After 30 years old, please live a subtraction life

Author:reader Time:2022.08.26

I have seen a sharing on Zhihu:

In a university management class, more than half of the year -old professor raises a question:

"You have to boil water and drink, and suddenly find out that the remaining firewood is not enough to boil a whole pot of water. What should I do?"

The answers of the classmates are open brain.

Some said that they were thrown into the nearby waste paper; some said they went directly to the neighbor's house to borrow a pot.

The old professor was patiently heard one by one, and then gave an answer to another way to make the students instantly pour.

He said, "Why not pour half of the water in the pot?"

Indeed, human resources and energy are limited, and we cannot get everything every time.

Life, sometimes it is like burning such a pot of boiling water. When there is not enough firewood, you know how to choose from to gain.

Source: panoramic vision

Nothing, often nothing

I agree with one sentence: "One person cannot chase two rabbits at the same time."

Nothing, often nothing.

I have seen such a story that has benefited me to this day.

In 1889, a French businessman named Edward founded a tire workshop. Under his operation, this small workshop developed into a large company in a few years.

Later, the shipping of the sea was developed, and Edward felt that the shipbuilding industry was very profitable, so he immediately established a shipyard.

It didn't take long for him to hear that the brewing industry was also very good. He quickly opened a brewing company ...

He originally thought that he was standing at the cusp of the development of the times and grasped every vent, but his career did not flourish as expected. Instead, all companies in the name of all companies successively suffered losses.

In the end, tire companies that live on survival are also facing bankruptcy.

Edward, who was puzzled, suddenly realized after an unintentional vineyard inspection.

In the vineyard, he found that farmers would pick up some green grapes and throw away.

He felt a pity, and asked, "These grapes seem to have no problem. Why should you throw it away?"

Farmers replied: "Picking off some grapes can reduce unnecessary nutrient snatch between grapes, so the grapes stayed in this way can be sweet enough."

After listening to this explanation, Edward was awakened instantly.

Management company is actually the same reason.

As the saying goes, press the gourd to get a scoop.

The more businesses, the more they are scattered, and they can't do anything in the end.

Source: panoramic vision

In the following half a year, Edward stopped the shipyard, brewing and other businesses, and put all the energy into the field of tire production.

Until now, his tire business has covered more than 200 countries and regions around the world.

The tire company he created is known as "the leader of global tire technology" -mirin.

A psychologist in the United States has proposed that the reason why modern people live so tired, which is prone to frustration and anxiety in their hearts, because they are lost and drowned in various desires.

In this life, everything is destined to have nothing.

Only by knowing how to give up can you really have it.

Only by knowing how to choose

There are sections of lines in the movie "Wolf Totem":

The locals will catch the beast clip on the grassland to capture the beasts, but they rarely capture the wolf.

Not because the wolf is smart, but because when the wolf is arrested, he will choose to bite the leg to escape.

Survival of broken arm is a kind of survival instinct for animals.

But if you think about it, this is actually hidden in a wisdom: knowing how to choose, in order to be free.

The choice seems easy to understand, but it is difficult to do.

It is said that the ancient Indians catch monkeys without weapons.

Smart hunters will empty the coconut and open a small hole.

There is a banana inside, and the size of the hole is very particular. It is exactly enough for the monkey's hand to reach in.

The monkey came in the fragrance, stretched his hands in, held the banana, and let it retract his hands hard to retract his hands and bananas at the same time.

Because he wanted to get bananas, why did monkeys refuse to put down the banana empty -handed and out of the hole, and eventually fell to the end of the hunter.

We will laugh at monkeys and do not know how to choose, but in our lives, we are often this monkey, because we do not know how to choose, but lose ourselves.

Source: panoramic vision

In a village, every year when the persimmons are mature, the farmers here will not take all the persimmons, and they will always leave a few on the tree.

The reason is that there are greatness.

First, the persimmon is cooked, and it will definitely fall to the ground, and it can be enjoyed when the pedestrians on the road need.

Second, the extra persistence can be left for birds to eat in winter so that the birds will not starve to death in the cold winter.

Everything is spiritual. When the spring will be in the next spring, the birds will catch the bugs on the tree. In this way, the persimmons will be harvested next year.

Leave a few persimmons on the tree, it seems to be helpful, but it is actually crossing himself.

All the loss will return in another way.

There is a line in the movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon":

Hold your fist and have nothing in your hands; let go of your hand, but you can have the entire world.

Remove the baggage and make it lightly, and you can move freely on the journey.

Knowing how to choose, weighing gains and losses, life will eventually usher in a peak circuit.

When people reach middle age, the more willing, the richer

Lao Tzu once said, "You can get less, and you are confused."

This is like the lighthouse on the sea. Although it is small, it is very bright. It can guide people and get out of mystery.

If there are glory on the sea, it is easy to make people lose their direction.

The same is true in life. Learning to remove redundant can be transparent. Source: panoramic vision

Huawei's founder Ren Zhengfei is a person who knows "giving up."

Huawei has developed rapidly over the years, and its operating income has exceeded $ 100 billion in one year.

Many people wondered: Why never see Ren Zhengfei's name on the rankings of major richest people?

In fact, the reason is very simple. Ren Zhengfei divides most of the company's stocks and income to employees.

Huawei's unique "full shareholding" model has won the hearts of countless outstanding talents.

It seems that Ren Zhengfei has lost the opportunity to dominate the rich list, but with limited money, in exchange for unlimited loyalty and followers of employees.

Ren Zhengfei understands that if the company wants to develop for a long time, we must know how to choose and retain talents in order to ensure the vitality of the company. This is what he really wants.

For so many years, Huawei has become stronger and stronger, and there is another reason that cannot be ignored.

That is, after Huawei entered the communications industry, he never turned around.

After 2010, Huawei built a new city around Huawei, and some subordinates had a proposal to Ren Zhengfei: "If you just take a little bit, build a house, you can easily earn tens of billions of billions."

As soon as Ren Zhengfei heard, he shouted at the table: "Huawei does not do real estate. This incident has been concluded, who mentioned it again, who laid off!"

In the era of the rise of real estate, the Internet, and capital operation, Ren Zhengfei abandoned various opportunities to make money, and he was only his own old bank.

It is also Ren Zhengfei this powerful choice that has achieved Huawei now.

Such an entrepreneur with a large pattern is willing to have a stage, decentralization, and benefit, and ushered in a broader world for themselves and everyone.

In this case, the same is true of life.

The more willing, the richer.

After weighing the abandonment, after reflection, we will eventually let us realize the smooth and back.

Source: panoramic vision

There is a saying: "Before the age of 30, you must desperately do the addition; after the age of 30, you must know how to do subtraction."

When we were young, we need to accumulate knowledge and experience like a sponge.

Entering middle age, everything around it becomes a choice question. Choosing a load to move forward, it will only make people breathless.

She is the most intelligent choice in life at this moment.

Tagore has a classic little poem:

One night, I burned all my memories, and my dreams have been transparent since then.

One morning, I threw away all yesterday, and my footsteps have been light since then.

Unnecessary attachments are abandoned, and the return from complexity is simple, so that we can return to our hearts to live more focused in the present.

Light "watching", I hope you and I can learn to choose, focus on the hustle and bustle world, focus on yourself, and find your own wind and clear moon.

- END -

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