Phoenix Satellite TV records the three episodes of the "Non -Heritage Jiangxi" in the "Non -Heritage Jiangxi" from September 4th to 6th.

Author:Information daily Time:2022.09.04

It is often said that the preservation of paintings for thousands of years is always worrying. Numerous silk and paper art works have lost their glory in the years of years, and even suffered from moisture and mildew, and suffered more severe damage.

So is there a painting of paintings for hundreds of years or even thousands of years? The ancients were annoyed for this until painting and ceramic art encountered ...

Porcelain board and kindness

Earlier, porcelain paintings were just a decoration that attached to porcelain. In the Qing Dynasty, as literati painted porcelain, the white -tire porcelain board came into being. The birth of portraits on the porcelain is inseparable from a kind of devout culture flowing deep in the blood of the Chinese people, that is, traditional kindness and filial piety culture.

In traditional culture, the younger generations will use paper or silk to make ancestors' statues and wooden ancestors to sacrifice their ancestors. Regret.

The emergence of portrait portraits on porcelain solves this problem.

More than a hundred years ago, there was a well -known Lize Xuan porcelain village on the Zhongshan Road in Nanchang. The name of the porcelain village owner Liang Di Shi was like a golden signboard, representing the best quality of porcelain plate paintings.

The representative inheritance (municipal) of the national intangible cultural heritage representative project of porcelain plate paintings: Liang Daishi went to Nanchang, bought the Xiongjia Temple on Zhongshan Road, and rebuilt a four -story building by himself, which later, that is, later, it was later. Lize Xuan, and he opened Lize Xuan into the largest porcelain village in the world at that time, when a portrait was sold for 200 silver dollars.

Liang Rongshi

It was Liang Danshi that the "luxury goods" of the porcelain plate painting at the time had entered millions of households and became a need for the public's life. The wave of porcelain portraits in the province and the world has emerged.

"Second Life"

The production link "firing"

The biggest difference between porcelain plate paintings and other paintings is that after repeated high temperature firing, it has the immortality and difficulty fading of porcelain.

Whether it is the old and filial piety, or the new era for art and erection for the example, it can be circulated by the unique characteristics of porcelain plate paintings.

The "necessity" to "art" to "art" is Yang Houxing, the fifth -generation inheritor of porcelain painting.

He completed the change of coloring technology for monotonous black and white portraits, so that porcelain plate painting bid farewell to the indifference of color expression, had emotions, and obtained "second life".

Li Peng, a representative inheritor (municipal) representative inheritance (municipal) of the representative project of national intangible cultural heritage: In the porcelain painting line, porcelain portraits are the most stringent to choose porcelain plates. The glazed surface cannot have a small flaw, because it will be exposed to the face of your painted portrait.

Porcelain painting "Jordan"

The representative inheritor (provincial) of the national intangible cultural heritage representative project of porcelain plate paintings: During the process of painting "Jordan", I spent a lot of effort, very delicate and repeatedly, and it is very delicate and reeducated. The denseness of the sweat beads is too much, it is not possible to handle it, and it will not taste.

In the 1960s, the "Nanchang Arts and Crafts Factory" was established. Porcelain plate paintings have evolved from workshops to professional large -scale creation, so that more people can understand porcelain plate paintings, and they have created it for "artwork" to create "artworks". space.

State -level intangible cultural heritage representative project porcelain plate painting representative inheritance (municipal) Li Peng: In terms of Nanchang dialect, the Nanchang Arts and Crafts Factory was really "running" at that time. Everyone must complete more than twenty paintings every month, and it can't be painted, and the price is from one or two to seven or eight yuan.

It originated from the lino, but it became a gift from celebrities. Porcelain plate paintings are used as porcelain, and paintings are used. It is drawn by special pigments. It is a combination of painting and ceramic art. The inheritance and continuation of China's excellent traditional culture.

On the small porcelain plate, through the black and white ink color to the colorful and colorful, from a single portrait to a diverse theme. It passed the test of fire and the baptism of Chinese and Western culture, and the flower of art has grown in this special cultural soil in Nanchang, Jiangxi.

From September 4th to 6th, the record of the three episodes of "Non -Leveling Jiangxi" was broadcast in the Big Age, so stay tuned for watching

Production unit

Jiangxi Radio and Television Station

Source: Phoenix Satellite TV

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