The "grain" strategy of the big country 丨 read the "food" from the classics of poetry and poetry

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.06.18

Nowadays, the "Sanxia" is busy season. Looking at the land of Huaxia, the colorful rural scrolls spread slowly on the field of hope, and the vitality is exciting. Farmers in the south are buried in the rice fields and controlled rice. Farmers in the north are driving smart modern equipment to catch summer grains.

According to the "China Agricultural Industry Development Report 2022" just released, China's agricultural production will continue to improve this year, and the total grain output will exceed last year, and it is expected to reach 1.38 trillion kg. In recent years, with the continuous upgrading of Chinese crop disease and insect pest control measures, China's grain crop disease and insect pest control capabilities have continued to increase.

Although our food harvests every year, no matter at any time, the concept of cherishing food and fear of food cannot be changed, and action cannot be relaxed. "One porridge and one meal, it is not easy to think about it; half silk and half a strand, and the material resources are difficult." In our brilliant civilization, there are a lot of famous sentences about planting and cherishing food. At the time of farming, let's review the traditional culture together, understand the hard work of "food" from Chinese poetry and classics, and understand the "grain" strategy behind the harvest.

Appreciation: Porching is like a needle line, both tedious and hard. A person can only cultivate a small field, and a large area of ​​Liangtian cultivation requires everyone to work together to complete.

Appreciation: The farmer who was farming was busy working with the shepherds in the fields full of mulberry trees. The farmer speculates that climate harvesting is said to be a bumper year.

Appreciation: The newly built venue is flat like a mirror, and every family is playing rice in the sunny day after the frost. The peasants sang with a laugh, and the sound of the yard sounded lightly.

Appreciation: The west wind that stretches for hundreds of miles blows the aroma of Heyu. Lao Niu completed his hard work, lying on the hillside under the setting sun, chewing grass leisurely.

Appreciation: Where the flowing water goes is the hometown, and the canopy is treated as a house. The rice soup made of fish, rice made of rice is daily meals.

Appreciation: Every bowl of porridge and every meal should think about it difficult; whenever we see half of the silk and half lines, we remind us that we will always remember the difficulties of diligence and frugality.

Observation of Sichuan (Source:

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