Father died, peacekeeper soldiers farewell

Author:Xilu Qiangjun Time:2022.06.18

Mingyue came out of the mountain, and the vast clouds. Welcome to the "Guanshan Yue" in Xilu Ye.

Tomorrow is Father's Day. Do you have a gift for your father in the distance? Even if not, don't forget to call your father a call and say a happy holiday.

If you want to raise it, you will not wait. During his time to Mali, the soldier Wang Xiubi received the news of his father's death. The task was in his body, and he could only say goodbye to his father with the most lofty ceremony of the soldiers. Let's walk into the "Guanshan Moon" tonight.

Father died, peacekeeper soldiers farewell

Author: Wang Xiubi, Wang Hongyang

Anchor: Zhao Haonan

The night sky of Malinaka is lonely. I wore a steel helmet, a bulletproof coat, and walked towards the elevated sentry of the Oeda Massama Super Camping. For a few months, from sorrow to gradually calming up, I have experienced a difficult time, and at this time, I slowly accepted the reality of my father's sudden death. Whenever I look at the night sky, my father's warm eyes appear in my mind.

How to describe the image of my father? I heard my friends and relatives say that my father was a handsome guy in the village when he was young. But in my impression, he was the thick food of Jian Yi, full of mud, and sweat. He often wore a pair of liberated shoes and authentic farmers. Due to the busyness of farming, he was thin, with some humpback, full of thick calluses. As soon as winter, his back was cracked and covered with tape.

His father seemed to have never stopped working. He had to go out to work as soon as he finished the farm work at home. He usually loves snacks, returns home after drying, turns on the TV after dinner, and always wants to eat something in his mouth. When I go home on vacation, I always buy some snacks to bring him. He will evaluate which one is delicious and which is not delicious, and tell me to buy less next time. That scene, I remember it.

I was naughty when I was a kid. The crops in the village are broken, and the fish in the pond died, almost all I did. Every time I go home, my father always criticizes me. Once, my father hit me angrily and warned me seriously: "I can accept it without learning. After all, everyone's ability to accept is different, but your character must be good." Gradually, my father's majesty was pierced in my heart. When I took root, as long as he said that I dare not violate it, I slowly became a "good child" that everyone boasted in the village.

After graduating from high school, I joined the army. Before leaving, my father told me: "The troops are different from the family. They must keep the rules and listen to the squad leader, work hard, and eat more to be good for you." After that, the father turned and left. That day, the back of my father left in my mind, black coats, thin backs, every time I thought of sadness and thought.

I went home for the first time to visit my relatives, and my father went to the station to pick me up with a motorcycle. I haven't seen it for more than two years. Those thoughts buried in our hearts didn't know how to express it for a while, and the father and son laughed stupidly. In the third year of joining the army, the unit prepared to form a peacekeeping engineering team to the South Sudan (Wawu). With the support of my father, I signed up. After arriving at the mission area, what I saw here touched me a lot, so I strongly feel how happy I can grow in the peaceful motherland. As long as I have a chance, I will share my feelings with my father. My father watched the news on time every night, especially the military channel, and always expected to find news related to me.

After the peacekeeping mission was over, the organization arranged for us to go home for vacation as soon as possible. After arriving at home, I couldn't wait to come up with the peace medal awarded by the United Nations and the honor of peace honor awarded by the former Jinan Military Region. The father put it in his hand and looked at it repeatedly, and he was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

In the spring of 2021, the unit began to form the ninth group of China to go to Mali and the engineering team. My father supported me again. After the preliminary election, I asked for 5 days to leave home. In those days, my father did not work in the sky, but had been with me at home. On the day I returned, my father sent me to the station. When he was waiting for the car, he handed me a cigarette, and he ordered one, and said to me while smoking, "Take care of myself outside, I have me at home, don't worry, do it well." Answer easily: "You are still not assured of your son, no problem." I know, in his short few words, there are too many reluctance. After the cigarette was smoked, the father turned and left. It was the familiar back more than 10 years ago, thin body, black clothes, and old liberated shoes. My nose suddenly sour, and my two lines of tears came out.

Later, I deployed the officers and soldiers of the team to Mernerca. One morning, when I saw my mother's unbelievable call, I felt a little uneasy in my heart. Then, a voice sent by the sister: "Brother, we have no dad."

It turned out that his father went to the neighboring county to work and was hit by a sudden crane, and he died unexpectedly. I couldn't believe the news. I rushed into my mind for a while, and when my father said every word that my father said, tears couldn't stop going out. After learning that my father died, the organization gave me a lot of care. The team leader contacted the country for the first time, and asked the unit to send someone to my hometown to attend my father's funeral.

After the whistle, I walked to the camp.The night was quiet, and I tried a military salute in the direction of the motherland.It is my pride and the pride of my father to represent the motherland to perform peacekeeping missions overseas and fight side by side.When the Triumph, I will look at him at full honor, give him a military salute, and say that I have been silent in my heart but never said: "Dear dad, I love you." (Some pictures come from the Internet from the Internet)

Use beautiful text and sound

Passing the power of arriving in the heart

I wish you good night!

Author | Wang Xiubi

Wang Xiubi, a native of Enshi, Hubei, the ninth group of Chinese soldiers in the Maliwei and the engineering team, and the second level of the soldiers.

Anchor | Zhao Haonan

Zhao Haonan, a brigade of the 76th Army, has a long -time tour, loves broadcasting and hosting.

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