Baihua blends, pass on science torch ︱ 2022 National Science and Technology Workers' Day

Author:Scientific network Time:2022.06.19

The "angel" of healthy health, the line of defense of the disaster, the trajectory of urban development, and the exploration of unknown eyes ... This is a series of short videos launched by "Shandong News Network "-" Qilu Research Tide '" Many scientific and technological workers who have the motherland and serve the people.

In May in early summer, the Shandong Provincial Association of Science and Technology was based on the theme of "innovation and innovation, self -reliance and self -reliance", closely combined with the 2022 "National Science and Technology Workers Day" and the National Science and Technology Activity Week in 2022. It organized various forms and diverse forms and diverse forms within the scope of Shandong Province. Rich popular science activities. The event shows the style of science and technology workers and enhance the sense of professional honor and pride in science and technology workers.

Spring wind and rain learning ancestors

Opening the long shot of history, from the endless Gobi wasteland, to the turbulent East China Sea, from the hard -working fields to the three -foot forum of preaching, Wen Shengchang, Cao Benxuan, Guo Yonghuai, Yu Songlie, Pan Chengdong, Zhang Canzheng, Zhang Canzheng ... This is May 27th, on the eve of the sixth "National Science and Technology Workers 'Day", hosted by the Shandong Provincial Association of Science and Technology and hosted by the Shandong Science and Technology Workers Service Center, the "Spring Wind and Rain" promotes the scientists' spiritual series of online preaching Activity.

Spring wind turns rain, Yuru Yucheng. A report from the experts of the Shandong scientist spirit report group vividly demonstrated the generation of Shandong natives and older generations of scientists in Lu Lun to overcome all kinds of difficult and dangerous obstacles, cut thorns, and entrepreneurs hard, and made outstanding contributions to the development of the motherland's science and technology undertakings. The touching story of the immortal monument.

Zhang Bo, vice chairman of the Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Association, said: "National Science and Technology Workers Day is a festival for the majority of science and technology workers. The work pattern of organizing linkage, online and offline combination. "

In Binzhou City, Binzhou Science and Technology Association and Binzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Organs and Work Committee jointly organized the first scientist spirit theme art exhibition of Binzhou City, and cultivated the country's national conditions and vigorously promoted the spirit of Chinese scientists in the new era.

In Rizhao City, the film "Qian Xuesen", "I am a doctor", "Yuan Longping" tells the vivid practices of Comrade Qian Xuesen, Academician Wu Mengchao, Academician Yuan Longping, and the vivid practices of promoting the spirit of scientists. Rizhao City Science Association Innovation held a scientist spiritual film exhibition publicity week, and the response was enthusiastic.

The Yantai Science and Technology Association pays tribute to science and technology workers in the form of light show in Binhai Plaza

Education in the science popularization of the people

"Look at the car I made!" A kindergarten child showed everyone the magnetic car he made with a childish voice, and the joy was overwhelming. This is a scene that occurred in the science popularization experiment class in Houqi Village, Houqi Village, Tangshan Town, Huantai County, Zibo City.

The Shandong Provincial Association of Science and Technology jointly linked the National Science and Technology Workers 'Day activities with the National Science and Technology Activity Week activities, and made May become a festival for science and technology workers to increase the awareness of the festival of science and technology workers' Day. At the same time, the overall situation of serving the epidemic prevention and control, the Shandong Provincial Association of Science and Technology encouraged various localities to carry out special activities in various ways.

From early May, Shandong Province's "Science and Technology Innovation China" pilot cities actively connected with the Science and Technology Service Troupe of China Science and Technology Association, organized Shandong Science and Technology Service Troupe to conduct in -depth cooperative innovation bases to carry out service activities. At the same time, relying on the Civilization Practice Center of the New Era, the cities and county sciences associations have actively carried out a series of activities to help rural revitalization and public scientific and cultural quality improvement services.

The "Revival Youth Palace" of Qiangtai County has carried out calligraphy art counseling, children's choir, legal lectures, etc.; The science and technology museum organized a "scientific show" performance, hand -made scientific tools ... Out of the way, high -quality services are transported through "offline+online" multi -channel.

The piloting of the Rizhao Science and Technology Association to carry out "library cooperation" to benefit more than 138,000 primary and secondary school students in 150 schools in the city; successfully created the national "museum cooperation science education pilot market" and "'science and technology building dream' help 'double reduction' popular science "Pilot cities in action", participated in the national science popularization to help "double reduction" in the spring semester of 2022.

During the 2022 National Science and Technology Workers' Day, the Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Association actively carried out a series of popular science popularization activities such as science and technology, popular science into communities, and science popularization campuses. High -level technology self -reliance and self -reliance.

On May 29, the theme of the "Scientist under the Party" was held at the Rizhao Science and Technology Museum

Fortunately colorful flowers

Theme exhibitions, visiting condolences, symposiums, "Most Beautiful Science and Technology Workers" release, academic exchanges, and science and technology volunteer services ... All departments and units in Shandong Province have carefully planned the special activities of the National Science and Technology Workers' Day in 2022. The Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Association highlighted extensive mobilization, overall collaboration, and created boutiques, and mobilized 53 key activities as demonstration traction.

Rizhao City showed a comprehensive display of the deeds of the "most beautiful science and technology workers", and held the theme exhibition of "the hearts of the party's self -reliance and self -reliance -scientists under the leadership of the party".

"The scientific and technological workers of the motherland and the people of the people have built the backbone of the country with their hard work. They set a model and are our example!" Sun Yuanyuan, deputy director and engineer of the Environmental Chemistry Research Office of Rizhao Ocean and Fisheries Research Institute, emotion.

"Regardless of the form of activities, the ultimate goal is to make scientists infect more groups, and to form a love science in the entire society, and to achieve the atmosphere of high -level technological independence and self -reliance." Said Teng Yongmao, chairman of the Rizhao City Science and Technology Association, said that any scientific achievements It is inseparable from spiritual support. The reason why such a complete category and rich content of the "National Science and Technology Workers Day" are here, the purpose is to allow all sectors of society to truly understand the connotation of the spirit of scientists. "Especially for young people to understand This is the star that youth should be chased in the new era. " Binzhou Most Beautiful Science and Technology Worker Publishing Ceremony site

Binzhou also held the launching ceremony of Binzhou "Most Beautiful Science and Technology Worker" in 2022. Scientific and technological workers said that the team will lead the team to the forefront of the industry and the major needs of the industry, carry out and innovate work, and not forget their original intentions, and contribute to the technology workers for enterprises and local economic development.

The Tai'an Science and Technology Association carried out a series of activities to visit the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Shu Huairui, Yu Zhenwen, and representatives of science and technology workers and representatives of foreign experts in Tai'an City. The theme exhibition of the party's self -reliance -scientists under the party leaders attracted a large number of party members and the masses to come to watch the exhibition.

Qingdao and Yantai Science and Technology Association pay tribute to science and technology workers in the form of light show in Binhai Square. Jining City held the "National Science and Technology Workers Day" at home activities, and the representative of science and technology workers recited the "Power of Science and Technology" on the spot.

On May 28, at the scene of the "National Science and Technology Worker Day" event of Jining City, the representative of science and technology workers recited "The Power of Science and Technology"

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