team of good deeds. It has formed a sharp contrast with the supporting hospital under the feudal bureaucratic system. Inspiration.

04 Summary Cantonese Merchants Charity Revelation

From the development history of Guangdong merchants, we can see that Guangdong merchants are the only window that blends with the Western world in that year. They are deeply influenced by Western culture. Capacity and capabilities for global operations overseas are also deeply influenced by Western charity concepts.

Cantonese charity is closely related to the development of the times:

On the one hand, Cantonese merchants have conducted scientific exploration through the introduction of advanced foreign technology;

On the other hand, Cantonese merchants conducted new attempts by modern organizations.

This is not only a manifestation of the spiritual development and innovation spirit of the Guangdong businessmen, but also the social needs in the special era.

In modern times, in the context of weakening national strength and social turmoil, the Thirteen businessmen introduced the advanced Western technologies, especially medical technology to China with the advantages of Huitong China and the West, and saved the lives of countless people.

This is also the case to improve the good meeting of goodness. When the people start to "open their eyes to see the world", the requirements of public opinion on social relief cause will also become higher.

On the one hand, the modernization of the Nine Congress is to improve efficiency and better serve the society. On the other hand, under the increasingly strict social supervision, it is sought to improve the performance of organizational credibility.

It can be seen that successful charity must be combined with the current social environment, and is a charity that meets the background of the times and social needs to achieve the incentives of the sponsor, beneficiaries and ordinary people.

In the background of the current epidemic raging, the introduction of acne method and the management of the good meeting and the goodness of the good will be more worthy of reference and advocacy.

Mencius has words, and people have no heart. When the crisis comes, how to effectively organize self -help and help, the Cantonese merchants have given the answer that is enough to make us proud today:

Believe in the power of science and maintain an open mind;

Ensure that incentives and compatible organizations, respect the needs of different people;

Flexible promotion strategies, operating management of chapter can be followed, long -term resource planning;

Encourage supervision, not afraid of criticism.

In the end, there will be good goodness and Guangzhou.

05 End language Inspirational compatibility and business innovation in business and social innovation

Under the goal of promoting common prosperity, can the third allocation not only benefit others, but also benefit the donors themselves.

With such a goal, we try to write a series of articles called "Looking at business from Chinese charity history to good and social innovation", sort out the history of Chinese charity, and realize business for today's enterprises The journey with social innovation provides theoretical support and practice priority.

The core idea of ​​a series of articles is the concept of "inspiration and compatibility", that is, the continuity and existence of a good behavior. It is necessary to ensure that participating in the behavior of the behavior or individual even if you only think about yourself, there are also incentives to participate in the action.

We will study the typical charitable model with a unique "3+2" analysis -that is, the three parties directly related to the charitable model: the sponsor, the beneficiary, the inheritor, and the two sides of the observers: the people and the government, in Whether the charitable model is inspired.

Looking back on history to better create the future. Using the "inspirational" ideological framework, we try to sort out the development of Chinese charity history and analyze the typical models to help us explore how today's companies realize business to good and social innovation.

Enterprises are an important part of society.Business is good for entrepreneurs to solve social problems with the help of business, and achieve economic value by creating social value (that is, "benefit from justice").Social innovation refers to corporate collaboration with other relevant parties (for example, government, NGO) to solve the system and challenging social problems.These are undoubtedly good things for charity, business to good, and social innovation.We hope to encourage people not only to pursue goodness by introducing the "inspiration and compatibility" ideological framework, but also to pursue it in a way others are willing to join you.(Follow your passion, but do it in a way that Others will join you.)


[1] https://www.sohu.com/a/296022377_161795

The picture in the article comes from Tuwu's creativity, and the reprint needs to be authorized.

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