Promote the spirit of building the party to build a quality fast track

Author:Shuangya Mountain Release Time:2022.06.20

——Tezhong Railway Construction Chongqing Rail Line 15 Phase II General Contracting Department organizes party members and cadres to carry out the "Celebration Seventh" theme party day visits and learning activities

As the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China is coming, in order to review the history of the party and sing the party's glory and great achievements, China Railway Construction Chongqing Rail Transit Line 15 Phase II Civil Engineering Commission has carried out the spirit of "promoting the spirit of building the party, creating to build Quality Express "Celebration of July 18th, the theme party day event, on the afternoon of June 18, organized party members and cadres to visit the Chongqing Hongyan Revolutionary Memorial Hall, the Eighth Route Army of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Chongqing Office, and the old residence of Rao Guo model.


Visit the Hongyan Revolution Memorial Hall

Entering the Hongyan Revolution Memorial Hall, under the leadership of the interpreter, I visited various exhibitions in turn, from a piece of cultural relics, a picture, and a moving story. A large number of Chinese Communist Party members and revolutionaries have worked hard for the cause of the Chinese revolutionary cause, and the spirit and determination of stubborn hard work.

At the former site of the Eighth Route Army of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in the Chongqing Office, everyone learned that during the War of Resistance Against Japan, Zhou Enlai, Dong Biwu, Ye Jianying, Deng Yingchao and other famous Chinese Communist Partys had lived and worked here, and made outstanding contributions to the victory of the Chinese Anti -Japanese War and many crooked and weeping crying. Deed.


Visit the former site of the Eighth Route Army in Chongqing Office

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Chairman Mao Zedong visited Chongqing to negotiate with the Kuomintang. He spent 41 days and nights here. Chongqing negotiated, Shangdang Battle, Chairman Mao sat in Hongyan, planned, and fought for thousands of miles. One page.

Through field visits and listening to the explanation, everyone feels that the revolutionary ancestors have a magnificent and arduous struggle, and they also have a more specific understanding of the spirit of Hongyan. The history of struggle is an important part of the party history.


Visit Rao Guo's Hometown Residence

When I went to the old home of Rao Guo, everyone was in the righteousness of the Red Rock Girl Jie Rao Guo. With his patriotism, he returned to the country, and he reached out to the Chinese Communist Party in danger. The movement was moved, and the respect of admiration.


The solemn oath of party members

After studying and visiting, all party members faced the party flag, raised their right hands, solemnly sworn, revisited the party's oath, remembered the beginning of the party, and repeated the attitude of entering the party. Everyone said: "Don't forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, take the ancestors as an example, inherit the party's excellent preaching, and brave the heavy responsibility in the construction of the track 15 of the orbit. Fast track, benefit the people of Bayu to make contributions. "


Take a group photo

"This visit and study allowed everyone to receive a profound party spirit education and revolutionary historical education. It not only strengthened the party members' cultivation, strengthened their ideals and beliefs, stimulated party members to love the party, patriotic enthusiasm, established the spirit of hard work, but also inspired party members to motivate party members. In the construction of the Chongqing rail transit project, cadres really do their best, overcome difficulties, forge ahead, safe and high quality and quickly complete the tasks of Chongqing Rail Line 15, and hold a gift to the party's 20th National Congress. " Wang Xiangping, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of the General Contracting Department. (Lin Chixi Yu Li Li Honghui Du Xiaoyan)

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