Non -heritage | Protection and dissemination of endangered folk literature in Pengzhou in the context of rural revitalization

Author:Cultural Tourism China Time:2022.09.09

There are many types and different contents of intangible cultural heritage in Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province. It is an important resource for promoting local economic development. Now how to combine the background of rural revitalization to promote non -heritage protection, it has become an important issue. This article uses Pengzhou City as a research object in the list of endangered non -heritage lists. First of all, based on the analysis of its dissemination status quo, it analyzes and put forward strategies on how to broaden the communication channels of folk literature in the era of new media. Secondly, under the help of rural revitalization strategies, how to combine with rural tourism, it has driven rural tourism through the development of rural tourism and achieved the purpose of increasing farmers' income to achieve the purpose of folk literature protection and communication.

Since the first batch of national non -heritage lists released by the State Council in 2006, the folk literature category as oral intangible cultural heritage has been listed as the first category, with irreplaceable inheritance value and academic value. At present, according to Pengzhou non -heritage project list, Pengzhou has found 84 Intangible cultural heritage projects, which cover folk literature, folklore, traditional skills, traditional music, cultural ecological protection zones, traditional dance, traditional medicine, traditional drama, traditional drama, traditional drama, traditional drama, traditional drama, traditional drama Traditional sports entertainment, folk customs and many categories. Four of them were listed as the Sichuan Provincial Protection List, and 12 were listed as the Chengdu -level non -heritage protection list. There are 24 non -heritage projects that are folk literature. They are currently facing inheritance dilemma and are in an endangered state. These 24 folk literature are the essence of rural culture in Pengzhou City. It forms a treasure trove of the rich intangible cultural heritage in Pengzhou. Only through communication can they get more vigorous vitality. This article uses Pengzhou City as a research object in the list of endangered non -heritage lists. First of all, based on the analysis of its dissemination status quo, it analyzes and put forward strategies on how to broaden the communication channels of folk literature in the era of new media. Secondly, the inheritance and protection practice of intangible cultural heritage is an important means and way to realize the strategy of rural revitalization. It is an indispensable endogenous force for socialist cultural construction. This article also discusses the combination of Pengzhou folk literature and rural tourism. Rural tourism has led to the rural industry and realizes farmers' income to achieve the purpose of folk literature protection and communication.

The current situation of the spread of endangered folk literature in Pengzhou

Most folk literature is in the era of traditional farming economy. It has oral and spoken communication methods. There is no prescribed time, space, no age and gender, and no knowledge requirements. It can become the creators of folk literature. Its creation is Unconscious, its way of spreading is the "mouth pass" method that uses the culture to inherit the culture and lasted for thousands of years.

Pengzhou has a history of more than 4,000 years, the double breeding of natural conditions and humanistic conditions, allowing Pengzhou's folk literature to have native literature, unique advantages, rich content, and have more prominent cultural value. Pengzhou City's folk literature should become the key protection target of Pengzhou and even the entire Sichuan Province. However, reality is not satisfactory.

According to survey statistics, only the main inheritors of Pengzhou's 24 folk literature are left with the inheritance of the two years of flowers and Li Chuanmao. The development of folk literature is facing the current situation of endangered loss, and protection and rescue are imminent.

The feasibility of spreading the transmission of new media in Pengzhou City

1. Non -genetic communication subjects and channels in the new media era are increasingly richer

After the full development and stimulus of the Internet, non -heritage has taken the fast channel of spreading. Evergreen has undergone major changes in the main body, channels, audiences, and fields. For example, the main body of the communication was spread by the original government -led and inheritors, and gradually expanded to media people's promotion, commercial non -heritage to integrate economic interests, and academic circles for non -heritage research and promotion. For another example, the non -heritage communication channels are mainly based on mainstream and industry media, to the emergence of new media, short videos, live broadcasts, and cultural and creative derivatives. Non -genetic channels have blossomed and developed rapidly. In particular, new media has become an important position for non -genetic communication.

2. The emergence of digital non -heritage in the new media era provides a more convenient way for communication

New things in the new media era- "digital non -heritage". Its emergence allowed technology to empower culture, let the younger generation speak for traditional culture, and provide us with more thinking. The first "Digital China" Construction Summit held in Fuzhou, Fujian in 2018 allowed the participants to bring VR glasses, scan AR cards, AR e -books and other tools to experience Chinese traditional non -heritage projects: lacquer painting, branding, branding, branding, branding Painting, Chinese paper -cutting, Mazu belief, and so on. In 2021, Nanjing Innovation Week's "Digital Non -Heritage International Innovation Life Festival" is committed to creating a new consumption scenario of digital non -heritage themes, giving new expression of traditional culture, and showing the deep integration of cultural and technological and international cooperation of cultural uniforms. The diversified use of new media fully illustrates that in the process of non -genetic communication, we must not only pay attention to preserving its true nature, but also pay attention to its activity -that is, the distance from the non -heritage and the public. Through digital sharing, people enter the non -heritage, turn non -heritage into cultural affairs of "visible", "can feel" and "want to learn", and then change people's lifestyle step by step.

Digital protection strategy of endangered folk literature in Pengzhou

1. Create protection strategy for digital platforms in the new media era

With the development of new media and the popularity of short videos, non -heritage is recorded and disseminated by digital ways. Pengzhou is the birthplace of ancient Shu civilization, leaving us with valuable intangible cultural heritage, but the lack of a large number of inheritors in folk literature protection has broken the carrier of this dissemination. Therefore, the use of new media for digital protection is necessary. Row. First of all, these folk literature non -heritage projects can use database systems and platforms to use virtual reality technology to achieve reproduction and dissemination of some projects to promote the protection and inheritance of non -heritage of non -living literature in Pengzhou. For example, use pictures, videos, animation, three -dimensional capture technology, virtual reality, 5G8K and other digital methods to restore and re -revise scenes, events or processes. , Legend, the recovery and reproduction of the story. Or, you can use online works such as TV series, variety shows, documentaries and other online works at any time. You can also shoot short videos (micro -movies, micro -records, 15 seconds micro -video), online celebrity live broadcast, digital special effects, AR and VR realistic presentation, attracting the masses Enjoy the immersive experience. The visual hearing and interactive on the new media platform enables non -survivating literature to realize the spread of virtual space, allows all users to gain a sense of substitution, and feel Chinese culture. 2. "Non -heritage +" digital model is used in folk literature dissemination and protection

The digital model of "non -heritage + cultural industry": Affected by the traditional agricultural economic environment of Pengzhou, it is difficult to get vitality in the modern market economy environment. How to integrate non -heritage resources into the cultural industry and how to use the operating model of the cultural industry to promote the vitality of non -heritage in the contemporary market economy and society, and achieving creative transformation and innovative development is the topic of the current cultural industry and non -heritage protection fields. We should break the traditional concepts and backward thinking, establish a new outlook on industrial development, to promote the healthy interaction of the development of the national cultural industry in Pengzhou and the protection of non -heritage protection, and realize the two -wheel drive of "economy" and "culture". With the changes in the context of the times, the inheritance and communication methods of folk literature should also be increasingly innovative.

"Non -legacy + artistic" digital model: We must artistic innovation of these folk literature and give them new vitality. For example, the three types of opera story films, cartoons, and drama are the most important means of performance of the artistic presentation of works. We can fully develop and use the three. In addition, the film, as one of the most influential mass communication media at the moment, can expand the awareness and influence of folk literature. The plot bridge, character image, and atmosphere of folk literature provide the film with relatively mature story resources and stable audience. Explore the effective combination of folk literature and film to promote the breakthrough and innovation of Chinese film creation aesthetics. The two obviously have a win -win value.

Countermeasures combining non -genetic inheritance and rural tourism

1. The relationship between non -heritage protection and cultural tourism in Pengzhou City

Non -heritage protection is the support of cultural tourism. Cultural tourism will in turn deepen non -heritage protection. The two are mutually promoted relationships. Combining the two can create longer long -term cultural and socio -economic value.

We want to integrate the text of the existing folk literature stories in Pengzhou and establish a classification standard pointed out in cultural tourism. For example, we can divide Pengzhou folk story into the following four categories:

First, the history of the family source. This kind of story mainly focuses on the history of living in Pengzhou, and is the key to understanding the ancient Pengzhou culture.

Second, celebrity legend stories. This kind of story mainly focuses on character legends, "Emperor Jianwen and Chen's Nine Mrs.", "Liu Tianguan's Gold Mine", "King Li Chuang and Yunjuyuan";

Third, the story of the local site scenery and style legend, "The Legend of Gexian Mountain", "Wei Yan and Gexian Mountain";

Fourth, fantasy stories, "The Legend of Yangping Dongtian" and "Legend of Radio Raditan".

Yunju Tower, Gexianshan Town, Pengzhou City (folk legend Li Chuang and the location of Yunjuyuan)

The above four types of stories are associated with each other. These four types of stories are the most important and richest categories in Pengzhou folk stories. A reasonable story classification is conducive to the protection and inheritance of Pengzhou folk stories, and on the other hand, it can effectively convert the story data into cultural tourism resources.

2. Create a new cultural tourism model based on Pengzhou folk story

The lack of cultural tourism is passive water and no wood. The Pengzhou area has rich archeological culture, historical culture, and national culture, which is largely reflected in folk memory represented by Pengzhou East Mongolian folk story. The above -mentioned non -heritage protection work can provide direct cultural support for cultural tourism. On this basis, we must promote the development of Pengzhou's cultural tourism industry from the following five aspects:

(1) Centered on non -heritage bases: Visitors become transmitted carriers

We must make good use of Pengzhou Bai Porcelain Art Center, Hawozi Ancient Town and other Sichuan Provincial Non -heritage project experience bases and venue bases to plan their cultural functions on the whole and highlight their own market characteristics. For example, Pengzhou Bai Porcelain Art Center was listed as the first batch of Sichuan Provincial Non -Heritage Project Experience Base in 2019, and was named the third batch of "New Tourism · Chao Chengdu" original art life theme tourism purpose in Chengdu Land, was selected as a rural culture and tourism -human support project by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism; in 2020, it was rated as the seventh batch of municipal non -heritage representative projects in Chengdu in 2020, and won the first batch of Sichuan cultural and creative markets. Sea -eye, Qu Shangdu Square, the Plaza Plaza, and several small theaters are set up in the ancient town of Hawozi. In August 2011, the Chengdu Municipal Government was awarded the title of "Chengdu History and Cultural Town". In 2017, the third batch of characteristic commercial districts of Chengdu was successfully created. The event was included in the fifth batch of intangible cultural heritage projects in Pengzhou. We need to point out the non -heritage cultural tourism, speed up the construction of Pengzhou non -heritage tourism routes, make the non -heritage project experience base a position for inheritance and dissemination of Pengzhou folk literature, become a beautiful business card for Pengzhou cultural tourism, stimulate tourists' interest, so that tourists will understand in -depth understanding At the same time as the Charm of Pengzhou, they made them a carrier of Pengzhou culture.

(2) Centered on festivals: make the residents a transmission carrier

In our lives, festivals are different from the critical period of time, and it is also a cultural time with distinctive characteristics in ethnic areas. We should seize the opportunity of festival opportunities to show the charm of Pengzhou's folk cultural charm and develop a comprehensive tourism economy. For example, make full use of the "Tianpeng Peony Flower Club" and "March Three Guxian Mountain Temple Fair" and other non -genetic homestay holiday cultural time, on the basis of traditional rituals, songs and dances and sports activities, planning non -heritage series will be performed in this period. Create a strong holiday cultural atmosphere together. At that time, non -genetic inheritors such as Sichuan opera can be invited to sing the script adapted from these folk literature in an oral singing method, injecting the moving power of the festival culture, and enhancing interaction and appeal. The exhibition time is not limited to one day, and it can be planned as the national holiday culture season. The annual Gexian Mountain Pastoral Flower Festivals are fundamentally the biggest traditional festival of Pengzhou people. It can be used as the time for cultural tourism concentration, but it cannot dilute its festival theme and cannot lose its originality.

(3) Centers with tourist attractions: Create a cultural tourism that experiences in -depth experience of non -heritage

Tourist attractions have a unique natural scenery, historical and humanistic spirit, or both, and can become a tourist destination. Pengzhou tourist attractions have rich legendary stories regardless of natural scenic spots or historical and humanistic sites. We should enhance our understanding and use of the stories of non -survivors. For example, the story is incorporated into the guide's words and enriched the content of the explanation. At the same time, strengthen the training of the tour guide and volunteer team, and strive to carry out a flexible and diverse verbal story based on the interests of tourists. Get rid of the boring and rough program. Another example is to integrate the story into the attraction

Introduction, tourist guidelines and commemorative manuals and other text materials for tourists to read, and provide convenience for tourists to understand Pengzhou culture when lingering landscapes and visiting ruins.

(4) Centered on the content of the story: Create "Pengzhou Beauty" cultural tourism

Feeling different local customs is the original intention of cultural tourism. After visiting the local natural and human landscapes, or participating in the grand national festival, the storytelling can allow tourists to experience the local sentiment and experience the fun and happiness that the story brings to people. We must realize that Pengzhou's folk stories are not just the vast text relics, but the vibrant folk culture of the inheritor's tireless and people. It is inseparable from the inheritor. The non -genetic inheritance is the key to the Pengzhou story that is inherited with the characteristics of Pengzhou folk story.我们可以尝试在民间故事所在乡镇建设以非遗体验为特色的民宿,当每个家乡人都是“传承人”,通过当地人自然地讲述,游客自然能聆听到最动听的彭州故事,让这些Non -survivors have spread.

(5) Product -centered: Create cultural tourism containing non -heritage cultural products

What kind of tourist cultural and creative products will be purchased by tourists? One is a product with unique and practical value, and the other is a product with local cultural characteristics and beautiful meaning. Folk stories are a cultural interpretation. There are many stories that bring people's spiritual strength, beautiful meaning and blessings, some are ancient, some are touching, and some are touching. The connection with these stories can be increased with the added value of tourism products and creates a one. Mental demand for tourism non -heritage products. The story can be widely focused on the various types of tourism cultural and creative products in the scenic area, and you can also pay attention to other non -heritage research tourism, such as Pengzhou's famous osmanthus earthen pottery and white porcelain.


In the process of the development of intangible cultural heritage in the development of rural culture, it has an incredible cultural value and supporting role in the development practice of rural culture. It is the core cornerstone of the solid development of rural revitalization. Development can not only be well protected and inherited by rural folk culture, but also helps show the unique historical charm of the culture of Pengzhou region.

About the Author:

Yu Wan, an associate researcher at the Sichuan Media College, engaged in non -heritage brand management, corporate cultural management research Xiao Yulin, assistant researcher of Sichuan Media Institute, engaged in non -heritage culture collation and research

Fang Li, Cultural Station of Gexianshan Town, Pengzhou City

(Photo confession at Yunju Village, Gexianshan Town, Pengzhou)

Responsible editor: Gou Xiaoqing

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