Wang Zengqi: Interesting, it is an open -minded

Author:Ten o'clock reading Time:2022.08.22

People often say: The good -looking skin is the same, and the interesting soul is one thousand miles.

What is "interesting"? Is "interesting" born?

In fact, the reason why people are interesting is because they know something that the other party does not know, and has a different perspective from ordinary people looking at things.

The reason why mediocre life is common is because we face the daily life of daily reactions, and there are always the same reaction, without surprise and changes.

Interesting people will be beyond your expectations, perhaps the new scenery is found on the way every day, and maybe I found a hint of fun in the irritable work.

Life is made up of some trivial things, but if you appreciate and invest in a small way, then life will become interesting and intriguing.

Everyone in the world thinks Wang Zengqi is an interesting person, but behind this interesting is countless suffering and frustration.

"Self -enjoyment" is a collection of prose of Wang Zengqi, which contains many interesting people and things in Mr. Wang.

Wang Zengqi | Jiangsu Phoenix Literature and Art Publishing House

When studying at the Southwest University, every day, he faced the air strikes of the Japanese invaders from three o'clock.

He wrote in the article "Running Alert": The first two years when I just arrived in Kunming, 1939 and 1940, there were alarm on both ends of three days. Sometimes there are every day, even twice a day.

The scene of running alert was originally disturbing, nervous, and terrible, but in the article of Wang Zengqi, a trace of fear was disappeared, full of insight into details and a sense of humor in fear.

He wrote a Mr. Jin who studied Indian philosophy:

Every time the police report, a small handbox is always mentioned. There is nothing else in the box, it is a letter written by a girlfriend -love letter.

He regards these love letters as life, and sometimes takes out one or two to show others.

There is nothing to watch, because without Qingqing, my meat is numb, it is just a smart woman's feelings about life. The text is playful, full of British -style wit, and the words are very beautiful.

Later, Wang Zengqi had been a painful teacher and experienced the transformation of rural labor in the lower rural areas.

The more experienced is that the weightlifting of life is light, and it has achieved the interest in his bones.

There is a sentence in "Wall in Thinking in Thinking": Life is like a mirror. Interesting people maintain a high degree of investment in life, hug all their best, and hug him with all their lives. A boring person uses "no interest" to isolate himself from his life, so his life also avoids him.

Interesting, it is related to the perspective, the aesthetic, and the culture, and the thinking. Interesting in poetry and distance, but also in oily and vinegar tea.

Love life and discovery with heart, talents will become interesting.

One of the philosophers, Mr. Jin Yuelin, is about the philosopher.

Wang Zengqi described that Mr. Jin studied philosophy, but he read a lot of novels. From Prove to Holmes.

On one occasion, Jin Yuelin was pulled by Shen Congwen to a small teahouse to tell the students novels. The title he talked about was "Novels and Philosophy".

Everyone thought that Mr. Jin would definitely tell the truth. Unexpectedly, Mr. Jin talked for a long time, but the conclusion was that novels and philosophy had nothing to do.

He talked and stopped suddenly: "Sorry, I have a small animal here."

He put his right hand into his neck, caught a flea, pinched it in his fingers, and was very proud.

In his later years, Jin Yuelin, who returned to Beijing, lived deeply. Chairman Mao once said to him, "You have to contact society."

At the age of eighty, how can he come into contact with society?

He made an appointment with a sealing section, and took him to Wangfujing every day.

Wangfujing is crowded and bustling, and no one will think of this old man who is sitting on the tablet section. He is a great philosopher who is innocent and loves life.

There is also an old man in Beijing in the book. Wang Zengqi met by a bus every day.

The old man was seven or eighty years old. He wore a pair of old -fashioned round lenses. "The eyes were large, there was no turbidity at all, and there were deep crow's feet at the corner of the eyes. When talking to people, he always had a smile when he talked. Naive child. "

He has a family and a wife, but he is unwilling to live with them, saying "chaos!"

He and his relatives rarely come and go, and a person's life is very simple.

Get up early to sweep the ground and sweep the sidewalk in front of the door. Eat noodles at noon and night, 365 days a year, so every day.

He did not go to the grain shop to buy cut noodles, do it by himself, or dial fish.

Wang Zengqi wrote: His fishes are really a must. Sit water in the small pot, and use a thin chopstick to "rush" into the pot along the bowl of the bowl, and the thickness is like one. I would rather make a mistake to see him.

He has experienced many major events in his life, from war to natural disasters, from the PLA to the city to the founding ceremony. However, these have nothing to do with him. He still sit at the door at the door and watch the street.

"Ping peace, no joy, no worries, no desire or pursuit, natural and calm, just eat noodles every day, dial fish, look at your knees, with a smile, and use children as naive eyes. "

In "Mrs. Meshel", her husband Joey is a rich second generation, but there is a wish to be a talk show actor. His wife Miki supports him. A audience laughs.

Unfortunately, Joy's paragraph is not funny, and it is embarrassing to bring on the stage.

Joey was derailed. You know, she is very hard to maintain her daily life. In order to perform perfectly in front of her husband, she waits for her husband to sleep and remove her makeup every night.

The perfect life was crushed, and Miki ran to the tavern to buy drunk.

After being drunk, she ran to the stage and poured out the anger and grievances in the way of anger and grievances, which caused the audience to laugh at the audience. She also found that she actually had the talent of talk show.

After deciding to join the talk show, it was not applause to greet her. The first time I came to power, because I was my true feelings, I talked about the story, and then I came to power, and I talked about the routine. It was difficult for the audience to resonate.

After several performances failed, Miki decided to make a living first and go to work in department stores.

In her work, she pays attention to the various people and interesting stories. Occasionally, she calls her colleagues together and listen to her.

During the experience of life and repeated polishing, Mi Qi accumulated a lot of materials and found the performance style that suits herself. When she returned to the stage, she was so free to cope with it.

The so -called interesting is not from the funny language, but the transparency and open -minded after the warmth of life.

Lifetime is very short, be an interesting person, live with heart, serious and happy.

Author | Covenant, write a good story of others, and live a good life.

Picture | Visual China, the Internet (if there is any infringement, please contact delete)

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