How does literary classics have a "chemical reaction" with network space

Author:Guangming Daily Time:2022.08.10

At present, the development of online literature and art is strong, showing the characteristics of vitality, fruitful results, and great impact. In addition to the original network literature and art, the classic network reappearance of literature is also spectacular, including the online adaptation of "Journey to the West". As a classic IP that earlier entered the field of online literature and art, there are adaptations of "Journey to the West" on the major online literature portals and video platforms, and the adaptation type is quite complete. Beginning in 2000, the annual output of related works is tens of thousands of annual output, spreading over the types of science fiction, urban, history, and military, and showing strong appeal in the network field. It can be said that the Internet has become an important position for the reproduction of "Journey to the West".

Today, the literary classics represented by "Journey to the West" are irreplaceable literary heritage in terms of aesthetic education or spreading Chinese image. Literary classics have built the tradition and paradigm of Chinese literature, highlighting the unique style of Chinese aesthetics, and the crystallization of the aesthetic culture of Huaxia. It has become the main content of online literature and art with its original online literature and art. However, although the classic network adaptation of literature is considerable, the content is still mixed, and there are not many works that can have both art and market value, and even a considerable part of the adaptation of the "dolls" for online writers. The rough and uniform production methods are not only conducive to the spread of literary classics, but also damage its value. How to do a good job in the reproduction of literary classics in the Internet era so that it really rejuvenates new charm in the new media communication environment, and allowing literary classics to produce a "chemical reaction" with network space is a topic worth studying and paying attention.

1. Forms innovation and dedication should complement each other

In terms of network literature, the Internet has reshaped the environment of literary creation, forming a production field of various forces such as integrating commercial capital, netizens, and online writers. The logic of literary production has changed. Fans constitute the main body of online literature reading, and the content production logic is converted from the "author center" of traditional literature to the "fan center". With the deepening of the industrialization of online literature, the business models such as IP adaptation and offline publishing have further strengthened the fan tendency of online literature creation. The two -way conversion of creation and reading has spawned the type of network text, and the classic reproduction of literature has also been trapped in the tadpoles of type creation.

Take the online literature creation of "Journey to the West" as an example. In 2000, a online novel "Wukong Biography" affected by the movie "Journey to the West" caused a wave of online literature, producing a large number of "big words" style of follow -up, various "Tang Seng Dahua series" "Sand Monk Series" and "Eight Precepts Series". This adaptation of the author's idealism leads to the "big talk" trend, but does not promote personalized creation, but has narrowed the creation. Following the creation of the post -70s writer "Da Dafeng", the new generation of post -80s, 90s, and even post -00s has gradually poured into the tide of online literature production in "Journey to the West". Compared with the previous generations, the new generation of creators did not open up a new way for adaptation of the creativity of "Journey to the West". Instead, it was deeply affected by the trend of the type of online literature. Realize new breakthroughs. There are many such as fantasy, fantasy, martial arts, fairy heroes, science fiction, two -dimensional, and everything, but the original adaptation of the original innovation and the original innovation and the unity of high intentions is lacking.

The literary classics created in the "Author Center" era are deeply rooted in traditional literary spiritual soil, and each classic has its artistic personality. Literary classics itself is a model of a certain type of, abandoning its own form value, blindly copying the type routine, and eliminating the artistic personality of literary classics, which is not only conducive to classic inheritance, but also not conducive to the spread of Chinese excellent traditional culture. In fact, relying on mature narrative structures, characters, and story structures, literary classics can completely become a new type of "pioneer" of network creative types without having to go around in existing strange circles. In this sense, literary classic network recycling should be taken into account, breaking through types of types of types, and calling for creative works with artistic personality.

2. Cool visual impact cannot replace excellent narrative

"Journey to the West" is also a popular resource for adaptation of online drama. In recent years, there have been many online dramas derived from the West Journey IP, but there are only a handful of long -term impression that can be impressed in the memory of the audience. Generally speaking, the adaptation of these online film and television of these "Journey to the West" still failed to get out of the influence of the movie "Journey to the West". 》 Fixed mode adapted from the Internet.

Different from the individual writing of online literature, the production of online theater comes from a complete production team with a organizational structure. If the click -through rate of reading guides the types of online literature writers, then the production of online drama is inevitable The influence of big data analysis. In recent years, the application of big data technology has become more and more widely used in various industries. For the creation of online drama, big data can not only accurately layered users, but also carefully capture the user's content selection and screen out the audience The bridge section of the peak of the drama is eliminated to eliminate the contents of the audience. These peak bridge sections in turn become the basis for screenwriting and production of online drama, which leads to the production logic of some works from individual leadership to collective patchwork. The adaptation story is only a large platter of popular bridge sections. Logically self -consistent. This is also one of the important reasons why a large number of commercial capital poured into the field of online film and television production, although it brought a cool visual impact, it could not bring a good narrative experience. In the era of big data, we must fully respect the characteristics of online media production. Data analysis should not be avoided, but on the rigid parameter indicator of data, we should even realize that online literature and art are still a narrative art. Classic literary adaptation should strengthen narrative creativity, obey the law of narrative art, emphasize narrative logic and characters Derivative logic. As a model of narrative art, literary classics should not only be used as test fields for new media art. Fully tap the classic narrative resources of literature and give full play to the artistic function of classic narrative is the meaning of literary classic adaptation.

3. The value leadership and aesthetic taste are indispensable

Network literature and art are different from traditional literature and art. The content is produced by multi -party subjects such as online platforms, network audiences, network writers, and online production companies. The content consumption almost depends on the stickiness of fans. Therefore, the literary classic network reproduction has the essential provisions that are different from the traditional adaptation. Its innovation cannot be measured by the pioneer of ideas required by traditional literary and artistic works and the vanguard of artistic innovation, but to balance the relationship between emerging and popular, and innovate on the basis of the public acceptance. Innovation should be grounded, that is, the Internet audience is enough to be young and popular. At the same time, we should also respect the online media attributes, bridge the classical and modern discourse gap, adapt to fragmented audiovisual requirements, and have a full "network feeling".

But this does not mean that the creative body can be hidden under big data and click -through rates. We must not only be based on the popular taste, but also advocate value leadership. The reading and viewing of network fragmentation does not mean arbitrary writing and broken worldview. The literary classic represented by "Journey to the West" becomes a classic is that it depicts an ideal order and provides a multi -dimensional interpretation space, not a whiteboard that can be applied. Anti -essence and anti -depth post -modern thinking must not be the ultimate direction of thinking. The worldview and values ​​are still the foundation of narrative art. This is the bottom line of any media art. In addition, the reason why literary classics are classics is that it represents a aesthetic style, creating a unique aesthetic style that allows readers to gain a beauty in the process of reading. Although the online literature and art are mainly facing the general public, the classic adaptation should still not reduce the artistic standards and aesthetic tastes contained in the classics. On the contrary, the classics should be used to find the combination of classic literary works and network space to produce new "chemical reactions". Leader of online literature aesthetics.

In the current wave of "Hou Westward Journey", the "Journey to the West", "Journey to the West", and the "Suzaku Ji" that continues the context of the Westward Journey. Although the work is still fictional narrative in the overhead world that is popular in online literature, it has not avoided reality. Instead, it is implanted with the life thinking of contemporary people and responds to the real -life issues. Although the strong and philosophical thoughts and the life of people who directly hit the hearts through the beginning and end, after that, the work did not move towards fate and nothingness, but to give readers the meaning and value of survival with a more magnificent life ethics. This is also this is also The biggest highlight of the book.

According to the 49th "Statistical Report of the China Internet Development Status" issued by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), as of December 2021, the number of netizens in my country reached 1.032 billion. Judging from the current development trend of the mass media, online literature and art is a popular form of literary and artistic forms at the moment, becoming a platform for various traditional art aggregation display. The close connection between network literature and technology and industry has become one of the main literary forms of people's production and life.

However, in the era of reading and watching the comprehensive reform of the media at the moment, literary classics not only cannot withdraw from the historical stage, but should use emerging media to rejuvenate a strong vitality. The massive information storage space and accurate and fast communication paths provided by the network have allowed network literature to obtain broad imagination space and possibility of transmission across time and space. The popularity and international characteristics of the online media make it a powerful carrier to spread the outstanding Chinese culture, which plays an important role in showing a credible, cute and respectable Chinese image to the world. It can be seen that literary classics should use the current Dongfeng of the development of online literature and art to learn from the experience of original online literary production, but also respect the unique artistic personality and value of literary classics. Classic re -communication and reproduction of new world.

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