Multiple public cultural venues in Chengdu

Author:Listening to FM Time:2022.08.19

On August 19, the Sichuan Provincial Library, Sichuan Art Museum, Chengdu Library, Chengdu Cultural Museum, and Chengdu Dufu Cottage Museum issued notice, and suspended opening up.The Sichuan Museum is suspended from delay and opening up. The opening time of the exhibition hall air conditioning is adjusted to 10: 30-15: 30. Stop running the armrest elevator, turn off the LED large screen and other power consumption equipment, and the office area is limited to the office area.

It is understood that the Chengdu Museum is tentatively closed from August 19, 2022 to August 25 (Thursday).The Sichuan Library closed the library from August 19th (Friday), and resumed the opening time of the library.The Sichuan Art Museum was suspended from August 19th to 25th.Chengdu Dufu Caotang Museum is suspended from August 20, 2022 to 26.Chengdu Library (including Tianfu Humanities and Art Library) closed the library from August 19th to 25th, and offline activities were suspended.The above -mentioned public cultural museum online activities are carried out normally.

Reporter Wang Huan

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