Mao Zedong's revolutionary poetry in western Fujian

Author:Red Culture Weekly Time:2022.09.04

Mao Zedong's revolutionary poetry in western Fujian

□ Fu Weijian

When the Chinese Revolution and the Communist Party of China were in their childhood, the red land of western Fujian embraced her, nurtured her, supported her, and strengthened her, so that she firmly made her faith, clarified her direction, and went to the right track. Mao Zedong thought was initially formed here. Mao Zedong footprints of talented politicians and poets, the affectionate fertile soil, use the strokes of Ruyi to draw the revolutionary blueprint, and use the bold revolutionary poetry to interpret Mao Zedong's thoughts.

Shuikou Village, Putian Town, Changting County is Gudukou Village, "Red Flag Speaks over Tingjiang"

The wind and clouds changed, and the warlords started to war. Sprinkling the world is all grievances, and the pillow of yellow beams reproduce.

Hongqi jumped over Tingjiang and went straight to Longyan Shanghang. Packing up the golden piece, the division is really busy.

After the Red Fourth Army entered Fujian, every battle will win. The victory of the three -dos of the Red Fourth Army has greatly opened the situation of the revolutionary struggle of the western Fujian. A comprehensive riots in the six counties of Fujian and western Fujian have established a red regime, which has realized the revolutionary scene of fighting the fields. Mao Zedong was very excited and could not help but surge.

Mao Zedong's military talents are often displayed in the contest of the enemy's weakness, "encirclement" and anti -"encirclement". Mao Zedong's poetic talent is often burst out in a stressful struggle environment.

Red Fourth Army "Three Dragon Longyan City" Memorial Hall (Zan Sheng Store)

The poet wrote two wars in this word. He wrote the warlord's counter -revolutionary war in the warlord, the revolutionary war of the Red Army, and the warlord fighting of the warlords who wrote anger and grievances. How brisk wrote the Red Army "jump over" and "go straight". The two wars form a clear contrast, but they are integrated.

Mao Zedong's wisely and decisively used the favorable conditions and opportunities of the "warlords to start war". It shows the invincible of the Red Army, an endless attack, and invincible.

The Seventh Party Congress of the Red Fourth Army was held -Longyan Citizen Primary School (some restoration picture)

"Packing up the golden one, the division is really busy." After expressed the capture of Longyan, Mao Zedong promptly instructed the Minxi Special Committee: "The situation of the western Fujian has been settled, and the special committee must have a outline for work in various places." So Fujian Deng Zi, Secretary of the Western Interim Special Committee, has formulated the basic tasks of the local party: "Give full mobilization of the majority of farmers, implement the land revolution, completely eliminate the feudal exploitation system, establish a red regime, expand people's armed forces, For a month, the land is allocated to realize the dream of farmers who want land for thousands of years. The poet adopted the peasant's spoken language "divide the field and the ground is really busy", especially the word "really busy" expressed the joy of the peasant as the master. The "busyness" of the "grievances" brought by the warlords and the red flags everywhere is not exactly the poetry of the revolutionaries and militaryist Mao Zedong's armed cutting thoughts?

Life is difficult to get old, and Chongyang year. Today, it is Chongyang.

The annual autumn wind is strong, not like spring. It looks like spring light, and it is a cream of Tianli River.

In October 1929, after the Red Fourth Army conquered Shanghang City, Mao Zedong lived in Linjiang Tower by the city river. At the time of the Chung Yeung Festival, the chrysanthemum along the coast of Tingjiang was blooming, and the golden fragrance was overwhelmed.

From December 28th to 29th, 1929, the Ninth Congress of the Red Fourth Army Party (Gutian Conference) was held in Gusty, Shanghang

This year, Mao Zedong used the favorable opportunity of the Jiang Gui war to greatly expand the revolutionary base. He led the Fourth Army to Fujian and created the western Fujian Revolutionary Base. This year he galloped the territory, and most of the time spent on the battlefield and horse back. He recorded the life of the battlefield with poetry, and he would sing the people's revolutionary war with the fearless heroic heroic spirit that dares to fight for victory and dare to fight.

"Chongyang every year. This year's Chung Yeung Festival is not the same as this year, and it is spent in the vigorous revolutionary situation. The Red Fourth Army entered Fujian three times, the first battle in Changlingzhai, three doors and three grams of Longyan City, attacking the iron Shanghang ... "The yellow flower of the battlefield is divided into fragrance".

In early 1929, during a period of time after leaving Jinggangshan, Mao Zedong's military road was thrilling and critical. It was always twists and turns, hoping to accompany disappointment.

Shanghang Linjiang Tower

On June 22, the Red Fourth Army held the seventh congress of the Red Fourth Army Party in Longyan City. However, because the thoughts of the party were unified, Mao Zedong's correct thoughts did not get everyone's recognition and support. After the meeting, Mao Zedong was forced to leave the former leadership of the Red Fourth Army to guide the work and recuperation in the western Fujian local. In the meantime, he was sick and struggling. Even so, he firmly believes that communism will win, and the Chinese revolution will win.

In autumn, in the pen of feudal doctors, the autumn wind, the decline, and the desolate scene. In Mao Zedong's eyes, it is "not like spring. Spring like spring," is "Little River Tianli Cream" -how in the strict frost, the flowers of the battlefield are also full of strong life and struggle. It is welcomed by the wind, which is extraordinarily fragrant. Such an eternal singing can only be generated by looking at the war with Marxist Leninism and describe the war. From the perspective of Mao Zedong and other proletarian revolutionaries, the war of justice revolution is a "grand festival" for the vast number of proletarian and labor people.

Ninghua, Qingliu, naturalized, and the roads are deep and slippery.

Where to be today, point to Wuyi Mountain. Under the mountains, the wind shows the red flag.

On January 7, 1930, in order to crush the enemy's "three provincial capitals" and realized the "winning Jiangxi" plan as soon as possible, Mao Zedong led the Red Fourth Army and the second column to start from Gutian for strategic transfer. Ready, prepare to turn over Wuyi Mountain and march towards Jiangxi. On the way to the march, Mao Zedong wrote this "Ru Meng Ling · New Year's Day".

Mao Zedong, Laifang Village, Gutian Town, Shanghang County

In December 1929, the Red Fourth Army held the Ninth Party Congress in Gutian. Based on the spirit of the Central Government's "September September" spirit, the conference summarized the experience of the Red Army's construction, criticized various wrong ideas, and insisted on building the people's army with the idea of ​​proletariat. The meeting passed the resolution written by Mao Zedong himself for the conference. This resolution completely established the Red Army on the basis of Marxism -Leninism and eliminated the influence of all old troops. This resolution was not only implemented in the Fourth Army of the Red Army. Later, the Red Army of each part of the Red Army did it. This made the Chinese Red Army completely a new and real people's army.

In January 1930, Mao Zedong led the Second Column of the Red Four Army to the Qingliu Linxuan. He lived briefly here, organized troops to repair, publicized the party and the Red Army's policy program, launched the masses, and broadcast the revolutionary fire.

On January 5, 1930, before leaving Minxi, the Red Four Army fought in Xiaochi, and Mao Zedong returned to Gutian to live in Laifang "Xiecheng Store". The pessimistic thoughts in the "New Year's Day Congratulations" to him wrote a reply, that is, the "Fire of Stars, which can be ejaculated", which was later published. With the scientific analysis of the proletarian strategist, Mao Zedong foresight the wisely, and he calls warmly in the language of the poem: "The climax of the Chinese Revolution is coming, and it is by no means that some people's so -called 'possibilities of arrival' have no action significance at all. Well, it is expected to be an empty thing. It is a ship that stands on the coast and looks at the sea. A round of the gossip, it is a baby who is restless in the mother's belly. " On the day when Mao Zedong completed this great book, he marched towards Jiangxi on the day of the rising sun in Dongsheng. On the way, Mao Zedong wrote "Ru Meng Ling · New Year's Day".

Tingzhou reorganization site: Changting Nanzhai Plaza

"Dream Order" is a typical short song. This little order is unique, has no charm, and does not have a life. In his pen, the little order is not small. The genre is small and powerful.

The first two sentences described the journey, "Ninghua, Qingliu, and naturalization", using three place names, and then using three phrases, "Luke", "Forest Deep", "Sliding Moss Slip", the sense of rhythm. Very strong, just show the difficulties and urgency in march. What a magnificent march. The whole word is clear, the rhythm is lingering, and the unimaginable dangerous environment is so easy. A good song that is free and fast.

"Qing Pingle · Jiang Gui War"

Although the poet's feet are difficult. The overall situation of western Fujian has been determined, and the mood is joyful, and the belief of the revolutionary climax is more firm. At the beginning of the Spring Festival, Vientiane was updated. After the convening of the Gutian Conference, the ideas within the army of the Red Fourth Army were unified and the pace was consistent. So where I went, "under the mountains, the red flags are picturesque." This red flag not only fluttered on the mountain, but also flew forever in the hearts of the poet.

In June, the heavenly soldiers recruited the evil, and the long -sighted long -sized long -sized must bind Kun Peng. The corner of the red side of Ganshui, the teacher borrowed Huang Gongluo.

Millions of workers and peasants were enthusiastic, sweeping Jiangxi Zhixiang and Hubei. The song of international tragedy, the Cyclonus rushed to me from the sky.

In July 1930, after the Red Army was reorganized in Tingzhou, Mao Zedong led the Red All Road to the road from Tingzhou to Changsha on the road to Changsha.

At this time, the strength and region of the Central Soviet Area began to enter the heyday. At this time, Mao Zedong's position within the party had undergone subtle changes. He began to be hit and excluded by the leader of the "left" of the party. It is the difficulty of the Chinese revolution that created Mao Zedong, a politician. It was the harsh and tragic revolutionary war that created Mao Zedong, a militaryist. It is also the stormy of the war career that created the poet Mao Zedong.

"Cai Sangzi · Chongyang"

In June 1930, the "left" leaving opportunity routes accounted for their dominant position within the party. They deny the imbalance between the revolutionary needs and the development of the revolutionary development, and deny that Mao Zedong's long -term idea of ​​creating rural bases with its main attention, surrounding the city with rural areas, and promoting the nationwide revolutionary climax. "" The concept and conservative concept of farmers' consciousness ", and advocated that all parts of the country must be prepared to uprising immediately. Under the guidance of this error route, an adventure plan for armed uprising in central cities across the country was set. On June 11, the "Left" "New Revolutionary Climax and the First Victory of the First or Premium" were passed. , Then "will be a teacher in Wuhan, drink the horse and the Yangtze River", and hit the big city. The Red Four Army, which was resting in Tingzhou, was reorganized by the Communist Party Central Committee and expanded to the First Army of the Red Army. The Red All -Road Army was ordered to attack Nanchang from Changting, and then captured Changsha with the Red Third Army to divide Wuhan. "Ru Meng Ling · New Year's Day"

The revolutionary journey is difficult. Mao Zedong knew that this was a "left" wrong route. With the weak Red Army, he went to the strong enemy of the big city, such as hitting stones with eggs, self -destruction. As early as 1929, Mao Zedong proposed the strategic policy of "fighting for Jiangxi, and at the same time as well as western Fujian and Western Zhejiang." In this operation, he was both different from the central government's public confrontation, and not the implementation of the three "left" lines. Take Jiujiang and Nanchang to establish the task of establishing the Jiangxi regime. Here Mao Zedong conveyed the task given by the Party Central Committee to seize Jiujiang and Nanchang, but it did not make further deployment and explanation. The purpose was to use this opportunity to rush to the city of Changsha and persuaded most of the three teams with a great patience. Cadres and soldiers moved south to attack Ji'an. Not only did the Red Army's strength, but also opened up the vast areas of southwestern Gan and East Hunan, and promoted the arrival of the revolutionary climax. "Millions of workers and peasants are enthusiastic, sweeping Jiangxi Zhixiang and Hubei." These two words reflect this strategic idea. It forms a clear contrast to the "left" leaving opportunity slogan of "Master Wuhan, Drinking Horse and Yangtze River". It is the core idea of ​​words, and it is also the "poetry" that the poet often says! Millions of workers and peasants enthusiastically participated in the revolution and formed a strong revolutionary force. The struggle not only burned Jiangxi, but also burned to Hunan and Hubei, and was unstoppable. "The international tragedy song, the madness is the fall of me." The impassioned emotions of the Red Army showed the Red Army led by the Communist Party, and rolled up a large revolutionary storm in southern China, like falling from the sky. This shows that Mao Zedong's strategic thought was not only formed in the practice of western Fujian and Jiangnan, but also confirmed by revolutionary practice.

From March 1929 to June 1930, the Red Fourth Army led by Mao Zedong, Zhu De, and Chen Yi entered Fujian three times, and established the western Fujian Revolutionary Base. The pioneering spirit of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries represented by Mao Zedong and the revolutionary practice in western Fujian have spawned the glorious thoughts and revolutionary poetry of guiding the Chinese revolution. The western Minxi became an important birthplace of Mao Zedong's thoughts. During this period, it became a mature period for Mao Zedong's poetry creation, and there was a lot of leap no matter the content of the content form. (The author is the former investigator of the Party History and Local Zhi Research Office of the Silla District Party Committee)

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