Tribute to youth!The original video of Nanjing's junior high school students is amazing

Author:Yangzi Evening News Time:2022.08.14

Crossing to 2035 to see your future, aerial photography Nanjing showing the youth and vitality of the city ... Recently, the students of the second grade of the Tree Renren School of the South Normal University Affiliated High School, with the theme Full, amazing.

In the work "Strange Crossing Out again", the creation group tells the protagonist (Xiaocheng) who likes to paint with the inner monologue and white subtitles with the inner monologue. His distress, in the dream, he traveled to 2035 to see his future, and he did not engage in his favorite career. He realized that youth is used to struggle in the diary of the next day. "That dream is the future for me to ask for help now." At the end of the story, Xiaocheng expressed the journey of "I am 14 -year -old Xiaocheng, everything is too late!"

This work was completed by four students of Liu Yuzhen, Wu Shuaiwei, Huang Ranyi, and Wang Boyang. The screenwriter Liu Yuzhen told reporters that the video uses the method of crossing the ingenuity. The story originated from his own life experience. He likes to draw paintings. He hopes that he will be able to pursue his dreams firmly through this story and encourage more people in the same age. "It took 6 months before and after making the video. I learned the software painting, first drawing each lens, and then connecting each lens in series, and then making soundtracks and turning the venue. The final result is still very satisfied with everyone."

The "Capital" shot by Anyekang and Fang Huaiyi is a blockbuster. Each frame is very amazing, showing the youth and vitality of the city of Nanjing. Fang Huaiyi told reporters that all the pictures in the video are their own original, and many of them use drone aircraft. Some of them were taken when they went out to play before, and some were taken on weekends and summer vacations. The shooting took half a month to shoot for half a month. Time, later editing and coloring for a week. "The entire shooting process is very twists and turns. For example, when the aerial photography of the Yangtze River Bridge, we waited for 3 hours to wait for the traffic flow. When we rushed to the Zhongshan Mausoleum, the Zhongshan Mausoleum Scenic Area was closed. After the appointment is full. I have to change the time point, but because the scenic area is too large, the time is in a hurry, the photos taken are not ideal, and in the end it is not used. "

The reporter learned that for this short film of "Capital", An Industrial Kang and Fang Huaiyi shot more than 30 places in Nanjing, covering most of Nanjing's attractions and landmark buildings. The video uses a large number of aerial delay photography. For photography, the two students do not have a professional foundation, but have self -taught.

Teacher Chen Ji Chen, the Discipline of the Information Technology Discipline of the Nanda Affiliated High School, said that a theme was formulated to allow the students to group themselves, choose the material, write, shoot, and edit it by themselves. A homework of style learning is also the practice of the school. This year, the students interpreted the appearance of their youth through interviews, VLOG, painting and drawing around the topic of "youth", fully show the creativity and style of contemporary middle school students, and also inspired their group cooperation and inquiry interests.

Li Yan, teacher Li Yan, the teacher of the Nanda Affiliated Middle School, praised the students: "The works of technical empowerment, creative and wonderful work, the consciousness of learning and technology to be good. beauty of."

Yangtze Evening News/Zi Niu Journalist Wang Ying

Edit: Qin Xiaoyi

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