Wang Mengzhong's novel "Xia Man Tian": Tribute to Wang Yang's talents and endless creativity

Author:Art newspaper Time:2022.08.26

Wang Mengzhong's novel "Xia Man Tian":

Tribute to Wang Yang's talents and endless creativity

Text 丨 Liu Qiong

Whether there is no law, novels or prose, even if it is commenting, various styles have their own writing methods, and different writers have different writing methods, which fully reflects the innovation and creation of literary creation. Innovation and creation include both technical innovation, but also the creation of spiritual, thought, and experience. Innovation and creation enables creativity to have vitality and charm. Whether it is innovative and creative ability is the audience's high standard for an excellent writer, and it is also the lifelong pursuit of an excellent writer. Writer Wang Meng is undoubtedly a conscious practitioner.

In a brief review, Wang Meng's famous work "Long Live Youth" and "Organization Department have a young man", to various experiments and exploration writing such as "Butterfly", "Cloth", "Eye of the Night", "Spring Voice", "Activities to become human shape, humanoid changes to human shapes "Hard Porridge", and then a series of works such as "Scenery here" in the evening, the style, technology and experience are constantly changing. In continuous changes, you can still see a common law, that is, in addition to a few chapters, most of the experience presented by most texts is synchronized with history and individual life, which fully records the writer's interest and sensitivity to real life. These scratching texts can see the important psychiatric symptoms of the development of Chinese society for more than half a century, and see the extraordinary experience of living individual life. While the text fully shows the writer's ability to refine the experience, emotion, and experience, it also reproduces the artistic talent of Wang Meng and Wang, who is a writer in various art forms. The novel "Xia Man Tian" published in "Beijing Literature" is a charming text. Wang Meng has developed a variety of exploration and forward -looking novel art exploration. By depicting fresh and unique images, with the profoundness of philosophy, the passion of poetry, and the historical texture, the vivid life, the spirit of high dance, the outstanding soul, and the light of the wisdom of romanticism once again confirmed the Wang Meng as a writer. Alternative art innovation and creative ability.

Before and after sunrise or sunset, the beautiful colorful light appeared on the sky and the clouds, called Xia. The novel is named after the "Xia Man Tian" nursing home, shaping the character "Cai Xia" in the living space of the nursing home. Chinese society has gradually entered aging, writing with the theme of pension, has become a aspect of literary creation in recent years. There are ethics at the level of moral ethics, and some of the problems and mechanism issues of the elderly. The novel "Xia Man Tian" cuts from the nursing home to the entrance. It seems to write a person's pension life, but it is not. Cai Xia, Caixia also, the nursing home is just the environmental background of the character life. The real focus of the novel is based on "old" as the experience back. It starts with the description of the special destiny, and portrayed a female image with extraordinary spirit and soul. This is an old man, but this image is rare, vivid, and has extremely strong modern temperament and meaning. This is the talent and charm of this novel.

What kind of character is this? The 76 -year -old Professor Cai Xia lived in the nursing home and brought a shock to the entire nursing home. As a result, he experienced the vitality of the vitality of this special temperament who experienced the ultimate blow but still maintains noble personality. Her first husband's plane crashed. The second husband was the brother of the first husband. After living together for several years, he derailed the old nanny. The son born with the second husband was killed in the playground. Young people are widow, middle -aged bereavement, and old age. The so -called three unfortunate life of life landed on Cai Xia's body one after another. It is a tragedy writing to destroy everything and deprive everything. The tragic temperament of the character is full. The novel is skilled, and it is not positive how to write a character to suffer and get rid of the suffering. Instead, it is used to set the method with the side. It causes various vibrations from the nursing home from the nursing home. Cai Xia in the rare years is actually glory and the charm of gender. The disturbing movement of the nursing home is the cleverness of Cai Xia's strong spirit and healthy body. This is the writing of four or two pounds, which reflects the wisdom of the art of novels. The true intention of the writer is obviously not a nursing home life of a woman who knows a woman. The wonderful and contribution of the novel is to create a woman's image with a real modern temperament in this era. Not only is she vivid, rich, strong, but also open, healthy, noble, the integration of knowledge and compassion in compassion, and living the possible life on the ground into a distant life. Character image.

The novel focuses on the richness of Cai Xia's image. There is a career pursuit, and at the same time, there are a few strokes. There are a few pens. There are not many ink, but it is very important. Cai Xia has the temperament of an independent woman, and it also meets the criteria for successful professional women in the secular sense. Professional women are usually hard and have a strong spiritual world, but they lack the ability to love. The description of the ability of love is precisely the most discovered shaping of the characters in this novel, and it is the most beautiful glory of the entire novel.

What is the ability to love? In my understanding, it should include the ability to be loved and the ability to take the initiative to love. These two aspects are indispensable. Why is this ability important? The novel is a mirror of life. In actual life, most people lack the ability to love, and many contradictions and unbearables have come from this. To say boldly, many of our writers also seriously lack the ability to love. Without the ability of love, we cannot write a full image of fullness. The reason why many characters are not cute and not cute are both objective problems in life, and some writers' perspectives of life observation and understanding. This is a phenomenon worthy of attention at the moment. Because of this, Wang Meng's discovery and shaping of the new character of "Cai Xia" in "Xia Tian" can be valuable and powerful. The novel is a universe built by writers. Cai Xia, who is more than ancient, has independence, self -esteem, love, loving himself, and has its own value. Cai Xia appeared in the nursing home. At first, she showed charm with external temperament. In the end, she won a general attention and welcome in a dull and boring nursing home. A person with always love can exude the vitality and spiritual charm of life. Cai Xia's existence itself is value. Cai Xia in the novel, after her husband's unfortunate death, harvested the love of her husband and brother and responded to this warm emotion, and entered the marriage for the second time. This ultimate relationship is not so much challenging ethics. It is better to challenge the writer's feelings and wisdom. This couple is a palace of marriage with full love of mutual love, which is the ability to write the ability and rights of love. There is not enough relationships, and another triangle extreme relationship has come. After the death of his son, during the long -term difference of Cai Xia, the husband and the small nanny funded in the past had a private relationship. Facing the woman who intends to force the palace, in the face of her husband's erratic thoughts, Cai Xia, who was active, proposed a divorce. This plot that expresses the triangle relationship, common prototype in real life. Cai Xia, who was injured, took the initiative to divorce. This card was hit here, which is precisely the most accurate interpretation of his ability to love.

Love, affection, and friendship, this is usually our narrow understanding of love. The "love" of "love" should at least include loving their own career, interest in their own, and their own lives and life. Especially in the latter one, many of us do not know how to live or love ourselves. Love yourself is not to emphasize selfishness and self -centered, but to cherish your right to independence and independent life. If you lose your self, self -esteem and self -confidence often no longer exist. The women written in some literary and artistic works are not difficult to understand with "vassal" and "parasitic". At the same time, the "love" of "love" must also include the ability of forgiveness and sympathy. To love someone, you must love what he loves. Although it is a chicken soup, the truth is true. For example, in the novel, Cai Xia's treatment of her husband's derailment and letting go, this psychological description is extremely vivid and interesting. The writer turned the possible "Qin Xianglian" into a self -liberation "Sanniang", and wrote a sad picture into a broad drama and even comedy. This is the charm of the character's spiritual temperament and the charm of the writer's spiritual temperament.

Writing here, you must talk about the charm of the novel. The novel is not long, but two sets of tailor structures are set up, one is the third person "Cai Xia", and the other is "writer Wang Meng". The chapter of "Cai Xia" is the narrative part of the entire novel, and the chapter of "Writer Wang Meng" is the discussion, thinking and lyrical part. The part of "Writer Wang Meng" is extremely moving. It has the true expression of the writer, but also literary imagination. Through the first -person narrative, "Writer Wang Meng" personally appeared, witty and humorous talk, profound thinking, and passionate expression. Drama, stringing, and evaluation functions. The charm of language and the charm of spiritual thinking are at the same time. Getting spiritual nourishment in the art exploration of novel style is a theater reading experience. The writer's ingenuity is so deep and admirable. Wells, as you can see the talents and endless creativity of Wang Yang!



Text 丨 Wang Meng

The world is the source, sunlight and couple of life. Life is the world's festivals, feasts and puzzles. Life is the shape, preciousness, beauty and aftertaste of life. "This love is waiting for memories", which is Li Shangyin's day. "I don't see the ancients before, and I don't see it afterwards." It was Chen Ziang. "Zhi is in thousands of miles" and "strong heart", Cao Mengde. The days weaving with youthful golden lines and happiness are all coming. The hot memories, writing, and retention of youthful long lives are my days. It should be said that the days of poet Shao Yanxiang. (The golden line and the second sentence were added by Yanxiang to help me.) In the early years of New China, I did my best to retain them.

And "Eye of the Night" has the transformation, difficult and rejuvenating expectations. There are more vast, magnificent and more powerful days in "Scenery here". In addition, when the "Early Spring Return", "Paper Sea Hooks -Yin Weiwei" and "The First First Love" is in progress, they are with the memory of 70 years ago, and when the past of the manuscripts of sixty years ago is not completed, Let you turn it over and use it, anti -ravioli, move, and new experience. What kind of opportunity, happiness, certification and writing new experience!

There is also "Butterfly", Zhuangzi's dream greatly breaks through Zhuangzi himself, and "Singing like a bright spring", the Soviet days still have not evaporated.There are also "Life and Death Love", "The Wind of Laughing", "Monkey and Teenagers", "Summer Adventure". The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, and tomorrow, the evolution is also the sound, the order is also the number, the alternative is also the symphony, it is hard, it is hardNuclear is also imagination, extension, and deformation. It is random and design.Because of literature, memories will not be aging, life will not be indifferent, feelings will not be forgotten, the words are still lively, thinking is still ingenious, childlike heart is still jumping, poetic still cares on the chest.The days are still bright. I can tell readers that my debut "Long Live of Youth" is called "The Day of Bright Crystal".

Content source: Literature and Art News August 26, 2022

WeChat editor: Lu Yimeng

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