Manage the grass -roots cultural positions Guangxi Quanzhou County to carry out a big inspection of farm bookstores

Author:Farm Bookstore Magazine Time:2022.09.02

From August 30th to September 2nd, at the beginning of the new semester of autumn, the Propaganda Department of the Quanzhou County Party Committee of Guilin City, Guangxi, and the county's "Sweeping Pornography and Fighting" Office jointly conducted a special inspection of farm bookstore management to further regulate the management and maintenance of farm bookstores , Promote the improvement of quality and efficiency of farm bookstores, so that grass -roots cultural positions can better serve the masses.

Inspection of Book Books in Liucun, Liangcun, Lianghe Town

A total of 24 staff members in the six inspection teams were divided into six inspection teams. Through field inspections, inspection records, and reporting reports, the borrowing registration, book renewal of books, administrators' duties, etc. Check whether the books are available on the shelves, classified and placed, and the work records of "sweeping the pornography".

Everywhere, the inspection team carefully listened to the reporters of the bookstore administrators on the management of the rules and regulations of the farmhouse, the opinions of the masses, and the management of grass -roots ideological positions; carefully inspected the work, encouraged to carry forward well Places to propose rectification requirements. At the same time, all agricultural bookstores are required to strengthen standardized management and construction, open on time, and make good use of living farmhouses to make the small bookstore play a great role and effectively become the "charging station" of the masses.

View the types of books in the farmhouse of Xinfu Village, Lianghe Town

It is understood that in order to improve the service efficiency of farm bookstores and improve the construction of local cultural construction, Maozhu Shan Village, Caiwan Town, Quanzhou County has also established a corner of the farm bookstore. According to local villagers, there are rich types of books in reading corners, including party and state policies, electrical engineering, planting, and extra -curricular books that students love to read. Books are widely involved in the reading needs of the local people.

Cape of Maozhu Shan Village, Caifan Town

"Villagers often come here to study, learn grape planting technology and other knowledge, and plant grapes to increase income from our villages. Reading has also become a good habit of villagers. The reading corner of the small farmer's bookstore has played a great role in the development of our village! Wang Xinmin, an administrator of the farm bookstore of Maozhu Shan Village.

Author: Tao Junyan Liao Yugang

Edit: Gong Changsheng

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