Shenzhen photographer cross -border transfers to be a coffee farmer: How does a cup of coffee interpret time passwords?

Author:Shenzhen Evening News Time:2022.08.24

"I am a popularity of coffee common sense."

Wang Dadong, a Shenzhen photographer, because of a question encountered when filming the documentary "Chinese Coffee", took the team on the spot, and planted coffee in Shili Village in Gaoligong Mountain, Yunnan. It was 4 years.

During this time, Wang Dadong temporarily returned to Shenzhen from the mountain, from TEDXSHENZHEN's 20122 conference to the "sustainable coffee" online theme exchange. He told the public about this purely personal "coffee story". However, he emphasized that he did not talk about how complicated and difficult to understand, but just the common sense of coffee: "Our understanding of coffee is far less than misunderstanding of coffee." Wang Dadong said.

▲ Wang Dadong

44 chromosome coffee can become a boutique

Coffee symbolizes strength and enthusiasm in Greek. As the meaning, coffee is gradually becoming a enthusiasm that most modern people cannot quit. However, even people who drink a cup of coffee every day are difficult to accurately say that a cup of coffee is delicious or delicious? Looking at the articles about coffee, many complex proprietary terms, a variety of complicated fragrance types are dazzling, and they do n’t understand or not.

Wang Dadong told the reporter in the deep evening that putting aside the consumer traps and judging the quality of a cup of coffee is actually very simple: "If you drink more than two coffee at the same time, it may not be much different when it is hot, but as the temperature decreases, the quality All the disadvantages of poor coffee will gradually be exposed. Poor coffee goes downhill and drink it while hot;

Also, although all coffee is bitter, the good coffee bitter taste will be dispersed within 5 seconds, bringing a strong return, and finally a faint fruit acid. The bitter taste of poor coffee will be entangled in the mouth, and the sour taste is uncomfortable.

As for the fragrance of various coffee, it is actually a subjective feeling. "Different production areas, different varieties, the aroma of good coffee will be different, but no matter how good coffee, its 'fragrance' is just a 'trend', not a certain type of fragrance. If a cup is a cup The aroma of coffee feels very certain 'some kind of floral fragrance, nut fragrance, chocolate fragrance, wine fragrance ...' there is no doubt that it is artificially added. "Wang Dadong introduced.

As for the refreshing strength of coffee, it is related to the variety. The three major coffee species in the world are small coffee coffee, medium -grained coffee, and large -grained coffee. They are not the size of their coffee fruits, but different growing plants. The medium granules are between the two. Only small coffee (Arabica) has 44 chromosomes. It takes ten months from blooming to completely mature, and resonates with humans with frequency, and drinks a moderate amount. And those coffee that makes people completely unable to fall asleep, and even feel dizzy and disgusting, mostly 22 chromosomes, which causes the human body to have a rejection reaction. Therefore, only small -grained coffee can become boutique coffee, such as Typica, Bourbon and so on.

When fresh fruit matures, the height of its life is determined

Wang Dadong also took the small coffee of Baoshan in Yunnan as an example to introduce his reputation for the world with unique excellent quality and won the international award, but later he disappeared and the quality went down. And this is also the opportunity for Wang Dadong to switch to coffee farmers from the photographer: "In 2017, we encountered a wall when filming" Chinese Coffee ". ","

Fate also came at that moment, because I encountered a hollow ancient village at the elevation of 1800 meters above sea level, Shizhai Village, which was thoughtful. This traditional village has become a full -chain researcher of coffee "from seeds to cups" from coffee recorders.

Wang Dadong is a practical person. He hopes to continue the relationship between people and land, revive the production area, picking and processing coffee in modern thinking and traditional ways, explore the height of Chinese boutique coffee, and let ordinary people know more about it Coffee, understand Chinese coffee.

Wang Dadong said: "Coffee is a kind of fruit. When its fresh fruits are completely mature on the tree, the height of its life is determined. After all, all the processes are reduced. Who reduced less. "Subsequent" Baking is a translation process, translated the passwords hidden in coffee seeds; extraction is a release process, released the beauty along the way, and becomes a medium for people to communicate. Reflection of good times. "

▲ Coffee is a kind of fruit. When its fresh fruits are completely mature on the tree, the height of its life is determined. Interviewee confidence

He said, "Coffee, like other fruits, is determined by varieties and climate. But many times people who grow coffee do not drink coffee, and people who drink coffee do not grow. The economic value such as disease resistance has ignored the quality. This also wastes the unique dry and hot river climate of the Nu River Valley of China. Here, if you choose high -quality varieties, you can produce the world's best quality coffee! "

Not only do coffee farmers, but also Shenzhen coffee culture communicationrs

In Tedxshenzhen's 20122, the meeting was shared, and Wang Dadong introduced it: people's love for things is tangible. Wang Dayong, who lives in Gaoligong Mountain, is not only a photographer of nature, but also the coffee farmers who see through the mountains and rivers. In his eyes, good plants are mirror structures. The taste of the land and the color of humanities are based on the land, and coffee can be a fulcrum to lift, activate, and wake up the original light in the mountain village. Shenzhen is where Wang Dadong set off and the first stop for his coffee culture. In the APEXONE · Shan Ding No. 1 Manor Cafe in OCT, there is a large historical map of coffee, and every barista here has been to Shilizhai coffee production. It will tell the guests that this cup of coffee has experienced the mountains and rivers. Only in front of you. In order to keep the coffee taste, the beans that stored over the time limit after roasting will be thrown away, and the coffee beans sold will never be sealed because coffee is "alive" and needs to breathe.

In the future, in a corner of Shenzhen, there may be a cafe that belongs to Wang Dadong's personal, but as Wang Dadong said, planting a good cup of coffee is a lifetime. What about coffee? Perhaps it is also the precipitation of experience and mood.

Wang Dadong said coffee

It takes three minutes to extract a cup of coffee;

It takes ten minutes to roast a furnace of coffee;

It takes a week to get rid of a batch of coffee in the hull;

It takes three months to complete a batch of coffee naturally;

It takes three years from seed to harvest ...

Planting a cup of good coffee, life.

Shenzhen Evening News reporter Ma Juntong

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