After waiting for 3000 years, I finally found the other half ...

Author:Guangxi Satellite TV Time:2022.06.17

Waiting for about 3000 years

Portrait of Sanxingdui Bronze Bird Foot

Finally retrieve "the other half"


Sanxingdui Archaeological Research Team announced

New discovery of "Sacrifice Pit" No. 8

Top Snake Copper Portrait

Unearthed with the "sacrifice pit" on the 2nd of 1986

Portrait of Bronze Bird Foot Portrait

Fight against success

Experts rename this cultural relics--

Birds Foot Qu's top of the statue

This imaginative precious cultural relic

Can be called the "peak work" of Chinese bronze civilization

"This is not a portrait, it should be the idol."

On -site experts are amazed

This bird's foot song on the top of the "combined"

Honor, handle, pedaling birds

Turn up backwards

Completed a difficult "action"

Reflecting the sacrifice behavior at the time

Very important ritual and behavior

Portrait shape of Wuzhangli

Discovered with Sanxingdui before

Different copper portraits of braid hair and bronze hair portrait are different

It may represent another person who has another identity of Sanxingdui

According to the Samsung Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeological Research Institute of Sichuan Province

Director Ran Honglin Introduction

This is not a simple "patchwork"

Cross -pit cultural relics are paired and confirmed the previous speculation

It has important guiding significance for subsequent cultural relics repair

This combined bronze is foreshadowed

Many utensils of Sanxingdui "sacrifice pit"

It may be "a family"

How many bronze wares can be combined

Worth looking forward to

Archaeological research of Sanxingdui is still continuing

Ancient country of Sanxingdui

This mysterious picture

It is slowly unfolding to us


Source: Xinhuanet

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