Lile and Le Shandong | Tai'an: Dongping County launched a 2022 square dance improvement training activity

Author:Shandong Public Culture Cloud Time:2022.08.27

In order to enrich the cultural life of the grassroots at the grassroots level, we will conduct in-depth cultural practical activities of "I do practical work for the masses" and solidly promote the improvement of the satisfaction of the cultural life of the masses. From August 24th to 31st, Dongping County Cultural and Tourism Bureau went deep into the county's 14 towns and villages in the county. Carry out the training activities of square dance in 2022, solidly improve the dance level of grassroots square dances in the county, and enhance the sense of gain and happiness of grassroots people.

This training divides 14 towns and villages into 3 areas. Each township street training is one day. The three professional teachers selected by Dongping County Culture and Art Center will give lectures. Counseling personnel conduct on -site improvement teaching.

At the teaching site of Yinshan Town, the teacher passed the "Demonstration of Movement", "Explanation of Difficulties", and "Student and Learning". Under the teacher's rhythm password, Hele practiced and studied repeatedly and progressively. After the teacher's patient and meticulous professor, the basic skills of grass -roots dance enthusiasts have been effectively improved. Each student who came to the training was full of enthusiasm, showing the style and charm of dance enthusiasts.

Zhang Hua, director of the Dongping County Culture and Art Center, said that this year it has been a public welfare square dance training for eight consecutive years in the Dongping County Culture and Tourism Bureau. The training aims to provide a learning and exchange platform for the majority of cultural workers and dance teams such as grassroots and dance teams through the establishment of a free training platform. Selected and cultivated talent teams in the first square dance contest.

In recent years, the Dongping County Culture and Tourism Bureau has given full play to the service functions of cultural benefits to the people. Cultural activities have set up a platform for the people to show a beautiful countryside and a happy life.

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