Finally you are here!The first music master lesson in autumn!

Author:Webly viewing Qingdao Time:2022.08.13

On August 11, the "Masters Face -to -face" event created by the Municipal South District Culture and Tourism Bureau and Tianjin Julia College officially opened. Well -known musicians demonstrated lectures on the spot, and taught music skills to students who are studying on the art road, injecting fresh academic forces into this city of art.

Five masters lessons, full of dry goods, wonderful moments, hit the scene directly:

"String Zhenqin Island" String Master Class

Listen to the beauty of string music on the side ear

On the morning of August 11th, a "String of String Zhenqin Island" String Master class was held in the south of the city, opening the prelude to the "Master Face -to -face" event.

The audience is not afraid of heavy rain, and seated early. The three students who were going to perform were also prepared to perform the first movement of "San Sang Third Concerto" for the audience present, "Carmen" and "Bach's Sixth Big Titian Music". Three songs such as the first movement.

After listening to the students' performance, warm applause sounded at the scene. Teacher Li Weigang, the teacher of Tianjin Julia College and the first small piano Li Weigang in Shanghai, led everyone to review the three songs of the performance, and praised the performance and performance of the students. Subsequently, from the physical gesture to the performance skills, patiently explained and guided the students one by one, emphasizing the correct pillet posture and the core technical point of the bow. Under the guidance of Teacher Li Weigang, each classmate benefited a lot.

In the music immersed in the violin and the violin, everyone feels gorgeous and poetic melody. The beautiful chords and changes that are built make the music gorgeous and expressive.

"Name of Light" Copper Pipe Master Class

Appreciate the beautiful and elegant sound of the round number

On the morning of August 11th, a "light of light" copper tube master class was also carried out at the same time.

At the event site, 8 children were prepared early on the stage to play the round -number "Sleeping Bear Legend" and "Red Lady Army" for the audience present. The wonderful.

After listening to the children's performance, warm applause sounded at the scene. Outstanding Performance Han Xiaoguang led everyone to review the two songs of the performance, and affirmed the children's work and proficiency in the music. Subsequently, patiently explained and guided the children one by one, emphasizing that the correct mouth shape and resonance should be made when playing. Under the leadership of Teacher Han Xiaoguang, the children cooperated together to perform emotionally.

After that, Mr. Han Xiaoguang conducted a guidance for the three of them, and explained the performance of each child. Remind everyone to grasp your own rhythm, you need to relax when you play, so as to be more ease. Emotion and state are dynamic and make it natural. When playing, it should be revealed from the lips and teeth like singing.

"String Zhenqin Island" String Master Class

Listen to the wonderful "dialogue" of the piano and the piano

On the afternoon of August 11, another "String Zhenqin Island" String Master class lectured by Mr. Li Weigang was also held as scheduled.

At the event, 4 children including Wang Yifei and Wang Shangen were invited to perform works such as "Bruch G's Essential Violin Concerto" and "Sibelius D Small Violin Concerto". The wonderful performance of the children infected the audience present and attracted applause.

Teacher Li Weigang fully affirmed the performance of the children, and also taught everyone the most basic essentials of the first, the two, and the three must be stable. Essence Teacher Li told children that the most important thing to learn the piano is to pay attention to basic skills. Whether it is soft and natural, or a enthusiastic style, they can be gradually controlled in the accumulated practice.

In the violin performance, there are still many parts that require children to continue to ponder. Through learning with excellent violinists, they will definitely go to the next level.

"Wood Sui Wind Dance" wooden pipe master class

Listening to the wooden tube five reaches and the appearance of each other

On the afternoon of August 11, a "Wooden Wind Dance" wooden tube master class was also carried out in the south of the city. Five children used five instruments such as biocrics, flutes, circles, Batson, and clarinet to present wonderful wooden tubes for everyone.

After listening to the ensemble of the children, Liu Mingjia, the twin receptor player, commented on it and told everyone that the wooden tubes were five types of orchestral instruments used during the performance. Essence Teacher Liu Mingjia affirmed that the children not only had superb skills, but also showed a good performance state. In addition, from the aspects of standing and performance, one of the children guided separately.

In response to the need for improvement, Mr. Liu Mingjia also pointed out in detail that especially emphasizing that in the entertainment, first solve your own problems, and then pay more attention to and learn the good physical rhythm and action performance of teammates. Make the audience naturally into emotions. It is very important to pay attention to the melody of other teammates in the performance. This is coinciding with Tianjin Julia's purpose -focusing on the art of ensemble.

After the guidance of Mr. Liu Mingjia, the children played again. Teacher Liu said comfortably that this time, the status and quality of the performance were better.

Shengle Art Instructor Class

Immersive experience of the charm of opera

On the afternoon of the 11th, the master of vocal art was carried out as scheduled.

At the event site, four groups of students came to the stage to sing a number of music clips. Through the display of vocal+piano, the audience was appreciated to the complex and full emotions of the singer in the drama conflict of opera.

Teacher Zhu Yanxin has carefully guided each group of students, and strict requirements on the language, rhythm, and slide of students, and put forward the parts that need to be improved. Everyone present has benefited a lot.

Subsequently, Mr. Zhu Yanxin arranged and directed a role -playing to allow the singer to better integrate into the scene, and at the same time gave everyone an immersive audiovisual enjoyment. After that, Mr. Zhu Yanxin played himself to explain the art of cooperation carefully for the students, and led everyone to enjoy the beauty of opera with the perspective of the field of vocal art.

At the end of the master's class, Mr. Zhu Yanxin said that there was a tradition of opera in Italy, but during this exchange, he found a lot of good voice in Qingdao. He hoped that more people could join and experience the charm of music together.

5 consecutive masters, wonderful

In the beautiful rhythm and music

The audience spent a pleasant day

Looking forward to the next

Cultural and Tourism Bureau of Shinan District

Union Tianjin Julia College

Bring us more surprises

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