Painting, music, calligraphy ... free online public welfare training courses in Jinjiang District, Chengdu

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.02

Cover reporter Luo Tianyi

watch TV?play cell phone?Sleeping?How to high -quality houses during the epidemic?On September 2nd, the reporter learned from Jinjiang District, Chengdu that starting from August 31, the free online public welfare training course in Jinjiang District has been invited for 6 consecutive days, and you are invited to "art to resist"!

In order to better cope with the sudden new crown pneumonia's epidemic, further enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the people, improve the quality of life of the residents' "home house", and guide everyone to learn to learn.The online public welfare training course launched by the class training institution was officially launched.

This public welfare training course will carry out online teaching through the Jinjiang District Cultural and Sports Bureau, Jinjiang District Cultural Museum, Jinjiang District Library WeChat public account and Tianfu Cultural APP platform for free.Class categories can meet the artistic and cultural needs of citizens in different ages.Citizens can learn online with just login on the platform, and "home houses" experience artistic power.

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