Weifang created the "East Asian Cultural Capital" │ Sending books to the countryside to the grassroots, cultural benefits the people's hearts and warm people

Author:Qingzhou Museum Time:2022.08.19

In order to help Weifang create the capital of East Asian culture, in the past few days, the Qingzhou Cultural and Tourism Bureau organized staff to carry out the "Sending Books to the Countryside" in various towns and streets in the city.Books, covering various categories such as politics, literature, children, science and technology, education, health care, life, etc., and guide the masses to read, at the same time carefully understand the reading needs of the grassroots people, listen to the suggestions of the masses, and have been welcomed by the grassroots people.

Carrying out this "sending books and going to the countryside" is a measure of benefiting the people at the grass -roots cultural undertakings. It aims to further enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the masses, promote the extensive development of the whole people to read at the grassroots level, and let the farm book house truly exert their cultural positions.Role continuously improving the satisfaction and sense of gain of the cultural life of the masses.

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