Intently -Li He's sculpture exhibition China Art Museum exhibits exhibition

Author:Cultural vertical Time:2022.06.20

The "Intent Sites -Li He Sculpture Works Exhibition" hosted by the China Art Museum met with the audience on June 18. This exhibition is one of the academic invitation series exhibitions of the China Art Museum, presenting 16 sculpture works carefully created by Li He, showing the creative status and artistic ideals of the sculptor.

Wu Weishan, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, director of the China Art Museum, and vice chairman of the Chinese Academy of Arts, believes that in the first half of the 20th century, a group of Chinese students studying sculptures in the West, from ancient Greece, ancient Roman to Renaissance, French classicalism, realistic tradition, realistic traditional traditions Become the main content of learning. In the 1950s, Chinese students went to the Soviet Union to study. Soviet sculptures are also characterized by realism. These two types of sculptures have enabled the Chinese to learn how to build portraits and monuments. Since the reform and opening up, various expression concepts and methods in Western modernism have had a great impact on Chinese art. In such a complex and diverse cultural environment, Li He has both the college's rigorous learning and teaching experience, but also pays attention to the popularity, especially the dedication of Chinese art and freehand aesthetics.

Li He "attaches more importance to the expression of 'meaning' when accurately expressing objective objects. Its meaning is born of the character of the characters on the one hand. Concentrated reflection; on the other hand, the creator is influenced by various types of sculptures. When it touches the time of being plastic, the creator makes a imagination of expression forms. "

Li He, deputy secretary, professor, and doctoral supervisor of the School of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, mainly engaged in the research on the creation of elephant sculpture, and public art creation and theoretical research. work.

During the exhibition, Li He donated a group of personal representative works to the China Art Museum, which was permanently collected.

The exhibition is presented on the 11th floor of the China Art Museum, and the exhibition is from July 6 (closed museum).

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