Yin Tingtao's original 丨 a letter to his son to go to college

Author:Mantra Time:2022.08.13

A letter to the son who is about to go to college

Text/Yin Tingtao

Dear son:

First of all, congratulations to the admission notice from the Central Academy of Drama. Dad, mother, grandpa, grandma, grandma and other family members are happy and proud of you.

So far, an era in your life has ended with the advantages and disadvantages of scores and grades! What you need to consider now is how to face the new stage.

Since your college entrance examination has received notifications accepted by the Central Academy of Drama, you have always wanted to talk to you after you have been talking about your college life. My child was worried about her mother, and my mother and I felt a lot of words I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know where to start. You are about to travel to Beijing and start your own college life, which means that you will live independently outside thousands of miles away. I think I have a responsibility to talk to you based on my life experience.

After entering college life, we must establish a correct outlook on life and values. Seeing this, you may think this is an empty preaching. In fact, this is the most important thing in life. With the correct outlook on life and values, you can take less detours, you can know your life goals, to become a country to the country Useful talents with society.

What parents want to say is that they must learn to take care of themselves after going to college. At home, mothers and dads eat and live, prepare for you, prepare, cook, but once you leave home, everything must be carried by yourself. The food should be matched with food and vegetables, with balanced nutrition; personal hygiene should be particular, clean and tidy people like it, and the lazy everyone can avoid it. Learn to reduce clothes according to the sunny weather and the temperature of the temperature; remember to cover it at night to avoid being pierced by the quilt and get sick. If you are sick, you must see the doctor in time. Moms and dad want you to be healthy.

Keep in mind that you go to college for learning knowledge. You can walk into the door of the university, only prove your former; what kind of achievements do you go out of the college door, rely on your own future efforts. Therefore, you must have a good plan. At the same time, after entering the university, you must formulate your own learning goals and plans, especially the postgraduate plan, the English level 46 plan, computer learning plan, and other research plans. To what level of professional courses, you must have a clear understanding of which colleges and universities in the postgraduate entrance examination. After the goal is set, we must go all out to practice without being seduced by the bad atmosphere around me. Stay away from games, stay away from mobile phones, and stay away from friends. You need to know that no matter how good your wishes are, you will never bloom. Only those with strong self -control will be bright in the future. Moms and dads hope that you can bloom all the way forward, sprinkle with the sun.

Entering university, learning and life are very different from high school. In high school, you are an excellent student in the eyes of the teacher and a school hegemony. Many high school teachers will give more attention to you with excellent students. However, you can be admitted to the university of the Central Academy of Drama. Your college classmates are excellent students and are all academic hegers. You may have some sense of loss when you first entered college, which is normal. In college, it was very different from high school. In high school, the teacher asked me to learn. It was filled with duck -like, or even forced. The university must be self -management, with strong self -management and self -learning ability. The university has a lot of learning content, and the teacher speaks fast. He must learn from himself after class to digest and absorb himself. College students should focus on learning. In the case of learning, they can properly join the Student Union or one or two associations, but not too much. Joining the Student Union or community can exercise your social ability, leadership ability, and ability to live in life. At the same time, you can make more friends, which is also good for future work. The growth of people is inseparable from the help of others. Only by respecting others, understanding others, and tolerant others can you get effective help to grow rapidly. Align with the advantages of others, often reflect on your own shortcomings, and strive to make yourself more perfect. Even if you ca n’t be perfect, you must avoid strengths and avoid your glory. Remember to stay away from garbage people, don't let the emotions of others affect their lives and safety.

Do what you want to do right, don't care too much about others' comments. No one can live for you in his own life. What's more, even if you do well, someone will not like you. Therefore, don't care too much about the white eyes and ridicule of others. What you should do well is the king. Remember at all times, as long as it is conducive to your own development and does not harm others, no matter what you do, parents will always support it.

After starting college life, you must get along with the teachers and classmates, especially the classmates of the dormitory and the classmates in the same class. The students are from all over the world, and their living habits and learning habits will be different. When they encounter contradictions, they must be solved rationally. There must be a amount of tolerance. Don't try to change others, "different", "outer circle and inside", hoping to become your principle of doing things. There are any contradictions that you can ask the teachers and classmates to mediate each other, and you can tell your parents and let your parents give you an idea.

In college, it will definitely look forward to love. When you encounter a girl who likes, you can also start to fall in love, but you must find a girl with similar interests, good morals, kindness, and get along well. At the same time, love cannot affect learning. Real love will encourage people, promote each other, and progress together. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that love is mutual. It cannot be unilateral love and dedication, nor is it alms. It is necessary to properly handle the various contradictions in love. If you fall in love, don't think that everything is over, don't think that life is meaningless, who can live if you leave, and you will be better if you lose this. You must have a better one. "Now you have to answer me to answer. At that time, you can't afford to climb ". In fact, when you think about these after many years, you will think how naive the feeling of falling in love at that time. You have to remember, no matter who you are in love, no matter whether you are successful or not, you must be responsible for each other. Cherish it when you are together, and you should be grateful. Someone loves you, that is fate. If you lose love, it is just that you are not suitable. Don't be disappointed with love, you must firmly believe that the right person must be waiting for you not far away. In college, you must develop good habits, study habits, study habits, do not stay up late, do not indulge in games, etc., you must stay away from yellow gambling poison. To ensure your nutrition in life, a good body not only needs to exercise, but also to keep up with nutrition. At the same time, we must develop a good consumption concept, do not love vanity, do not compare dressing, and so on. College students should be compared to learning, compared to abilities. In dating with classmates, some of the necessary meals and other meals must also be attended, but they must not consume excessive consumption, do not drink excessive drinking, and cherish their bodies.

I said so much, but I still feel incomplete, and many life experiences need to be summarized by themselves. Only after experiencing can I really understand. What I said may be a lot different from you, but it is all the life experiences of my dad these years. I hope you can take a good look and remember some key ones.

The university is a melting furnace. Parents believe that after four years of refining, you will definitely shine. We look forward to your reputation.

Love your parents forever

August 12, 2022

[About the author] Yin Tingtao (male), stage name: Dashan. Born in Linyi, Shandong in December 1974, he is now a member of the China Democratic Promotion Association, a member of the Chinese Prose Society, a member of the Shandong Artists Association, the president of Linyi Kaiming Painting Academy, and the chairman of the Artists Association of Luozhuang District, Linyi City.

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