The "Chinese Traditional Culture Entry Temple" event in North Beibei Town, Qitai County

Author:Changji Daily Time:2022.08.11

Changji Daily News (correspondent Bai Yunfeng Jin Chunyan) In order to vigorously promote and inherit the excellent traditional culture of China, further enhance the cultural connotation of religious activities, enhance the sense of identity, pride and self -confidence of religious people and believers in the traditional culture of China Essence Recently, at the "Chinese Traditional Culture Entering Temple" calligraphy and calligraphy exchange activities in the Haiba Mosque in Northwest Bay Town, Qitai County, the painters and painters splashed ink and created more than 30 paintings and paintings with more profound content, positive and high -level art collection value. Give away the masses of Haba Mosque and the people participating in the event.

The event was planned by Liu Dazhen, a cadre of the Natural Resources Bureau of Qitai County in Totun Village, Northwest Bay Town, and organized by the Northwest Bay Town. Liu Dazhen said: "China's painting and calligraphy art has a long history. It inherits the Chinese civilization and is an important carrier of the Chinese national culture. It is also loved by the people. , I have the idea of ​​holding this event. "

The event invited Fan Geng, director of Xinjiang Guoxue Painting and Calligraphy Academy, painter Liu Jie, Wang Guangde, Du Haiping and other calligraphy and painting artists. The atmosphere at the event was warm, and the painters and painters splashed ink, and they used their words, painted love, and communicated with each other. The activities lasted for more than two hours. "" Shangshan bitter water "and" steady to far away "and other calligraphy works, Chinese painting peony, steed map, cute little donkey and other paintings.

"We looked at the characters and paintings written by the painter, and I liked it very much." Said the villager Heili Wuding, a villager in Totun Village, North Beiwan Town, Qitai County, which was collected on the scene. Totun Village Osman Cardel likes the word Liu Jie, a calligrapher, Liu Jie wrote the banner of "Essence of Essence" and gave it to Ottoman Cardel.

Qi Naxiti Umart Khan, deputy mayor of North Beiwan Town, Qitai County, said: "Hold the" Chinese traditional culture into the temple "event, allowing painting and calligraphy art works to enter the temple, so as to infiltrate religion and nourish religion with excellent Chinese traditional culture. I I feel that this activity is very meaningful and very timely. The majority of religious circles and people from all ethnic groups have participated in the activities to further understand the traditional Chinese culture, feel the charm of calligraphy and painting, broaden their horizons, and increase their knowledge. "

The relevant departments of Qitai County stated that they will take this activity as an opportunity to inherit the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, promote the core values ​​of socialism, adhere to the direction of religious Sinicization and the "four -entry" activities, and actively guide religion to adapt to socialism. The good situation of maintaining the stability, prosperity and harmony of the motherland continues to make due contributions.

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